
miniPicoLisp with FFI and modules for Buddy BDD library, OpenGL, Gtk and GMP
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gtk-server.TODO (19232B)

     10 (ctype GtkWidget* c-pointer)
     12 ;;;
     13 ;;; callback handling
     14 ;;;
     16 ;; this is complicated as each callback can have a different number of
     17 ;; arguments and it is the last that is most interesting (a gpointer to
     18 ;; some data we manage)
     19 ;; in order to call lisp functions (and thus support closures) rather
     20 ;; than being limited to a primitive data type, the data parameter is
     21 ;; used by this module, as an index into a global vector of callback
     22 ;; functions.  so, a call is made to gtk_connect, with an object, the
     23 ;; event name and a callback function the callback is put in the global
     24 ;; vector, and its index is given as the data argument to
     25 ;; g_signal_connect_data. This module's callback function performs the
     26 ;; lookup (it gets the index as its last parameter), and calls it.
     27 ;; this could be handled directly by the ffi (passing in a lisp function
     28 ;; as the callback would work) but this causes memory leaks.
     30 ;;;
     31 ;;; make the connect functions, taking from 0-4 arguments as well as the object
     32 ;;;
     34 (defmacro make-connect-funcs (param-count)
     35   (let* ((c-name (intern (format nil "g_signal_connect_data-~a" param-count)))
     36          (cb-name (intern (format nil "gtk-callback-~a" param-count)))
     37          (args (loop :for i :from 1 :upto param-count
     38                  :collect (intern (format nil "ARG-~a" i))))
     39          (arg-types (mapcar (lambda (x) `(,x c-pointer)) args)))
     40     `(progn
     41        (def-call-out ,c-name (:name "g_signal_connect_data")
     42          (:return-type int)
     43          (:arguments (widget GtkWidget*)
     44                      (name c-string)
     45                      (callback
     46                       (c-function (:arguments (object c-pointer)
     47                                               ,@arg-types
     48                                               (data int))
     49                                   (:return-type int)))
     50                      (data int)
     51                      (clean-up
     52                       (c-function (:arguments (data int))
     53                                   (:return-type nil)))
     54                      (b int)))
     55        (def-call-in ,cb-name (:return-type ffi:int)
     56          (:arguments (object c-pointer)
     57                      ,@arg-types
     58                      (data ffi:c-string)))
     59        (defun ,cb-name (object ,@args data)
     60          (funcall (aref *callback-funcs* data) object ,@args))
     61        (setf (aref *connect-funcs* ,param-count) (cons #',c-name #',cb-name)))))
     63 (defvar *connect-funcs* (make-array 5))
     64 (defvar *callback-funcs* (make-array 0 :adjustable t :fill-pointer 0))
     65 (make-connect-funcs 0)
     66 (make-connect-funcs 1)
     67 (make-connect-funcs 2)
     68 (make-connect-funcs 3)
     69 (make-connect-funcs 4)
     71 ;;;
     72 ;;; our cleanup function just has to discard the entry in *callback-funcs*
     73 ;;;
     75 (def-call-in gtk-cleanup (:arguments (data int)) (:return-type nil))
     77 (defun gtk-cleanup (data)
     78   (format t "~S(~D): discarded ~S~%" 'gtk-cleanup data
     79           (aref *callback-funcs* data))
     80   (setf (aref *callback-funcs* data) nil)
     81   nil)
     88   ;;;
     89 ;;; These struct definitions allow us to get the itype from an object
     90 ;;;
     92 (def-c-type GType ulong)
     93 (def-c-struct GTypeClass (g_type GType))
     94 (def-c-struct GTypeInstance (g_class (c-ptr GTypeClass)))
     95 (def-c-struct GSignalQuery
     96   (signal_id int)
     97   (signal_name c-string)
     98   (itype int)
     99   (signal_flags int)
    100   (return_type int)
    101   (n_params int)
    102   (param_types c-pointer))
    104 (def-call-out g_signal_handler_disconnect (:return-type nil)
    105   (:arguments (obj GtkWidget*) (id int)))
    106 (def-call-out g_signal_lookup (:return-type int)
    107   (:arguments (name c-string) (itype int)))
    108 (def-call-out g_signal_query (:return-type nil)
    109   (:arguments (id int) (query c-pointer)))
    110 (def-call-out g_type_from_name (:return-type int) (:arguments (name c-string)))
    112 (defun get_type_from_instance (widget)
    113   "Returns the type from an instance instance->g_class->g_type"
    114   (with-c-var (_widget 'c-pointer widget)
    115     (slot (deref (slot (deref (cast _widget '(c-ptr GTypeInstance)))
    116                        'g_class))
    117           'g_type)))
    119 (defun gtk_connect (widget signal func)
    120   "The exported function, gtk_connect, taking a gobject, a
    121 signal name (e.g `delete_event') and a callback function.
    122 The callback function will be passed the gobject, and any other
    123 signal specific parameters, but not a data parameter."
    124   (let* ((n_params
    125           (with-c-var (query 'GSignalQuery)
    126             (g_signal_query (g_signal_lookup signal
    127                                              (get_type_from_instance widget))
    128                             (c-var-address query))
    129             (slot query 'n_params)))
    130          (funcs (aref *connect-funcs* n_params))
    131          (idx (or (position nil *callback-funcs*)
    132                   (vector-push-extend func *callback-funcs*))))
    133     (funcall (car funcs)
    134              widget
    135              signal
    136              (cdr funcs)
    137              idx
    138              #'gtk-cleanup
    139              0)))
    142 ;;;
    143 ;;; the actual imports
    144 ;;;
    146 ;; rather than coding these in by hand, they are read from gtk-server.cfg
    147 ;; this file is part of the (excellent) project,
    148 ;; and defines lots of gtk functions in a simple-enough-to-parse form.
    149 ;;
    150 ;; the scanning is done in a macro, so it is performed at compile time.
    151 ;; there is no need to ship gtk-server.cfg with your project.
    153 (defmacro read-gtk-server-cfg (filename)
    154   (labels ((convert-type (typ)
    155              (let ((sym (read-from-string typ)))
    156                (case sym
    157                  (NONE 'nil)
    158                  (LONG 'long)
    159                  (BOOL 'boolean)
    160                  (STRING 'c-string)
    161                  (FLOAT 'single-float)
    162                  (DOUBLE 'double-float)
    163                  (NULL 'c-pointer)
    164                  (WIDGET 'GtkWidget*)
    165                  (otherwise sym))))
    166            (proc-line (string start)
    167              (let* ((parts (loop :for i = start :then (1+ j)
    168                              :as j = (position #\, string :start i)
    169                              :collect (string-trim " " (subseq string i j))
    170                              :while j))
    171                     ;; parts are: API name, callback signal type, return value,
    172                     ;;   number of arguments, arg1, arg2...
    173                     (name (intern (pop parts)))
    174                     (callback-sig-type (pop parts))
    175                     (ret-type (pop parts))
    176                     (num-arg (parse-integer (pop parts))))
    177                (declare (ignore callback-sig-type))
    178                (unless (= num-arg (length parts))
    179                  (warn "~S: argument count ~D does not match argument list ~S"
    180                        name num-arg parts))
    181                `(def-call-out ,name (:return-type ,(convert-type ret-type))
    182                   (:arguments ,@(loop :for arg :in parts
    183                                   :collect `(arg ,(convert-type arg))))))))
    184     `(progn
    185        ,@(with-open-file (cfg filename)
    186             (format t "~&;; Reading ~A~%" (truename cfg))
    187             (loop :with forms = nil
    188               :finally (format t "~&;; Defined ~:D function~:P~%"
    189                                (length forms))
    190               :finally (return forms)
    191               :for line = (read-line cfg nil)
    192               :while line
    193               :do
    194               (setq line (string-trim #.(coerce '(#\space #\tab) 'string) line))
    195               ;; check that it starts with "FUNCTION_NAME = "
    196               (when (and (> (length line) #1=#.(length #2="FUNCTION_NAME = "))
    197                          (string= line #2# :end1 #1#))
    198                 (push (proc-line line #1#) forms)))))))
    200 (read-gtk-server-cfg "gtk-server.cfg")
    202 (def-c-struct GtkTreeIter
    203   (stamp int)
    204   (user_data c-pointer)
    205   (user_data2 c-pointer)
    206   (user_data3 c-pointer))
    208 (def-c-struct GValue
    209   (g_type int)
    210   (unknown1 double-float)
    211   (unknown2 double-float)
    212   (unknown3 double-float)
    213   (unknown4 double-float))
    215 (def-call-out g_type_fundamental (:return-type int) (:arguments (val int)))
    216 (def-call-out g_value_init (:return-type nil)
    217   (:arguments (val c-pointer) (gtype int)))
    218 (def-call-out g_value_set_string (:return-type nil)
    219   (:arguments (val c-pointer) (str c-string)))
    220 (def-call-out g_object_set_data (:return-type nil)
    221   (:arguments (obj c-pointer) (key c-string) (data c-pointer)))
    222 (def-call-out g_object_get_data (:return-type c-pointer)
    223   (:arguments (obj c-pointer) (key c-string)))
    225 (def-call-out gtk_tree_view_set_model (:return-type nil)
    226   (:arguments (widget GtkWidget*) (model c-pointer)))
    228 (def-call-out gtk_tree_view_column_set_title (:return-type nil)
    229   (:arguments (view GtkWidget*) (title c-string)))
    230 (def-call-out gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes (:return-type nil)
    231   (:arguments (column c-pointer) (renderer c-pointer) (name c-string)
    232               (value int) (terminator nil)))
    233 (def-call-out gtk_tree_view_column_add_attribute (:return-type nil)
    234   (:arguments (column c-pointer) (renderer c-pointer) (name c-string)
    235               (value int)))
    237 ;;;
    238 ;; memory leak test
    239 ;;;
    241 #+nil
    242 (defun ml-test ()
    243   (gtk_init 0 0)
    244   (let ((w (gtk_window_new 0)))
    245     (gtk_widget_show_all w)
    246     (loop :for id = (gtk_connect w "delete_event"
    247                                  (lambda (&rest args)
    248                                    (declare (ignore args))
    249                                    (print "destroyed") (ext:quit)))
    250       :do (g_signal_handler_disconnect w id)
    251       (ext:gc)
    252       (print (room))
    253       (sleep 0.1))
    254     (gtk_main)))
    256 ;;;
    257 ;;; === GLADE ===
    258 ;;;
    260 (c-lines "#include <glade/glade-xml.h>~%")
    262 (def-c-type GladeXML* c-pointer)
    263 (def-c-type GCallback
    264     (c-pointer (c-function (:return-type nil) (:arguments))))
    265 (def-c-type GObject* c-pointer)
    267 (cfun glade_xml_new GladeXML* (cstr fname) (cstr root) (cstr domain)))
    269 (def-call-out glade_xml_new_from_buffer (:return-type GladeXML*)
    270   (:arguments (buffer c-string)
    271               (size int)        ; pass (length buffer)
    272               (root c-string)
    273               (domain c-string)))
    274 (def-call-out glade_xml_construct (:return-type boolean)
    275   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    276               (fname c-string)
    277               (root c-string)
    278               (domain c-string)))
    279 (def-call-out glade_xml_signal_connect (:return-type nil)
    280   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    281               (handlername c-string)
    282               (func GCallback)))
    283 (def-call-out glade_xml_signal_connect_data (:return-type nil)
    284   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    285               (handlername c-string)
    286               (func GCallback)
    287               (user_data c-pointer)))
    288 (def-call-out glade_xml_signal_autoconnect (:return-type nil)
    289   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)))
    290 (def-call-out glade_xml_get_widget (:return-type GtkWidget*)
    291   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    292               (name c-string)))
    293 (def-c-type GList* c-pointer)
    294 (def-call-out glade_xml_get_widget_prefix (:return-type GList*)
    295   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    296               (name c-string)))
    297 (def-call-out glade_get_widget_name (:return-type c-string)
    298   (:arguments  (widget GtkWidget*)))
    299 (def-call-out glade_get_widget_tree (:return-type GladeXML*)
    300   (:arguments (widget GtkWidget*)))
    301 (def-c-type GladeXMLConnectFunc
    302     (c-function (:return-type nil)
    303                 (:arguments (handler_name c-string)
    304                             (object GObject*)
    305                             (signal_name c-string)
    306                             (signal_data c-string)
    307                             (connect_object GObject*)
    308                             (after boolean)
    309                             (user_data c-pointer))))
    310 (def-call-out glade_xml_signal_connect_full (:return-type nil)
    311   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    312               (handler_name c-string)
    313               (func GladeXMLConnectFunc)
    314               (user_data c-pointer)))
    315 (def-call-out glade_xml_signal_autoconnect_full (:return-type nil)
    316   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    317               (func GladeXMLConnectFunc)
    318               (user_data c-pointer)))
    319 (def-c-type GladeXMLCustomWidgetHandler
    320     (c-function (:return-type GtkWidget*)
    321                 (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    322                             (func_name c-string)
    323                             (name c-string)
    324                             (string1 c-string)
    325                             (string2 c-string)
    326                             (int1 int)
    327                             (int2 int)
    328                             (user_data c-pointer))))
    329 (def-call-out glade_set_custom_handler (:return-type nil)
    330   (:arguments (handler GladeXMLCustomWidgetHandler)
    331               (user_data c-pointer)))
    333 (include "glade/glade.h" "glade/glade-build.h")
    335 (def-c-type GladeWidgetInfo* c-pointer)
    337 (def-c-type GladeNewFunc
    338     (c-function (:return-type GtkWidget*)
    339                 (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    340                             (widget_type GType)
    341                             (info c-pointer))))
    342 (def-c-type GladeBuildChildrenFunc
    343     (c-function (:return-type nil)
    344                 (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    345                             (parent GtkWidget*)
    346                             (info c-pointer))))
    347 (def-c-type GladeFindInternalChildFunc
    348     (c-function (:return-type GtkWidget*)
    349                 (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    350                             (parent GtkWidget*)
    351                             (childname c-string))))
    353 (def-c-type GladeChildInfo* c-pointer)
    355 (def-call-out glade_xml_build_widget (:return-type GtkWidget*)
    356   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    357               (info c-pointer)))
    358 (def-call-out glade_xml_handle_internal_child (:return-type nil)
    359   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    360               (parent GtkWidget*)
    361               (child_info GladeChildInfo*)))
    362 (def-call-out glade_xml_set_common_params (:return-type nil)
    363   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    364               (widget GtkWidget*)
    365               (info c-pointer)))
    366 (def-call-out glade_register_widget (:return-type nil)
    367   (:arguments (type GType)
    368               (new_func GladeNewFunc)
    369               (build_children GladeBuildChildrenFunc)
    370               (find_internal_child GladeFindInternalChildFunc)))
    371 (def-call-out glade_standard_build_widget (:return-type GtkWidget*)
    372   (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    373               (widget_type GType)
    374               (info c-pointer)))
    375 (def-call-out glade_xml_handle_widget_prop (:return-type nil)
    376   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    377               (widget GtkWidget*)
    378               (prop_name c-string)
    379               (value_name c-string)))
    380 (def-call-out glade_standard_build_children (:return-type nil)
    381   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    382               (parent GtkWidget*)
    383               (info c-pointer)))
    384 (def-call-out glade_xml_set_packing_property (:return-type nil)
    385   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    386               (parent GtkWidget*)
    387               (child GtkWidget*)
    388               (name c-string)
    389               (value c-string)))
    390 (def-c-type GladeApplyCustomPropFunc
    391     (c-function (:return-type nil)
    392                 (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    393                             (widget GtkWidget*)
    394                             (propname c-string)
    395                             (value c-string))))
    396 (def-call-out glade_register_custom_prop (:return-type nil)
    397   (:arguments (type GType)
    398               (prop_name c-string)
    399               (apply_prop GladeApplyCustomPropFunc)))
    400 (def-call-out glade_xml_relative_file (:return-type c-string)
    401   (:arguments (self GladeXML*)
    402               (filename c-string)))
    403 (def-call-out glade_enum_from_string (:return-type int)
    404   (:arguments (type GType)
    405               (string c-string)))
    406 (def-call-out glade_flags_from_string (:return-type uint)
    407   (:arguments (type GType)
    408               (string c-string)))
    409 (def-c-type GParamSpec* c-pointer)
    410 (def-call-out glade_xml_set_value_from_string (:return-type boolean)
    411   (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    412               (pspec GParamSpec*)
    413               (string c-string)
    414               (value (c-ptr GValue) :out :alloca)))
    415 (def-c-type GtkWindow* c-pointer)
    416 (def-call-out glade_xml_set_toplevel (:return-type nil)
    417   (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)
    418               (window GtkWindow*)))
    419 (def-c-type GtkAccelGroup* c-pointer)
    420 (def-call-out glade_xml_ensure_accel (:return-type GtkAccelGroup*)
    421   (:arguments (xml GladeXML*)))
    424 ;;;
    425 ;;; High-level UI
    426 ;;;
    428 (defun glade-load (file)
    429   (let ((xml (or (glade_xml_new (namestring (absolute-pathname file)) nil nil)
    430                  (error "~S(~S): ~S failed" 'glade-load file 'glade_xml_new))))
    431     (glade_xml_signal_autoconnect_full
    432      xml
    433      (lambda (handler_name object signal_name signal_data connect_object
    434               after user_data)
    435        (declare (ignore signal_data connect_object after user_data))
    436        (gtk_connect object signal_name
    437                     (let ((code (read-from-string handler_name)))
    438                       (compile
    439                        (make-symbol (princ-to-string code))
    440                        `(lambda (&rest args)
    441                           (format t "~&calling ~S with arguments ~S~%"
    442                                   ',code args)
    443                           ,code
    444                           0))))) ; return an integer
    445      nil)
    446     xml))
    448 (defun run-glade-file (file widget-name)
    449   (gtk_init nil nil)
    450   (gtk_widget_show_all (glade_xml_get_widget (glade-load file) widget-name))
    451   (gtk_main))
    453 ;;;
    454 ;;; clisp gui
    455 ;;;
    457 (defstruct gui main repl apropos status about-window about-text)
    458 (defvar *gui*)
    459 (defun gui-from-file (file)
    460   (let ((xml (glade-load file)))
    461     (flet ((widget (name)
    462              (let ((w (or (glade_xml_get_widget xml name)
    463                           (error "~S(~S): not found ~S" 'gui-from-file
    464                                  file name))))
    465                (format t "~&~A == ~S~%" name w)
    466                w)))
    467       (make-gui :main (widget "clisp-gui-main")
    468                 :repl (widget "textview_repl")
    469                 :apropos (widget "entry1_apropos")
    470                 :status (widget "statusbar1")
    471                 :about-window (widget "dialog1_about")
    472                 :about-text (widget "textview_about")))))
    474 (defun gui-status-show (string &optional (*gui* *gui*))
    475   (gtk_statusbar_push (gui-status *gui*) (length string) string))
    477 (defun gui-apropos-do (&optional (*gui* *gui*))
    478   (apropos (gtk_entry_get_text (gui-apropos *gui*))))
    480 (defun gui-about-do (&optional (*gui* *gui*))
    481   (let ((about-text
    482          (format nil "This is a gtk2 demo.~%~A ~A~%"
    483                  (lisp-implementation-type) (lisp-implementation-version))))
    484     (gtk_text_buffer_set_text
    485      (gtk_text_view_get_buffer (gui-about-text *gui*))
    486      about-text (length about-text)))
    487   (gtk_widget_show (gui-about-window *gui*))
    488   (gui-status-show (SYS::TEXT "Displaying ABOUT")))
    490 (defun gui-about-done (&optional (*gui* *gui*))
    491   (gtk_widget_hide (gui-about-window *gui*))
    492   (gui-status-show (SYS::TEXT "Closed ABOUT")))
    494 (defun gui-clear-do (&optional (*gui* *gui*))
    495   (gui-status-show (SYS::TEXT "Clear CLISP output")))
    497 (defun gui-eval-do (&optional (*gui* *gui*))
    498   (gui-status-show (SYS::TEXT "Call EVAL on the current selection")))
    500 (defun gui-describe-do (&optional (*gui* *gui*))
    501   (gui-status-show (SYS::TEXT "Call DESCRIBE on the current selection")))
    503 (defun gui-quit (&optional (*gui* *gui*))
    504   (gui-status-show (SYS::TEXT "Bye!"))
    505   (gtk_main_quit)
    506   (throw 'gui-quit 0))
    508 (defun gui (file)
    509   (gtk_init nil nil)
    510   (let ((*gui* (gui-from-file file)))
    511     (gui-status-show (SYS::TEXT "Welcome to CLISP!"))
    512     (gtk_widget_show (gui-main *gui*))
    513     (gtk_widget_hide (gui-about-window *gui*))
    514     (catch 'gui-quit (gtk_main))
    515     (format t (SYS::TEXT "Exited gui~%"))))