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picowiki.l (19032B)

      1 #!/home/tomas/picolisp/bin/picolisp /home/tomas/picolisp/lib.l
      2 # siege -b -c 5 http://localhost:8080
      4 # *Cp
      6 (load "@ext.l" "@lib/http.l" "@lib/xml.l")
      7 (load "er.l" "rcs.l" "rss.l")
      9 (allowed () "@start" p x b)
     11 ###########################
     13 (setq *Host "logand.com") # TODO remove this
     21 (de renderEdit (Page)
     22    (<form> "post" (pageUrl Page 'edit)
     23       (<h1> NIL (ht:Prin "Edit '" Page "' page"))
     24       (let *T (readPage Page)
     25          (<area> 78 20 '*T))
     26       (<p> NIL
     27          (<b> ,"Summary of changes:") " " (<field> 40 '*S))
     28       (<p> NIL
     29          (<b> ,"Captcha (enter the word 'pico' here):") " "
     30          (<field> 10 '*C))
     31       (<p> NIL
     32          (<b> ,"Your name:") " " (<field> 40 '*N))
     33       (<p> NIL
     34          (<check> '*R)
     35          (<b> ,"Check this box to fill in your name automatically next time")
     36          ," (uses a cookie)")
     37       (<p> NIL
     38          (<submit> "Preview")
     39          (<reset> "Reset")
     40          (<href> ,"View page"  (pageUrl Page 'view)))))
     43 (de renderPreview (Page)
     44    (<form> "post" (pageUrl Page 'edit)
     45       (<div> 'page
     46          (<h1> NIL (ht:Prin "Preview '" Page "' page"))
     47          (let F (mktemp)
     48             (out F (prin *T))
     49             (in F (markup (_markup)))
     50             (call "rm" "-f" F)))
     51       (<p> NIL
     52          (<hidden> '*T *T)
     53          (<hidden> '*S *S)
     54          (<hidden> '*C *C)
     55          (<hidden> '*N *N)
     56          (<hidden> '*R *R)
     57          (<hidden> '*P T)
     58          (<submit> "Save")
     59          (<href> ,"View page"  (pageUrl Page 'view)))))
     62 (de render (Page Mode)
     63    (case Page
     64       ("rss" (rss))
     65       (T
     66    (let F (pageFile Page)
     67       (html
     68          # TODO allow caching (if Edit 0 (* 60 60 24 1)) # 1 day
     69          (unless (= Mode 'view) 0)
     70          (pack "picoWiki: " Page)
     71          (pack "http://" *Host "/picoWiki/picoWiki.css") NIL
     72          #==
     73          (<form> "post" (pageUrl Page 'search)
     74             (<p> 'menu
     75                "picoWiki:"
     76                " " (<href2> 'i "Home" (pageUrl "picoWiki" 'view))
     77                " " (<ilink> "All")
     78                " " (<ilink> "Changes")
     79                " " (<ilink> "Formatting")
     80                " " (<ilink> "Sandbox")
     81                (when (and (info F) (editablePage Page))
     82                   (prin " | ") (<href> ,"Edit"  (pageUrl Page 'edit))
     83                   (prin " ") (<href> ,"History"  (pageUrl Page 'changes)))
     84                " " (<field> 20 '*Q) (<submit> "Search")))
     85          (<hr>)
     86          (case Page
     87             ("Changes" (renderChanges Page))
     88             (T (case Mode
     89                   (view (renderView Page))
     90                   (edit (renderEdit Page))
     91                   (preview (renderPreview Page))
     92                   (changes (renderChanges Page)))))
     93          (<hr>)
     94          (<p> NIL
     95             "This page is linked from:"
     96             (for P (grep Page)
     97                (unless (= P Page)
     98                   (prin " ") (<href2> 'i P (pageUrl P 'view)))))
     99          (<p> NIL
    100             (when (info F)
    101                (prin "Revisions: ")
    102                (let (V (latestVersion Page)
    103                      C V)
    104                   (for N '(9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
    105                      (let W (- V N)
    106                         (when (< 0 W)
    107                            (prin " ")
    108                            (if (= W C)
    109                               (<b> W)
    110                               (prin W))))))
    111                (prin " ")
    112                (<href> ,"View source" (pageUrl Page 'source))
    113                (prin " XHTML")
    114                (<sup>
    115                   (<href2> 'e "V"
    116                      (pack "http://validator.w3.org/check?uri="
    117                         "http://" *Host "/picoWiki/" (pageUrl Page 'view))))
    118                (prin " | "))
    119             (<href> ,"RSS" (pageUrl "rss" 'view))
    120             (<sup>
    121                (<href2> 'e "V"
    122                   (pack "http://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url="
    123                      "http://" *Host "/picoWiki/" (pageUrl "rss" 'view)))))
    124          (<p> NIL
    125             "picoWiki pages can be edited by anyone at any time. Imagine a fearsomely comprehensive disclaimer of liability. Now fear, comprehensively"))))))
    127 (de grep (Page)
    128    (chdir (pageFile)
    129       (in (list "sh" "-c" (pack "grep '\{" Page "}' *.txt"))
    130          (let X NIL
    131             (until (eof)
    132                (push1 'X
    133                   (pack (reverse (cddddr (reverse (car (split (line) ":"))))))))
    134             X))))
    136 (de latestVersion (Page)
    137    (let? F (pageFile Page)
    138       (when (info F)
    139          (in (list "rlog" "-h" F)
    140             (catch 'version
    141                (until (eof)
    142                   (let L (line)
    143                      (when (match '("h" "e" "a" "d" ":" " " "1" "." @N) L)
    144                         (throw 'version (format (pack @N)))))))))))
    148 (de editablePage (Page)
    149    (not (member Page '("Changes" "rss"))))
    151 (de writePage (Page Text Msg Name)
    152    (let V (latestVersion Page)
    153       (let F (pageFile Page)
    154          (w/rcs F Msg
    155             (out F (prin Text)) ) )
    156       (let V2 (latestVersion Page)
    157          (unless (= V V2)
    158             (let F (pageFile "Changes")
    159                (w/rcs F "upd"
    160                   (out (pack "+" F)
    161                      (println (datStr (date)) (tim$ (time T) T) Name Page V2 Msg) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    163 (de pageUrl (Page Mode)
    164    (case Mode
    165       (source (pack "/picoWiki/pages/" Page ".txt"))
    166       (view Page)
    167       (search "?s")
    168       (edit (pack Page "?e"))
    169       (changes (pack Page "?c"))))
    172 #      P (or (if (pre? "@" Q) (pack (cdr (chop Q))) Q) "picoWiki") #####
    173 ## (let (M (sys "REQUEST_METHOD")
    174 ##       Q (sys "QUERY_STRING")
    175 ##       C (cookies)
    176 ##       P (or (pack (cdr (chop (sys "PATH_INFO")))) "picoWiki"))
    177 ##    (setq P (ht:Pack (chop P))) #(_htDecode (chop P)))
    178 ##    (let? N (cadr (find '((X) (= (car X) "picoWiki.n")) C))
    179 ##       (setq *N N)
    180 ##       (on *R))
    181 ##    (ifn (= "POST" M)
    182 ##       (render P
    183 ##          (case Q
    184 ##             ("e" 'edit)
    185 ##             ("c" 'changes)
    186 ##             (T 'view)))
    187 ##       (for X (post)
    188 ##          (case (pack (car X))
    189 ##             ("*T" (setq *T (_htDecode (cadr X))))
    190 ##             ("*S" (setq *S (_htDecode (cadr X))))
    191 ##             ("*C" (setq *C (_htDecode (cadr X))))
    192 ##             ("*N" (setq *N (_htDecode (cadr X))))
    193 ##             ("*R" (setq *R (_htDecode (cadr X))))
    194 ##             ("*Q" (setq *Q (_htDecode (cadr X))))
    195 ##             ("*P" (setq *P (_htDecode (cadr X))))))
    196 ##       (ifn (and *T *S (= "pico" *C) *N)
    197 ##          (render P 'edit)
    198 ##          (ifn *P
    199 ##             (prog
    200 ##                (cookie "picoWiki.n" (when *R *N))
    201 ##                (render P 'preview))
    202 ##             (writePage P *T *S *N)
    203 ##             (redirect P)))))
    206 #################################
    208 # TODO convert to unix line endings! ^M^J => ^J, ^M => ^J
    210 (de eatName (V)
    211    (when (and (<= "A" (car (val V)) "Z") (<= "a" (cadr (val V)) "z"))
    212       (make (link (pop V) (pop V))
    213          (while (<= "a" (car (val V)) "z")
    214             (link (pop V)) ) ) ) )
    216 (de eatWikiName (V)
    217    (make
    218       (while (eatName V)
    219          (link @) ) ) )
    221 (de eatUrl (V)
    222    (when (or (head '`(chop "http:") (val V))
    223             (head '`(chop "https:") (val V))
    224             (head '`(chop "mailto:") (val V)) )
    225       (make
    226          (while (and (val V) (not (member (car (val V)) '`(chop " ^I^J"))))
    227             (link (pop V)) ) ) ) )
    229 (de pgName? (Nm)
    230    (when Nm
    231       (if (atom Nm)
    232          (pgName? (chop Nm))
    233          (let (L Nm W (eatWikiName 'L))
    234             (and (not L) (cadr W) W) ) ) ) )
    236 (de markupLink (P)
    237    (let Q (pack P)
    238       (cond
    239          ((member Q '("EditPage" "RecentChanges" "FindPage" "SignIn" "SignUp"))
    240           (<xml> a href (pack "./?p=" *Cp "&x=" Q) (xprin P)) )
    241          ((db 'nm '+Pg Q)
    242           (<xml> a href (pack "./?p=" P) (xprin P)) )
    243          (T (xprin P)
    244             (<xml> a href (pack "./?p=" P "&x=EditPage") (xprin "?")) ) ) ) )
    246 (de markupUrl (U)
    247    (cond
    248       ((head '`(chop "mailto:") U)
    249        (<xml> a href U (xprin (tail -7 U))) )
    250       ((head '`(chop "http://ondoc.logand.com/") U)
    251        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[OnDoc]")) )
    252       ((head '`(chop "http://logand.com/") U)
    253        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[LogAnd]")) )
    254       ((or (head '`(chop "http://maps.google.com/") U)
    255           (head '`(chop "http://maps.google.co.uk/") U) )
    256        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[GoogleMap]")) )
    257       ((head '`(chop "http://en.wikipedia.org/") U)
    258        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[WikiPedia]")) )
    259       ((head '`(chop "http://c2.com/") U)
    260        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[WikiWikiWeb]")) )
    261       ((head '`(chop "http://www.mail-archive.com/") U)
    262        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[MailArchive]")) )
    263       ((head '`(chop "http://www.reddit.com/") U)
    264        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[RedditCom]")) )
    265       ((head '`(chop "http://www.lispworks.com/documentation/HyperSpec/") U)
    266        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[HyperSpec]")) )
    267       ((head '`(chop "http://norvig.com/") U)
    268        (<xml> a href U (xprin "[PeterNorvig]")) )
    269       (T (<xml> a href U (xprin U))) ) )
    271 (de markupLine (L)
    272    (when L
    273       (while L
    274          (ifn (= "=" (car L)) #(member (car L) '`(chop "=*/"))
    275             (let W (eatWikiName 'L)
    276                (if W
    277                   (if (cadr W)          # at least 2 names
    278                      (markupLink W)
    279                      (xprin W) )
    280                   (if (eatUrl 'L)
    281                      (markupUrl @)
    282                      (xprin (pop 'L)) ) ) )
    283             (case (pop 'L) # TODO these only starting outside words
    284                ("="
    285                 (<xml> code
    286                    (while (and (car L) (not (= "=" (car L))))
    287                       (xprin (pop 'L)) ) ) )
    288                ("*"
    289                 (<xml> b
    290                    (while (and (car L) (not (= "*" (car L))))
    291                       (xprin (pop 'L)) ) ) )
    292                ("/"
    293                 (<xml> i
    294                    (while (and (car L) (not (= "/" (car L))))
    295                       (xprin (pop 'L)) ) ) ) )
    296             (pop 'L) ) ) ) )
    298 (de eatLine (V N)                       # TODO w/o make
    299    (when N
    300       (cut N V) )
    301    (make
    302       (until (or (= "^J" (car (val V))) (not (val V)))
    303          (link (pop V)) )
    304       (pop V) ) )
    306 (de listMarkup? (A)
    307    (member A '`(chop "-+")) )
    309 (de listLevel (L)
    310    (let N 0
    311       (while (listMarkup? (pop 'L))
    312          (inc 'N) )
    313       N ) )
    315 ## (de parseToc (L)
    316 ##    (make
    317 ##       (while L
    318 ##          (cond
    319 ##             ((head '("=" " ") L)
    320 ##              (link (eatLine 'L 2))
    321 ##              (while (and (car L) (head '("=" " ") L))
    322 ##                 (link (eatLine 'L 2)) )
    323 ##             ((head '("=" "=" " ") L) (link (eatLine 'L 3)))
    324 ##             ((head '("=" "=" "=" " ") L) (link (eatLine 'L 4)))
    325 ##             (T (eatLine 'L)) ) ) ) ) )
    327 (de markupText (L)
    328    (let (Toc NIL H1 NIL Pre)
    329       (while L
    330          (cond
    331             ((= "^J" (car L)) (pop 'L))
    332             ((head '("#" "+" "t" "o" "c" "^J") L)
    333              (eatLine 'L)
    334              (setq Toc '("one" "two" "three")) ) # TODO
    335             ((or (head '`(chop "#+pre text") L)
    336                 (head '`(chop "#+pre java") L) )
    337              (setq Pre (pack (eatLine 'L 6))) )
    338             ((head '("=" " ") L)
    339              (when (and Toc (not H1))
    340                 (<xml> h2 (xprin "Contents ")
    341                    (<xml> a class "a" href "#0" NIL "⚓") ) # TODO anchor numbering
    342                 (<xml> ul
    343                    (for X Toc
    344                       (<xml> li (xprin X)) ) ) )
    345              (on H1)
    346              (<xml> h2 (xprin (eatLine 'L 2) " ")
    347                 (<xml> a class "a" href "#0" NIL "⚓") ) )
    348             ((head '("=" "=" " ") L)
    349              (<xml> h3 (xprin (eatLine 'L 3) " ")
    350                 (<xml> a class "a" href "#0" NIL "⚓") ) )
    351             ((head '("=" "=" "=" " ") L)
    352              (<xml> h4 (xprin (eatLine 'L 4) " ")
    353                 (<xml> a class "a" href "#0" NIL "⚓") ) )
    354             ((head '("=" "=" "=" "=" "=") L) (eatLine 'L) (<xml> hr))
    355             ((= " " (car L))
    356              (<xml> pre style (case Pre
    357                                  ("text" "background-color:#f7f5f3;border:1pt solid #ccbdae;padding:0.5em")
    358                                  ("java" "background-color:#f3f5f7;border:1pt solid #aebdcc;padding:0.5em") )
    359                 (let N 0
    360                    (while (= " " (car L))
    361                       (do N (xprin "^J"))
    362                       (xprin (eatLine 'L 1) "^J")
    363                       (setq N 0)
    364                       (while (= "^J" (car L))
    365                          (pop 'L)
    366                          (inc 'N) ) ) ) ) )
    367             ((= 1 (listLevel L))
    368              (let N 1
    369                 (recur (N)
    370                    (let (li '((N)
    371                               (markupLine (eatLine 'L N))
    372                               (while (= "." (car L))
    373                                  (pop 'L)
    374                                  (case (car L)
    375                                     ((= "^J" (car L)) (pop 'L))
    376                                     ((= " " (car L))
    377                                      (<xml> pre style (case Pre
    378                                                          ("text" "background-color:#f7f5f3;border:1pt solid #ccbdae;padding:0.5em")
    379                                                          ("java" "background-color:#f3f5f7;border:1pt solid #aebdcc;padding:0.5em") )
    380                                         # TODO like pre above
    381                                         (xprin (eatLine 'L 1) "^J")
    382                                         (while (head '("." " ") L)
    383                                            (xprin (eatLine 'L 2) "^J") ) ) )
    384                                     (T (<xml> p
    385                                           (markupLine (eatLine 'L))
    386                                           (while (and (= "." (car L))
    387                                                     (not (member (cadr L)
    388                                                             '`(chop " ^J") ) ) )
    389                                              (<xml> br)
    390                                              (markupLine (eatLine 'L 1)) ) ) ) ) ) )
    391                          lic '(()
    392                                (if (listMarkup? (car L))
    393                                   (recurse (+ 1 N))
    394                                   (<xml> li (li))
    395                                   (while (<= N (listLevel L))
    396                                      (if (= N (listLevel L))
    397                                         (<xml> li (li N))
    398                                         (cut N 'L)
    399                                         (recurse (+ 1 N)) ) ) ) ) )
    400                       (if (= "-" (pop 'L))
    401                          (<xml> ul (lic))
    402                          (<xml> ol (lic)) ) ) ) ) )
    403             ((= ">" (car L))
    404              (<xml> blockquote (xprin (markupLine (eatLine 'L 1)))) )
    405             ((= "|" (car L))            # TODO table
    406              (<xml> pre
    407                 (while (= "|" (car L))
    408                    (xprin (eatLine 'L) "^J") ) ) )
    409             (T (<xml> p
    410                   (markupLine (eatLine 'L))
    411                   (while (and (car L) (not (member (car L) '`(chop "= -+^J"))))
    412                      (<xml> br)
    413                      (markupLine (eatLine 'L)) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    415 (de markupBlob (Blob)
    416    (when (info Blob)
    417       (let? L (in Blob (till))
    418          (markupText L) ) ) )
    420 (de markupPage (P)
    421    (let? Pg (db 'nm '+Pg P)
    422       (markupBlob (blob Pg 'txt)) ) )
    424 (de pgView (P)
    425    (let Pg (db 'nm '+Pg P)
    426       (if Pg
    427          (xhtml P # view
    428             (<xml> div id "TopMenu" (markupPage "TopMenu"))
    429             (<xml> h1
    430                (<xml> img src "http://logand.com/logand1.png")
    431                (xprin P) )
    432             (markupBlob (blob Pg 'txt))
    433             (<xml> div id "BottomMenu" (markupPage "BottomMenu")) )
    434          (xhtml P # does not exist
    435             (<xml> div id "TopMenu" (markupPage "TopMenu"))
    436             (<xml> h1
    437                (<xml> img src "http://logand.com/logand1.png")
    438                (xprin P) )
    439             (<xml> p
    440                (xprin "Page ")
    441                (markupLink P)
    442                (xprin " does not exist.") )
    443             (<xml> div id "BottomMenu" (markupPage "BottomMenu")) ) ) ) )
    445 (de pgEdit (P)
    446    (xhtml P
    447       (<xml> div id "TopMenu" (markupPage "TopMenu"))
    448       (<xml> h1
    449          (<xml> img src "http://logand.com/logand1.png")
    450          (xprin "Edit " P) )
    451       (<xml> form method "post" action (pack "./?p=" P "&x=SavePage")
    452          enctype "multipart/form-data"
    453          (<xml> p
    454             (<xml> input type "submit" value "Save") )
    455          (<xml> textarea wrap "virtual" cols "80" rows "18" name "b" id "b"
    456             (when (db 'nm '+Pg P)
    457                (in (blob @ 'txt)
    458                   (echo) ) ) ) )
    459       (<xml> div id "BottomMenu" (markupPage "BottomMenu")) ) )
    461 (de pgSave (P B)
    462    (if (db 'nm '+Pg P)
    463       (let F (blob @ 'txt)
    464          (w/rcs F "TODO put something useful here" P
    465             (out F (prin B)) ) )
    466       (let (Pg (new! '(+Pg) 'nm P) F (tmp "b"))
    467          (out F (prin B))
    468          (blob! Pg 'txt F)
    469          (rcsIn (blob Pg 'txt) "Created" P) ) )
    470    (redirect (pack "./?p=" P)) )
    472 (de pgPreview (P)
    473    (xhtml P
    474       (<xml> p (xprin "Preview " P)) ) )
    476 (de xhtml (Nm . Prg)
    477    (httpHead "text/html" 0)
    478    (ht:Out *Chunked
    479       (<xml> NIL
    480          (<xml> html xmlns "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang "en"
    481             (<xml> head
    482                (<xml> title (xprin Nm))
    483                (<xml> meta
    484                   http-equiv "Content-Type"
    485                   content"text/html; charset=utf-8" )
    486                (<xml> style NIL
    487                   "
    488 #TopMenu {float:right}
    489 #BottomMenu {text-align:center}
    490 #b {width:100%}
    491 h2 {border-bottom:solid 1px gray}
    492 a.a {text-decoration:none}
    493 /*textarea {border-bottom:solid 1px gray}*/
    494 /*body {max-width:42em}*/
    495 /*body {background-color:#eee}*/
    496 form {background-color:yellow}
    497 li {margin-top:0.5em;margin-bottom:0.5em}
    498 " )
    499                (when *Fav
    500                   (<xml> link rel "icon" type "image/x-icon"
    501                      href *Fav )
    502                   (<xml> link rel "shortcut icon" type "image/x-icon"
    503                      href *Fav ) ) )
    504             (<xml> body NIL (run Prg 1)) ) ) ) )
    506 (de start ()
    507    (let (*Cp (get 'p 'http) X (get 'x 'http) B (get 'b 'http))
    508       (cond
    509          ((and (not X) (pgName? *Cp)) (pgView *Cp))
    510          ((and (= "EditPage" X) (pgName? *Cp)) (pgEdit *Cp))
    511          ((and (= "PreviewPage" X) (pgName? *Cp)) (pgPreview *Cp))
    512          ((and (= "SavePage" X) (pgName? *Cp)) (pgSave *Cp B))
    513          ## ((and (= "RecentChanges" X) (pgName? *Cp)) ...)
    514          ## ((and (= "SignIn" X) (pgName? *Cp)) ...)
    515          ## ((and (= "SignUp" X) (pgName? *Cp)) ...)
    516          (T (xhtml "Error" (xprin "Error"))) ) ) )
    518 ## (de start ()
    519 ##    (with (or (db 'nm '+Pg "LogAnd")
    520 ##             (new! '(+Pg) 'nm "LogAnd") )
    521 ##       (xhtml (: nm)
    522 ##          (<xml> p (xprin (: nm))) ) ) )
    524 (setq
    525    *Blob "blob/"
    526    *Fav "favicon.ico" )
    528 (de main ()
    529    (call 'mkdir "-p" "db/" *Blob)
    530    (pool "db/" *Dbs)
    531    (unless (seq *DB)
    532       (load "init.l") ) )
    534 (de go ()
    535    (pw 12)
    536    (rollback)
    537    (server 8080 "@start") )