parse.y (9608B)
1 /* uno idl file parser */ 2 /* 3 This file is part of unoidl2. 4 5 unoidl2 is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 7 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 8 (at your option) any later version. 9 10 unoidl2 is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 12 MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 13 GNU General Public License for more details. 14 15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 16 along with unoidl2. If not, see <>. 17 */ 18 19 %{ 20 #include "unoidl2.h" 21 22 #include <stdio.h> 23 #include <string.h> 24 25 void yyerror(const char *str) 26 { 27 fprintf(stderr,"error: %s\n",str); 28 } 29 30 int yywrap() 31 { 32 return 1; 33 } 34 35 extern int yylex(void); 36 37 extern const Any NIL; 38 extern const Any T; 39 40 Any ast; 41 42 #define YYSTYPE Any 43 44 Any mk_relative(Any x); 45 46 %} 47 48 %token TRUE FALSE ID BOOL INT OCT HEX REAL 49 %token EQ LT LE GT GE PLUS MINUS MUL DIV MOD 50 %token OR XOR AND LSHIFT RSHIFT NOT SCOPE SEMICOLON 51 %token LPAR RPAR LSQUARE RSQUARE LCURLY RCURLY COMMA COLON 52 53 %token ATTRIBUTE BOUND CASE CONST CONSTANTS CONSTRAINED DEFAULT ENUM 54 %token EXCEPTION INTERFACE MAYBEAMBIGUOUS MAYBEDEFAULT MAYBEVOID MODULE 55 %token NEEDS OBSERVES OPTIONAL PROPERTY RAISES READONLY REMOVEABLE SERVICE 56 %token SEQUENCE SINGLETON STRUCT SWITCH TRANSIENT TYPEDEF UNION ANY BOOLEAN 57 %token BYTE CHAR DOUBLE HYPER LONG SHORT FLOAT STRING TYPE UNSIGNED VOID IN 58 %token OUT INOUT ONEWAY GET SET PUBLISHED ELLIPSIS 59 %token REMOVABLE 60 61 %token METHOD CONSTRUCTOR RELATIVE ABSOLUTE TEMPLATE EXP DEFTEMPLATE 62 %token DEFINTERFACE 63 64 %% 65 66 ast: declarations {ast = $1}; 67 nil: /* empty */ {$$ = NIL;}; 68 declaration: defenum | defstruct | deftemplate | defexception 69 | interface_forward | definterface | deftype | constant 70 | constants | defmodule | interface_service 71 | accumulated_service | interface_singleton 72 | service_singleton; 73 published: nil | PUBLISHED {$$ = T;}; 74 defenum: published ENUM identifier LCURLY enum_members RCURLY SEMICOLON 75 {$$ = cons4($2, $3, $1, $5)}; 76 enum_members: enum_member {$$ = list1($1);} 77 | enum_member COMMA enum_members {$$ = cons($1, $3);}; 78 enum_member: identifier | identifier EQ exp {$$ = list2($1, $3);}; 79 defstruct: published STRUCT identifier single_inheritance 80 LCURLY struct_members RCURLY SEMICOLON {$$ = cons5($2, $3, $1, $4, $6);}; 81 single_inheritance: nil | COLON name {$$ = $2}; 82 struct_members: struct_member {$$ = list1($1);} 83 | struct_member struct_members {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 84 struct_member: type identifier SEMICOLON {$$ = list2($2, $1);}; 85 deftemplate: published STRUCT identifier LT identifiers GT 86 LCURLY template_members RCURLY SEMICOLON 87 {$$ = cons5(mk(DEFTEMPLATE, "deftemplate"), $3, $1, $5, $8);}; 88 identifiers: identifier {$$ = list1($1);} 89 | identifier COMMA identifiers {$$ = cons($1, $3)}; 90 template_members: template_member {$$ = list1($1);} 91 | template_member template_members {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 92 template_member: struct_member | parametric_member; 93 parametric_member: identifier identifier SEMICOLON {$$ = list2($2, $1);}; 94 defexception: published EXCEPTION identifier single_inheritance 95 LCURLY struct_members_opt RCURLY SEMICOLON {$$ = cons5($2, $3, $1, $4, $6);}; 96 struct_members_opt: nil | struct_members; 97 interface_forward: published INTERFACE name SEMICOLON {$$ = list3($2, $3, $1);}; 98 definterface: published INTERFACE identifier single_inheritance 99 LCURLY interface_members RCURLY SEMICOLON 100 {$$ = cons5(mk(DEFINTERFACE, "definterface"), $3, $1, $4, $6);}; 101 interface_members: nil | interface_member interface_members {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 102 interface_member: interface_inheritance | attribute | interface_forward | defmethod; 103 interface_inheritance: optional INTERFACE name SEMICOLON {$$ = list3($2, $3, $1);}; 104 optional: nil | LSQUARE OPTIONAL RSQUARE {$$ = $2;}; 105 attribute: attribute_flags type identifier attribute_accesses_opt SEMICOLON 106 {$$ = cons5(mk(ATTRIBUTE, "attribute"), $2, $3, $1, $4);}; 107 attribute_flags: LSQUARE attribute_flags1 RSQUARE {$$ = $2;}; 108 attribute_flags1: attribute_flags2a ATTRIBUTE attribute_flags2b {$$ = nconc2($1, $3);}; 109 attribute_flags2a: nil | attribute_flag COMMA attribute_flags2a {$$ = cons($1, $3);}; 110 attribute_flags2b: nil | COMMA attribute_flag attribute_flags2b {$$ = cons($2, $3);}; 111 attribute_flag: BOUND | READONLY; 112 attribute_accesses_opt: nil | LCURLY attribute_accesses2 RCURLY {$$ = $2}; 113 attribute_accesses2: attribute_access {$$ = list1($1);} 114 | attribute_access attribute_accesses2 {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 115 attribute_access: attribute_get | attribute_set; 116 attribute_get: GET exception_spec SEMICOLON {$$ = list2($1, $2);}; 117 attribute_set: SET exception_spec SEMICOLON {$$ = list2($1, $2);}; 118 exception_spec: RAISES LPAR names RPAR {$$ = $3;}; 119 names: name {$$ = list1($1);} | name COMMA names {$$ = cons($1, $3);}; 120 defmethod: oneway type_opt identifier LPAR method_params_opt RPAR 121 exception_spec_opt SEMICOLON 122 {$$ = cons6(mk(METHOD, "method"), $3, $1, $2, $5, $7);}; 123 oneway: nil | LSQUARE ONEWAY RSQUARE {$$ = T;}; 124 type_opt: nil | type; 125 method_params_opt: nil | method_params; 126 method_params: method_param {$$ = list1($1);} 127 | method_param COMMA method_params {$$ = cons($1, $3);}; 128 method_param: LSQUARE direction RSQUARE type identifier {$$ = list3($2, $5, $4);}; 129 exception_spec_opt: nil | exception_spec; 130 direction: IN | OUT | INOUT; 131 deftype: published TYPEDEF type identifier SEMICOLON {$$ = list4($2, $4, $1, $3);}; 132 constant: published const_decl {$$ = list2($1, $2);}; 133 const_decl: CONST type identifier EQ exp SEMICOLON {$$ = list4($1, $3, $2, $5);}; 134 constants: published CONSTANTS identifier LCURLY const_decls RCURLY SEMICOLON 135 {$$ = cons4($2, $3, $1, $5);}; 136 const_decls: nil | const_decl const_decls {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 137 defmodule: MODULE identifier LCURLY declarations RCURLY SEMICOLON 138 {$$ = cons3($1, $2, $4)}; 139 declarations: nil | declaration declarations {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 140 interface_service: published SERVICE identifier colon_name_opt 141 constructors_block SEMICOLON {$$ = cons5($2, $3, $1, $4, $5);}; 142 colon_name_opt: nil | COLON name {$$ = $2;}; 143 constructors_block: nil | LCURLY constructors RCURLY {$$ = $2;}; 144 constructors: nil | constructor constructors {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 145 constructor: identifier LPAR constructor_params_opt RPAR 146 exception_spec_opt SEMICOLON 147 {$$ = cons4(mk(CONSTRUCTOR, "constructor"), $1, $3, $5);}; 148 constructor_params_opt: nil | constructor_params; 149 constructor_params: rest_param | ctor_params; 150 ctor_params: ctor_param {$$ = list1($1);} 151 | ctor_param COMMA ctor_params {$$ = cons($1, $3);}; 152 rest_param: LSQUARE IN RSQUARE ANY ELLIPSIS identifier {$$ = list4($2, $6, $4, $5);}; 153 ctor_param: LSQUARE IN RSQUARE type identifier {$$ = list3($2, $5, $4);}; 154 accumulated_service: published SERVICE identifier colon_name_opt 155 LCURLY service_member service_members RCURLY SEMICOLON 156 {$$ = list5($2, $3, $1, $4, cons($6, $7));}; 157 service_members: nil | service_member service_members {$$ = cons($1, $2);}; 158 service_member: service_inheritance | interface_inheritance | property; 159 service_inheritance: optional SERVICE name SEMICOLON {$$ = list3($2, $3, $1);}; 160 property: property_flags type identifier SEMICOLON 161 {$$ = list4(mk(PROPERTY, "property"), $3, $2, $1);}; 162 property_flags: LSQUARE property_flags1 RSQUARE {$$ = $2;}; 163 property_flags1: property_flags2a PROPERTY property_flags2b {$$ = nconc2($1, $3);}; 164 property_flags2a: nil | property_flag COMMA property_flags2a {$$ = cons($1, $3);}; 165 property_flags2b: nil | COMMA property_flag property_flags2b {$$ = cons($2, $3);}; 166 property_flag: BOUND | CONSTRAINED | MAYBEAMBIGUOUS | MAYBEDEFAULT 167 | MAYBEVOID | OPTIONAL | READONLY | REMOVABLE | TRANSIENT; 168 interface_singleton: published SINGLETON identifier COLON name SEMICOLON 169 {$$ = list4($2, $3, $1, $5);}; 170 service_singleton: published SINGLETON identifier 171 LCURLY SERVICE name SEMICOLON RCURLY SEMICOLON 172 {$$ = list5($2, $3, $1, $6, T);}; 173 type: simple_type {$$ = list1($1);} | unsigned_type | sequence_type 174 | template_type | name; 175 simple_type: VOID | BOOLEAN | BYTE | SHORT | LONG | HYPER | FLOAT | DOUBLE 176 | CHAR | STRING | TYPE | ANY; 177 unsigned_type: UNSIGNED SHORT {$$ = list2($1, $2);} 178 | UNSIGNED LONG {$$ = list2($1, $2);} 179 | UNSIGNED HYPER {$$ = list2($1, $2);}; 180 sequence_type: SEQUENCE LT type GT {$$ = list2($1, $3);}; 181 template_type: name LT type types GT 182 {$$ = list3(mk(TEMPLATE, "template"), $1, cons($3, $4));}; 183 types: nil | COMMA type types {$$ = cons($2, $3);}; 184 exp: exp_top {$$ = list2(mk(EXP, "exp"), $1);}; 185 exp_top: xor_exp | exp OR xor_exp {$$ = list3($2, $1, $3);}; 186 xor_exp: and_exp | xor_exp XOR and_exp {$$ = list3($2, $1, $3);}; 187 and_exp: shift_exp | and_exp AND shift_exp {$$ = list3($2, $1, $3);}; 188 shift_exp: add_exp | shift_exp shift_op add_exp {$$ = list3($2, $1, $3);}; 189 shift_op: LSHIFT | RSHIFT; 190 add_exp: mul_exp | add_exp add_op mul_exp {$$ = list3($2, $1, $3);}; 191 add_op: PLUS | MINUS; 192 mul_exp: unary_exp | mul_exp mul_op unary_exp {$$ = list3($2, $1, $3);}; 193 mul_op: MUL | DIV | MOD; 194 unary_exp: primary_exp | unary_op primary_exp {$$ = list2($1, $2);}; 195 unary_op: PLUS | MINUS | NOT; 196 primary_exp: name | literal | LPAR exp RPAR {$$ = $2;}; 197 literal: BOOL | INT | OCT | HEX | REAL; 198 name: relname {$$ = mk_relative($1);} 199 | SCOPE relname {$$ = cons(mk(ABSOLUTE, "absolute"), $2);}; 200 relname: identifier {$$ = list1($1);} | identifier SCOPE relname {$$ = cons($1, $3);}; 201 identifier: ID 202 | GET {$$ = mk(ID, "get");} 203 | SET {$$ = mk(ID, "set");} 204 | PUBLISHED {$$ = mk(ID, "published");}; 205 206 %%