
miniPicoLisp with FFI and modules for Buddy BDD library, OpenGL, Gtk and GMP
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math.c (9592B)

      1 /* 01apr08abu
      2  * (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
      3  */
      5 #include "pico.h"
      7 static void divErr(any ex) {err(ex,NULL,"Div/0");}
      9 /* Number of bytes */
     10 int numBytes(any x) {
     11    int n = 4;
     12    word w = (word)x >> 2;
     14    if ((w & 0xFF000000) == 0) {
     15       --n;
     16       if ((w & 0xFF0000) == 0) {
     17          --n;
     18          if ((w & 0xFF00) == 0)
     19             --n;
     20       }
     21    }
     22    return n;
     23 }
     25 /* Make number from symbol */
     26 any symToNum(any s, int scl, int sep, int ign) {
     27    unsigned c;
     28    int i;
     29    word w;
     30    bool sign, frac;
     31    long n;
     33    if (!(c = getByte1(&i, &w, &s)))
     34       return NULL;
     35    while (c <= ' ')  /* Skip white space */
     36       if (!(c = getByte(&i, &w, &s)))
     37          return NULL;
     38    sign = NO;
     39    if (c == '+'  ||  c == '-' && (sign = YES))
     40       if (!(c = getByte(&i, &w, &s)))
     41          return NULL;
     42    if ((c -= '0') > 9)
     43       return NULL;
     44    frac = NO;
     45    n = c;
     46    while ((c = getByte(&i, &w, &s))  &&  (!frac || scl)) {
     47       if ((int)c == sep) {
     48          if (frac)
     49             return NULL;
     50          frac = YES;
     51       }
     52       else if ((int)c != ign) {
     53          if ((c -= '0') > 9)
     54             return NULL;
     55          n = n * 10 + c;
     56          if (frac)
     57             --scl;
     58       }
     59    }
     60    if (c) {
     61       if ((c -= '0') > 9)
     62          return NULL;
     63       if (c >= 5)
     64          n += 1;
     65       while (c = getByte(&i, &w, &s)) {
     66          if ((c -= '0') > 9)
     67             return NULL;
     68       }
     69    }
     70    if (frac)
     71       while (--scl >= 0)
     72          n *= 10;
     73    return box(sign? -n : n);
     74 }
     76 /* Make symbol from number */
     77 any numToSym(any x, int scl, int sep, int ign) {
     78    int i;
     79    word w;
     80    cell c1;
     81    long n;
     82    byte *p, buf[BITS/2];
     84    n = unBox(x);
     85    putByte0(&i, &w, &x);
     86    if (n < 0) {
     87       n = -n;
     88       putByte('-', &i, &w, &x, &c1);
     89    }
     90    for (p = buf;;) {
     91       *p = n % 10;
     92       if ((n /= 10) == 0)
     93          break;
     94       ++p;
     95    }
     96    if ((scl = p - buf - scl) < 0) {
     97       putByte('0', &i, &w, &x, &c1);
     98       putByte(sep, &i, &w, &x, &c1);
     99       while (scl < -1)
    100          putByte('0', &i, &w, &x, &c1),  ++scl;
    101    }
    102    for (;;) {
    103       putByte(*p + '0', &i, &w, &x, &c1);
    104       if (--p < buf)
    105          return popSym(i, w, x, &c1);
    106       if (scl == 0)
    107          putByte(sep, &i, &w, &x, &c1);
    108       else if (ign  &&  scl > 0  &&  scl % 3 == 0)
    109          putByte(ign, &i, &w, &x, &c1);
    110       --scl;
    111    }
    112 }
    114 // (format 'num ['num ['sym1 ['sym2]]]) -> sym
    115 // (format 'sym ['num ['sym1 ['sym2]]]) -> num
    116 any doFormat(any ex) {
    117    int scl, sep, ign;
    118    any x, y;
    119    cell c1;
    121    x = cdr(ex),  Push(c1, EVAL(car(x)));
    122    NeedAtom(ex,data(c1));
    123    x = cdr(x),  y = EVAL(car(x));
    124    scl = isNil(y)? 0 : xNum(ex, y);
    125    sep = '.';
    126    ign = 0;
    127    if (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    128       y = EVAL(car(x));
    129       NeedSymb(ex,y);
    130       sep = firstByte(y);
    131       if (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    132          y = EVAL(car(x));
    133          NeedSymb(ex,y);
    134          ign = firstByte(y);
    135       }
    136    }
    137    data(c1) = isNum(data(c1))?
    138       numToSym(data(c1), scl, sep, ign) :
    139       symToNum(name(data(c1)), scl, sep, ign) ?: Nil;
    140    return Pop(c1);
    141 }
    143 // (+ 'num ..) -> num
    144 any doAdd(any ex) {
    145    any x, y;
    146    long n;
    148    x = cdr(ex);
    149    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    150       return Nil;
    151    NeedNum(ex,y);
    152    n = unBox(y);
    153    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    154       if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    155          return Nil;
    156       NeedNum(ex,y);
    157       n += unBox(y);
    158    }
    159    return box(n);
    160 }
    162 // (- 'num ..) -> num
    163 any doSub(any ex) {
    164    any x, y;
    165    long n;
    167    x = cdr(ex);
    168    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    169       return Nil;
    170    NeedNum(ex,y);
    171    n = unBox(y);
    172    if (!isCell(x = cdr(x)))
    173       return box(-n);
    174    do {
    175       if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    176          return Nil;
    177       NeedNum(ex,y);
    178       n -= unBox(y);
    179    } while (isCell(x = cdr(x)));
    180    return box(n);
    181 }
    183 // (inc 'num) -> num
    184 // (inc 'var ['num]) -> num
    185 any doInc(any ex) {
    186    any x, y;
    187    cell c1;
    189    x = cdr(ex);
    190    if (isNil(data(c1) = EVAL(car(x))))
    191       return Nil;
    192    if (isNum(data(c1)))
    193       return (any)(num(data(c1)) + 4);
    194    CheckVar(ex,data(c1));
    195    if (!isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    196       if (isNil(val(data(c1))))
    197          return Nil;
    198       NeedNum(ex,val(data(c1)));
    199       val(data(c1)) = (any)(num(val(data(c1))) + 4);
    200    }
    201    else {
    202       Save(c1);
    203       y = EVAL(car(x));
    204       drop(c1);
    205       if (isNil(val(data(c1))) || isNil(y))
    206          return Nil;
    207       NeedNum(ex,val(data(c1)));
    208       NeedNum(ex,y);
    209       val(data(c1)) = box(unBox(val(data(c1))) + unBox(y));
    210    }
    211    return val(data(c1));
    212 }
    214 // (dec 'num) -> num
    215 // (dec 'var ['num]) -> num
    216 any doDec(any ex) {
    217    any x, y;
    218    cell c1;
    220    x = cdr(ex);
    221    if (isNil(data(c1) = EVAL(car(x))))
    222       return Nil;
    223    if (isNum(data(c1)))
    224       return (any)(num(data(c1)) - 4);
    225    CheckVar(ex,data(c1));
    226    if (!isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    227       if (isNil(val(data(c1))))
    228          return Nil;
    229       NeedNum(ex,val(data(c1)));
    230       val(data(c1)) = (any)(num(val(data(c1))) - 4);
    231    }
    232    else {
    233       Save(c1);
    234       y = EVAL(car(x));
    235       drop(c1);
    236       if (isNil(val(data(c1))) || isNil(y))
    237          return Nil;
    238       NeedNum(ex,val(data(c1)));
    239       NeedNum(ex,y);
    240       val(data(c1)) = box(unBox(val(data(c1))) - unBox(y));
    241    }
    242    return val(data(c1));
    243 }
    245 // (* 'num ..) -> num
    246 any doMul(any ex) {
    247    any x, y;
    248    long n;
    250    x = cdr(ex);
    251    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    252       return Nil;
    253    NeedNum(ex,y);
    254    n = unBox(y);
    255    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    256       if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    257          return Nil;
    258       NeedNum(ex,y);
    259       n *= unBox(y);
    260    }
    261    return box(n);
    262 }
    264 // (*/ 'num1 ['num2 ..] 'num3) -> num
    265 any doMulDiv(any ex) {
    266    any x, y;
    267    long long n;
    269    x = cdr(ex);
    270    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    271       return Nil;
    272    NeedNum(ex,y);
    273    n = unBox(y);
    274    for (;;) {
    275       x = cdr(x);
    276       if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    277          return Nil;
    278       NeedNum(ex,y);
    279       if (!isCell(cdr(x)))
    280          break;
    281       n *= unBox(y);
    282    }
    283    if (y == Zero)
    284       divErr(ex);
    285    return box((long)((n + unBox(y)/2) / unBox(y)));
    286 }
    288 // (/ 'num ..) -> num
    289 any doDiv(any ex) {
    290    any x, y;
    291    long n;
    293    x = cdr(ex);
    294    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    295       return Nil;
    296    NeedNum(ex,y);
    297    n = unBox(y);
    298    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    299       if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    300          return Nil;
    301       NeedNum(ex,y);
    302       if (y == Zero)
    303          divErr(ex);
    304       n /= unBox(y);
    305    }
    306    return box(n);
    307 }
    309 // (% 'num ..) -> num
    310 any doRem(any ex) {
    311    any x, y;
    312    long n;
    314    x = cdr(ex);
    315    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    316       return Nil;
    317    NeedNum(ex,y);
    318    n = unBox(y);
    319    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    320       if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    321          return Nil;
    322       NeedNum(ex,y);
    323       if (y == Zero)
    324          divErr(ex);
    325       n %= unBox(y);
    326    }
    327    return box(n);
    328 }
    330 // (>> 'num 'num) -> num
    331 any doShift(any ex) {
    332    any x, y;
    333    long n;
    335    x = cdr(ex),  n = evNum(ex,x);
    336    x = cdr(x);
    337    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    338       return Nil;
    339    NeedNum(ex,y);
    340    if (n > 0)
    341       return box(unBox(y) >> n);
    342    return box(unBox(y) << -n);
    343 }
    345 // (lt0 'any) -> num | NIL
    346 any doLt0(any x) {
    347    x = cdr(x);
    348    return isNum(x = EVAL(car(x))) && num(x)<0? x : Nil;
    349 }
    351 // (ge0 'any) -> num | NIL
    352 any doGe0(any x) {
    353    x = cdr(x);
    354    return isNum(x = EVAL(car(x))) && num(x)>=0? x : Nil;
    355 }
    357 // (gt0 'any) -> num | NIL
    358 any doGt0(any x) {
    359    x = cdr(x);
    360    return isNum(x = EVAL(car(x))) && num(x)>num(Zero)? x : Nil;
    361 }
    363 // (abs 'num) -> num
    364 any doAbs(any ex) {
    365    any x;
    367    x = cdr(ex);
    368    if (isNil(x = EVAL(car(x))))
    369       return Nil;
    370    NeedNum(ex,x);
    371    return num(x)<0? box(-unBox(x)) : x;
    372 }
    374 // (bit? 'num ..) -> num | NIL
    375 any doBitQ(any ex) {
    376    any x, y, z;
    378    x = cdr(ex),  y = EVAL(car(x));
    379    NeedNum(ex,y);
    380    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    381       if (isNil(z = EVAL(car(x))))
    382          return Nil;
    383       NeedNum(ex,z);
    384       if ((unBox(y) & unBox(z)) != unBox(y))
    385          return Nil;
    386    }
    387    return y;
    388 }
    390 // (& 'num ..) -> num
    391 any doBitAnd(any ex) {
    392    any x, y, z;
    394    x = cdr(ex);
    395    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    396       return Nil;
    397    NeedNum(ex,y);
    398    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    399       if (isNil(z = EVAL(car(x))))
    400          return Nil;
    401       NeedNum(ex,z);
    402       y = box(unBox(y) & unBox(z));
    403    }
    404    return y;
    405 }
    407 // (| 'num ..) -> num
    408 any doBitOr(any ex) {
    409    any x, y, z;
    411    x = cdr(ex);
    412    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    413       return Nil;
    414    NeedNum(ex,y);
    415    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    416       if (isNil(z = EVAL(car(x))))
    417          return Nil;
    418       NeedNum(ex,z);
    419       y = box(unBox(y) | unBox(z));
    420    }
    421    return y;
    422 }
    424 // (x| 'num ..) -> num
    425 any doBitXor(any ex) {
    426    any x, y, z;
    428    x = cdr(ex);
    429    if (isNil(y = EVAL(car(x))))
    430       return Nil;
    431    NeedNum(ex,y);
    432    while (isCell(x = cdr(x))) {
    433       if (isNil(z = EVAL(car(x))))
    434          return Nil;
    435       NeedNum(ex,z);
    436       y = box(unBox(y) ^ unBox(z));
    437    }
    438    return y;
    439 }
    441 // (sqrt 'num) -> num
    442 any doSqrt(any ex) {
    443    any x;
    444 	long a, b, n, r;
    446    x = cdr(ex);
    447    if (isNil(x = EVAL(car(x))))
    448       return Nil;
    449    NeedNum(ex,x);
    450 	if ((n = unBox(x)) < 0)
    451       err(ex, x, "Bad argument");
    452 	r = 0;
    453 	a = 1L << 28;
    454 	do {
    455 		b = r + a;
    456 		r >>= 1;
    457 		if (b <= n)
    458 			n -= b,  r += a;
    459 	} while (a >>= 2);
    460 	return box(r);
    461 }
    463 static u_int64_t Seed;
    464 #define hi(t)     (word)((t) >> 32)
    466 // (seed 'num) -> num
    467 any doSeed(any ex) {
    468    return box(hi(Seed = evNum(ex,cdr(ex)) * 6364136223846793005LL + 1));
    469 }
    471 // (rand ['num1 'num2] | ['T]) -> num | flg
    472 any doRand(any ex) {
    473    any x;
    474    long n;
    476    x = cdr(ex);
    477    Seed = Seed * 6364136223846793005LL + 1;
    478    if (isNil(x = EVAL(car(x))))
    479       return box(hi(Seed));
    480    if (x == T)
    481       return hi(Seed) & 1 ? T : Nil;
    482    n = xNum(ex,x);
    483    return box(n + hi(Seed) % (evNum(ex,cddr(ex)) + 1 - n));
    484 }