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rc.c (48663B)

      1 /* $Id$ */
      2 /* 
      3  * Initialization file etc.
      4  */
      5 #include "fm.h"
      6 #include "myctype.h"
      7 #include "proto.h"
      8 #include <stdio.h>
      9 #include <errno.h>
     10 #include "parsetag.h"
     11 #include "local.h"
     12 #include <stdlib.h>
     14 struct param_ptr {
     15     char *name;
     16     int type;
     17     int inputtype;
     18     void *varptr;
     19     char *comment;
     20     void *select;
     21 };
     23 struct param_section {
     24     char *name;
     25     struct param_ptr *params;
     26 };
     28 struct rc_search_table {
     29     struct param_ptr *param;
     30     short uniq_pos;
     31 };
     33 static struct rc_search_table *RC_search_table;
     34 static int RC_table_size;
     36 #define P_INT      0
     37 #define P_SHORT    1
     38 #define P_CHARINT  2
     39 #define P_CHAR     3
     40 #define P_STRING   4
     41 #if defined(USE_SSL) && defined(USE_SSL_VERIFY)
     42 #define P_SSLPATH  5
     43 #endif
     44 #ifdef USE_COLOR
     45 #define P_COLOR    6
     46 #endif
     47 #ifdef USE_M17N
     48 #define P_CODE     7
     49 #endif
     50 #define P_PIXELS   8
     51 #define P_NZINT    9
     52 #define P_SCALE    10
     54 /* FIXME: gettextize here */
     55 #ifdef USE_M17N
     56 static wc_ces OptionCharset = WC_CES_US_ASCII;	/* FIXME: charset of source code */
     57 static int OptionEncode = FALSE;
     58 #endif
     60 #define CMT_HELPER	 N_("External Viewer Setup")
     61 #define CMT_TABSTOP      N_("Tab width in characters")
     62 #define CMT_INDENT_INCR  N_("Indent for HTML rendering")
     63 #define CMT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR N_("Number of pixels per character (4.0...32.0)")
     64 #define CMT_PIXEL_PER_LINE N_("Number of pixels per line (4.0...64.0)")
     65 #define CMT_PAGERLINE    N_("Number of remembered lines when used as a pager")
     66 #define CMT_HISTORY	 N_("Use URL history")
     67 #define CMT_HISTSIZE     N_("Number of remembered URL")
     68 #define CMT_SAVEHIST     N_("Save URL history")
     69 #define CMT_FRAME        N_("Render frames automatically")
     70 #define CMT_ARGV_IS_URL  N_("Treat argument without scheme as URL")
     71 #define CMT_TSELF        N_("Use _self as default target")
     72 #define CMT_OPEN_TAB_BLANK N_("Open link on new tab if target is _blank or _new")
     73 #define CMT_OPEN_TAB_DL_LIST N_("Open download list panel on new tab")
     74 #define CMT_DISPLINK     N_("Display link URL automatically")
     75 #define CMT_DISPLINKNUMBER N_("Display link numbers")
     76 #define CMT_DECODE_URL   N_("Display decoded URL")
     77 #define CMT_DISPLINEINFO N_("Display current line number")
     78 #define CMT_DISP_IMAGE   N_("Display inline images")
     79 #define CMT_PSEUDO_INLINES N_("Display pseudo-ALTs for inline images with no ALT or TITLE string")
     80 #ifdef USE_IMAGE
     81 #define CMT_AUTO_IMAGE   N_("Load inline images automatically")
     82 #define CMT_MAX_LOAD_IMAGE N_("Maximum processes for parallel image loading")
     83 #define CMT_EXT_IMAGE_VIEWER   N_("Use external image viewer")
     84 #define CMT_IMAGE_SCALE  N_("Scale of image (%)")
     85 #define CMT_IMGDISPLAY   N_("External command to display image")
     86 #define CMT_IMAGE_MAP_LIST N_("Use link list of image map")
     87 #endif
     88 #define CMT_MULTICOL     N_("Display file names in multi-column format")
     89 #define CMT_ALT_ENTITY   N_("Use ASCII equivalents to display entities")
     90 #define CMT_GRAPHIC_CHAR N_("Character type for border of table and menu")
     91 #define CMT_FOLD_TEXTAREA N_("Fold lines in TEXTAREA")
     92 #define CMT_DISP_INS_DEL N_("Display INS, DEL, S and STRIKE element")
     93 #define CMT_COLOR        N_("Display with color")
     94 #define CMT_B_COLOR      N_("Color of normal character")
     95 #define CMT_A_COLOR      N_("Color of anchor")
     96 #define CMT_I_COLOR      N_("Color of image link")
     97 #define CMT_F_COLOR      N_("Color of form")
     98 #define CMT_ACTIVE_STYLE N_("Enable coloring of active link")
     99 #define CMT_C_COLOR	 N_("Color of currently active link")
    100 #define CMT_VISITED_ANCHOR N_("Use visited link color")
    101 #define CMT_V_COLOR	 N_("Color of visited link")
    102 #define CMT_BG_COLOR     N_("Color of background")
    103 #define CMT_MARK_COLOR   N_("Color of mark")
    104 #define CMT_USE_PROXY    N_("Use proxy")
    105 #define CMT_HTTP_PROXY   N_("URL of HTTP proxy host")
    106 #ifdef USE_SSL
    107 #define CMT_HTTPS_PROXY  N_("URL of HTTPS proxy host")
    108 #endif				/* USE_SSL */
    109 #ifdef USE_GOPHER
    110 #define CMT_GOPHER_PROXY N_("URL of GOPHER proxy host")
    111 #endif				/* USE_GOPHER */
    112 #define CMT_FTP_PROXY    N_("URL of FTP proxy host")
    113 #define CMT_NO_PROXY     N_("Domains to be accessed directly (no proxy)")
    114 #define CMT_NOPROXY_NETADDR	N_("Check noproxy by network address")
    115 #define CMT_NO_CACHE     N_("Disable cache")
    116 #ifdef USE_NNTP
    117 #define CMT_NNTP_SERVER  N_("News server")
    118 #define CMT_NNTP_MODE    N_("Mode of news server")
    119 #define CMT_MAX_NEWS     N_("Number of news messages")
    120 #endif
    121 #define CMT_DNS_ORDER	N_("Order of name resolution")
    122 #define CMT_DROOT       N_("Directory corresponding to / (document root)")
    123 #define CMT_PDROOT      N_("Directory corresponding to /~user")
    124 #define CMT_CGIBIN      N_("Directory corresponding to /cgi-bin")
    125 #define CMT_CONFIRM_QQ  N_("Confirm when quitting with q")
    126 #define CMT_CLOSE_TAB_BACK N_("Close tab if buffer is last when back")
    127 #ifdef USE_MARK
    128 #define CMT_USE_MARK	N_("Enable mark operations")
    129 #endif
    130 #define CMT_EMACS_LIKE_LINEEDIT	N_("Enable Emacs-style line editing")
    131 #define CMT_VI_PREC_NUM	 N_("Enable vi-like numeric prefix")
    132 #define CMT_LABEL_TOPLINE N_("Move cursor to top line when going to label")
    133 #define CMT_NEXTPAGE_TOPLINE N_("Move cursor to top line when moving to next page")
    134 #define CMT_FOLD_LINE    N_("Fold lines of plain text file")
    135 #define CMT_SHOW_NUM     N_("Show line numbers")
    136 #define CMT_SHOW_SRCH_STR N_("Show search string")
    137 #define CMT_MIMETYPES    N_("List of mime.types files")
    138 #define CMT_MAILCAP      N_("List of mailcap files")
    139 #define CMT_URIMETHODMAP N_("List of urimethodmap files")
    140 #define CMT_EDITOR       N_("Editor")
    141 #define CMT_MAILER       N_("Mailer")
    142 #define CMT_MAILTO_OPTIONS N_("How to call Mailer for mailto URLs with options")
    143 #define CMT_EXTBRZ       N_("External Browser")
    144 #define CMT_EXTBRZ2      N_("Second External Browser")
    145 #define CMT_EXTBRZ3      N_("Third External Browser")
    146 #define CMT_DISABLE_SECRET_SECURITY_CHECK	N_("Disable secret file security check")
    147 #define CMT_PASSWDFILE	 N_("Password file")
    148 #define CMT_PRE_FORM_FILE	N_("File for setting form on loading")
    149 #define CMT_FTPPASS      N_("Password for anonymous FTP (your mail address)")
    150 #define CMT_FTPPASS_HOSTNAMEGEN N_("Generate domain part of password for FTP")
    151 #define CMT_USERAGENT    N_("User-Agent identification string")
    152 #define CMT_ACCEPTENCODING	N_("Accept-Encoding header")
    153 #define CMT_ACCEPTMEDIA	 N_("Accept header")
    154 #define CMT_ACCEPTLANG   N_("Accept-Language header")
    155 #define CMT_MARK_ALL_PAGES N_("Treat URL-like strings as links in all pages")
    156 #define CMT_WRAP         N_("Wrap search")
    157 #define CMT_VIEW_UNSEENOBJECTS N_("Display unseen objects (e.g. bgimage tag)")
    158 #define CMT_AUTO_UNCOMPRESS	N_("Uncompress compressed data automatically when downloading")
    159 #ifdef __EMX__
    160 #define CMT_BGEXTVIEW	 N_("Run external viewer in a separate session")
    161 #else
    162 #define CMT_BGEXTVIEW    N_("Run external viewer in the background")
    163 #endif
    164 #define CMT_EXT_DIRLIST  N_("Use external program for directory listing")
    165 #define CMT_DIRLIST_CMD  N_("URL of directory listing command")
    166 #ifdef USE_DICT
    167 #define CMT_USE_DICTCOMMAND  N_("Enable dictionary lookup through CGI")
    168 #define CMT_DICTCOMMAND  N_("URL of dictionary lookup command")
    169 #endif				/* USE_DICT */
    170 #define CMT_IGNORE_NULL_IMG_ALT	N_("Display link name for images lacking ALT")
    171 #define CMT_IFILE        N_("Index file for directories")
    172 #define CMT_RETRY_HTTP   N_("Prepend http:// to URL automatically")
    173 #define CMT_DEFAULT_URL  N_("Default value for open-URL command")
    174 #define CMT_DECODE_CTE   N_("Decode Content-Transfer-Encoding when saving")
    175 #define CMT_PRESERVE_TIMESTAMP N_("Preserve timestamp when saving")
    176 #ifdef USE_MOUSE
    177 #define CMT_MOUSE         N_("Enable mouse")
    178 #define CMT_REVERSE_MOUSE N_("Scroll in reverse direction of mouse drag")
    179 #define CMT_RELATIVE_WHEEL_SCROLL N_("Behavior of wheel scroll speed")
    180 #define CMT_RELATIVE_WHEEL_SCROLL_RATIO N_("(A only)Scroll by # (%) of screen")
    181 #define CMT_FIXED_WHEEL_SCROLL_COUNT N_("(B only)Scroll by # lines")
    182 #endif				/* USE_MOUSE */
    183 #define CMT_CLEAR_BUF     N_("Free memory of undisplayed buffers")
    184 #define CMT_NOSENDREFERER N_("Suppress `Referer:' header")
    185 #define CMT_IGNORE_CASE N_("Search case-insensitively")
    186 #define CMT_USE_LESSOPEN N_("Use LESSOPEN")
    187 #ifdef USE_SSL
    188 #ifdef USE_SSL_VERIFY
    189 #define CMT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER N_("Perform SSL server verification")
    190 #define CMT_SSL_CERT_FILE N_("PEM encoded certificate file of client")
    191 #define CMT_SSL_KEY_FILE N_("PEM encoded private key file of client")
    192 #define CMT_SSL_CA_PATH N_("Path to directory for PEM encoded certificates of CAs")
    193 #define CMT_SSL_CA_FILE N_("File consisting of PEM encoded certificates of CAs")
    194 #endif				/* USE_SSL_VERIFY */
    195 #define CMT_SSL_FORBID_METHOD N_("List of forbidden SSL methods (2: SSLv2, 3: SSLv3, t:TLSv1)")
    196 #endif				/* USE_SSL */
    197 #ifdef USE_COOKIE
    198 #define CMT_USECOOKIE   N_("Enable cookie processing")
    199 #define CMT_SHOWCOOKIE  N_("Print a message when receiving a cookie")
    200 #define CMT_ACCEPTCOOKIE N_("Accept cookies")
    201 #define CMT_ACCEPTBADCOOKIE N_("Action to be taken on invalid cookie")
    202 #define CMT_COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS N_("Domains to reject cookies from")
    203 #define CMT_COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS N_("Domains to accept cookies from")
    204 #define CMT_COOKIE_AVOID_WONG_NUMBER_OF_DOTS N_("Domains to avoid [wrong number of dots]")
    205 #endif
    206 #define CMT_FOLLOW_REDIRECTION N_("Number of redirections to follow")
    207 #define CMT_META_REFRESH N_("Enable processing of meta-refresh tag")
    209 #ifdef USE_MIGEMO
    210 #define CMT_USE_MIGEMO N_("Enable Migemo (Roma-ji search)")
    211 #define CMT_MIGEMO_COMMAND N_("Migemo command")
    212 #endif				/* USE_MIGEMO */
    214 #ifdef USE_M17N
    215 #define CMT_DISPLAY_CHARSET  N_("Display charset")
    216 #define CMT_DOCUMENT_CHARSET N_("Default document charset")
    217 #define CMT_AUTO_DETECT      N_("Automatic charset detect when loading")
    218 #define CMT_SYSTEM_CHARSET   N_("System charset")
    219 #define CMT_FOLLOW_LOCALE    N_("System charset follows locale(LC_CTYPE)")
    220 #define CMT_EXT_HALFDUMP     N_("Output halfdump with display charset")
    221 #define CMT_USE_WIDE         N_("Use multi column characters")
    222 #define CMT_USE_COMBINING    N_("Use combining characters")
    223 #define CMT_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH N_("Use double width for some Unicode characters")
    224 #define CMT_USE_LANGUAGE_TAG N_("Use Unicode language tags")
    225 #define CMT_UCS_CONV         N_("Charset conversion using Unicode map")
    226 #define CMT_PRE_CONV         N_("Charset conversion when loading")
    227 #define CMT_SEARCH_CONV      N_("Adjust search string for document charset")
    228 #define CMT_FIX_WIDTH_CONV   N_("Fix character width when conversion")
    229 #define CMT_USE_GB12345_MAP  N_("Use GB 12345 Unicode map instead of GB 2312's")
    230 #define CMT_USE_JISX0201     N_("Use JIS X 0201 Roman for ISO-2022-JP")
    231 #define CMT_USE_JISC6226     N_("Use JIS C 6226:1978 for ISO-2022-JP")
    232 #define CMT_USE_JISX0201K    N_("Use JIS X 0201 Katakana")
    233 #define CMT_USE_JISX0212     N_("Use JIS X 0212:1990 (Supplemental Kanji)")
    234 #define CMT_USE_JISX0213     N_("Use JIS X 0213:2000 (2000JIS)")
    235 #define CMT_STRICT_ISO2022   N_("Strict ISO-2022-JP/KR/CN")
    236 #define CMT_GB18030_AS_UCS   N_("Treat 4 bytes char. of GB18030 as Unicode")
    237 #define CMT_SIMPLE_PRESERVE_SPACE N_("Simple Preserve space")
    238 #endif
    240 #define CMT_KEYMAP_FILE N_("keymap file")
    242 #define PI_TEXT    0
    243 #define PI_ONOFF   1
    244 #define PI_SEL_C   2
    245 #ifdef USE_M17N
    246 #define PI_CODE    3
    247 #endif
    249 struct sel_c {
    250     int value;
    251     char *cvalue;
    252     char *text;
    253 };
    255 #ifdef USE_COLOR
    256 static struct sel_c colorstr[] = {
    257     {0, "black", N_("black")},
    258     {1, "red", N_("red")},
    259     {2, "green", N_("green")},
    260     {3, "yellow", N_("yellow")},
    261     {4, "blue", N_("blue")},
    262     {5, "magenta", N_("magenta")},
    263     {6, "cyan", N_("cyan")},
    264     {7, "white", N_("white")},
    265     {8, "terminal", N_("terminal")},
    266     {0, NULL, NULL}
    267 };
    268 #endif				/* USE_COLOR */
    270 #if 1				/* ANSI-C ? */
    271 #define N_STR(x)	#x
    272 #define N_S(x)	(x), N_STR(x)
    273 #else				/* for traditional cpp? */
    274 static char n_s[][2] = {
    275     {'0', 0},
    276     {'1', 0},
    277     {'2', 0},
    278 };
    279 #define N_S(x) (x), n_s[(x)]
    280 #endif
    283 static struct sel_c defaulturls[] = {
    284     {N_S(DEFAULT_URL_EMPTY), N_("none")},
    285     {N_S(DEFAULT_URL_CURRENT), N_("current URL")},
    286     {N_S(DEFAULT_URL_LINK), N_("link URL")},
    287     {0, NULL, NULL}
    288 };
    290 static struct sel_c displayinsdel[] = {
    291     {N_S(DISPLAY_INS_DEL_SIMPLE), N_("simple")},
    292     {N_S(DISPLAY_INS_DEL_NORMAL), N_("use tag")},
    293     {N_S(DISPLAY_INS_DEL_FONTIFY), N_("fontify")},
    294     {0, NULL, NULL}
    295 };
    297 #ifdef USE_MOUSE
    298 static struct sel_c wheelmode[] = {
    299     {TRUE, "1", N_("A:relative to screen height")},
    300     {FALSE, "0", N_("B:fixed speed")},
    301     {0, NULL, NULL}
    302 };
    303 #endif				/* MOUSE */
    305 #ifdef INET6
    306 static struct sel_c dnsorders[] = {
    307     {N_S(DNS_ORDER_UNSPEC), N_("unspecified")},
    308     {N_S(DNS_ORDER_INET_INET6), N_("inet inet6")},
    309     {N_S(DNS_ORDER_INET6_INET), N_("inet6 inet")},
    310     {N_S(DNS_ORDER_INET_ONLY), N_("inet only")},
    311     {N_S(DNS_ORDER_INET6_ONLY), N_("inet6 only")},
    312     {0, NULL, NULL}
    313 };
    314 #endif				/* INET6 */
    316 #ifdef USE_COOKIE
    317 static struct sel_c badcookiestr[] = {
    318     {N_S(ACCEPT_BAD_COOKIE_DISCARD), N_("discard")},
    319 #if 0
    320     {N_S(ACCEPT_BAD_COOKIE_ACCEPT), N_("accept")},
    321 #endif
    322     {N_S(ACCEPT_BAD_COOKIE_ASK), N_("ask")},
    323     {0, NULL, NULL}
    324 };
    325 #endif				/* USE_COOKIE */
    327 static struct sel_c mailtooptionsstr[] = {
    328 #ifdef USE_W3MMAILER
    329     {N_S(MAILTO_OPTIONS_USE_W3MMAILER), N_("use internal mailer instead")},
    330 #endif
    331     {N_S(MAILTO_OPTIONS_IGNORE), N_("ignore options and use only the address")},
    332     {N_S(MAILTO_OPTIONS_USE_MAILTO_URL), N_("use full mailto URL")},
    333     {0, NULL, NULL}
    334 };
    336 #ifdef USE_M17N
    337 static wc_ces_list *display_charset_str = NULL;
    338 static wc_ces_list *document_charset_str = NULL;
    339 static wc_ces_list *system_charset_str = NULL;
    340 static struct sel_c auto_detect_str[] = {
    341     {N_S(WC_OPT_DETECT_OFF), N_("OFF")},
    342     {N_S(WC_OPT_DETECT_ISO_2022), N_("Only ISO 2022")},
    343     {N_S(WC_OPT_DETECT_ON), N_("ON")},
    344     {0, NULL, NULL}
    345 };
    346 #endif
    348 static struct sel_c graphic_char_str[] = {
    349     {N_S(GRAPHIC_CHAR_ASCII), N_("ASCII")},
    350     {N_S(GRAPHIC_CHAR_CHARSET), N_("charset specific")},
    351     {N_S(GRAPHIC_CHAR_DEC), N_("DEC special graphics")},
    352     {0, NULL, NULL}
    353 };
    355 struct param_ptr params1[] = {
    356     {"tabstop", P_NZINT, PI_TEXT, (void *)&Tabstop, CMT_TABSTOP, NULL},
    357     {"indent_incr", P_NZINT, PI_TEXT, (void *)&IndentIncr, CMT_INDENT_INCR,
    358      NULL},
    359     {"pixel_per_char", P_PIXELS, PI_TEXT, (void *)&pixel_per_char,
    360      CMT_PIXEL_PER_CHAR, NULL},
    361 #ifdef USE_IMAGE
    362     {"pixel_per_line", P_PIXELS, PI_TEXT, (void *)&pixel_per_line,
    363      CMT_PIXEL_PER_LINE, NULL},
    364 #endif
    365     {"frame", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&RenderFrame, CMT_FRAME, NULL},
    366     {"target_self", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&TargetSelf, CMT_TSELF, NULL},
    367     {"open_tab_blank", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&open_tab_blank,
    368      CMT_OPEN_TAB_BLANK, NULL},
    369     {"open_tab_dl_list", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&open_tab_dl_list,
    370      CMT_OPEN_TAB_DL_LIST, NULL},
    371     {"display_link", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&displayLink, CMT_DISPLINK,
    372      NULL},
    373     {"display_link_number", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&displayLinkNumber,
    375     {"decode_url", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&DecodeURL, CMT_DECODE_URL, NULL},
    376     {"display_lineinfo", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&displayLineInfo,
    378     {"ext_dirlist", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&UseExternalDirBuffer,
    379      CMT_EXT_DIRLIST, NULL},
    380     {"dirlist_cmd", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&DirBufferCommand,
    381      CMT_DIRLIST_CMD, NULL},
    382 #ifdef USE_DICT
    383     {"use_dictcommand", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&UseDictCommand,
    385     {"dictcommand", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&DictCommand,
    386      CMT_DICTCOMMAND, NULL},
    387 #endif				/* USE_DICT */
    388     {"multicol", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&multicolList, CMT_MULTICOL, NULL},
    389     {"alt_entity", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&UseAltEntity, CMT_ALT_ENTITY,
    390      NULL},
    391     {"graphic_char", P_CHARINT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&UseGraphicChar,
    392      CMT_GRAPHIC_CHAR, (void *)graphic_char_str},
    393     {"fold_textarea", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&FoldTextarea,
    394      CMT_FOLD_TEXTAREA, NULL},
    395     {"display_ins_del", P_INT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&displayInsDel,
    396      CMT_DISP_INS_DEL, displayinsdel},
    397     {"ignore_null_img_alt", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&ignore_null_img_alt,
    399     {"view_unseenobject", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&view_unseenobject,
    401     /* XXX: emacs-w3m force to off display_image even if image options off */
    402     {"display_image", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&displayImage, CMT_DISP_IMAGE,
    403      NULL},
    404     {"pseudo_inlines", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&pseudoInlines,
    406 #ifdef USE_IMAGE
    407     {"auto_image", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&autoImage, CMT_AUTO_IMAGE, NULL},
    408     {"max_load_image", P_INT, PI_TEXT, (void *)&maxLoadImage,
    409      CMT_MAX_LOAD_IMAGE, NULL},
    410     {"ext_image_viewer", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&useExtImageViewer,
    412     {"image_scale", P_SCALE, PI_TEXT, (void *)&image_scale, CMT_IMAGE_SCALE,
    413      NULL},
    414     {"imgdisplay", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&Imgdisplay, CMT_IMGDISPLAY,
    415      NULL},
    416     {"image_map_list", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&image_map_list,
    417      CMT_IMAGE_MAP_LIST, NULL},
    418 #endif
    419     {"fold_line", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&FoldLine, CMT_FOLD_LINE, NULL},
    420     {"show_lnum", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&showLineNum, CMT_SHOW_NUM, NULL},
    421     {"show_srch_str", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&show_srch_str,
    422      CMT_SHOW_SRCH_STR, NULL},
    423     {"label_topline", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&label_topline,
    424      CMT_LABEL_TOPLINE, NULL},
    425     {"nextpage_topline", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&nextpage_topline,
    427     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    428 };
    430 #ifdef USE_COLOR
    431 struct param_ptr params2[] = {
    432     {"color", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&useColor, CMT_COLOR, NULL},
    433     {"basic_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&basic_color, CMT_B_COLOR,
    434      (void *)colorstr},
    435     {"anchor_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&anchor_color, CMT_A_COLOR,
    436      (void *)colorstr},
    437     {"image_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&image_color, CMT_I_COLOR,
    438      (void *)colorstr},
    439     {"form_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&form_color, CMT_F_COLOR,
    440      (void *)colorstr},
    441 #ifdef USE_BG_COLOR
    442     {"mark_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&mark_color, CMT_MARK_COLOR,
    443      (void *)colorstr},
    444     {"bg_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&bg_color, CMT_BG_COLOR,
    445      (void *)colorstr},
    446 #endif				/* USE_BG_COLOR */
    447     {"active_style", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&useActiveColor,
    448      CMT_ACTIVE_STYLE, NULL},
    449     {"active_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&active_color, CMT_C_COLOR,
    450      (void *)colorstr},
    451     {"visited_anchor", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&useVisitedColor,
    453     {"visited_color", P_COLOR, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&visited_color, CMT_V_COLOR,
    454      (void *)colorstr},
    455     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    456 };
    457 #endif				/* USE_COLOR */
    460 struct param_ptr params3[] = {
    461     {"pagerline", P_NZINT, PI_TEXT, (void *)&PagerMax, CMT_PAGERLINE, NULL},
    462 #ifdef USE_HISTORY
    463     {"use_history", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&UseHistory, CMT_HISTORY, NULL},
    464     {"history", P_INT, PI_TEXT, (void *)&URLHistSize, CMT_HISTSIZE, NULL},
    465     {"save_hist", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&SaveURLHist, CMT_SAVEHIST, NULL},
    466 #endif				/* USE_HISTORY */
    467     {"confirm_qq", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&confirm_on_quit, CMT_CONFIRM_QQ,
    468      NULL},
    469     {"close_tab_back", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&close_tab_back,
    470      CMT_CLOSE_TAB_BACK, NULL},
    471 #ifdef USE_MARK
    472     {"mark", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&use_mark, CMT_USE_MARK, NULL},
    473 #endif
    474     {"emacs_like_lineedit", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&emacs_like_lineedit,
    476     {"vi_prec_num", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&vi_prec_num, CMT_VI_PREC_NUM,
    477      NULL},
    478     {"mark_all_pages", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&MarkAllPages,
    479      CMT_MARK_ALL_PAGES, NULL},
    480     {"wrap_search", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WrapDefault, CMT_WRAP, NULL},
    481     {"ignorecase_search", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&IgnoreCase,
    482      CMT_IGNORE_CASE, NULL},
    483 #ifdef USE_MIGEMO
    484     {"use_migemo", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&use_migemo, CMT_USE_MIGEMO,
    485      NULL},
    486     {"migemo_command", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&migemo_command,
    488 #endif				/* USE_MIGEMO */
    489 #ifdef USE_MOUSE
    490     {"use_mouse", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&use_mouse, CMT_MOUSE, NULL},
    491     {"reverse_mouse", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&reverse_mouse,
    492      CMT_REVERSE_MOUSE, NULL},
    493     {"relative_wheel_scroll", P_INT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&relative_wheel_scroll,
    494      CMT_RELATIVE_WHEEL_SCROLL, (void *)wheelmode},
    495     {"relative_wheel_scroll_ratio", P_INT, PI_TEXT,
    496      (void *)&relative_wheel_scroll_ratio,
    498     {"fixed_wheel_scroll_count", P_INT, PI_TEXT,
    499      (void *)&fixed_wheel_scroll_count,
    501 #endif				/* USE_MOUSE */
    502     {"clear_buffer", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&clear_buffer, CMT_CLEAR_BUF,
    503      NULL},
    504     {"decode_cte", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&DecodeCTE, CMT_DECODE_CTE,
    505      NULL},
    506     {"auto_uncompress", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&AutoUncompress,
    508     {"preserve_timestamp", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&PreserveTimestamp,
    510     {"keymap_file", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&keymap_file, CMT_KEYMAP_FILE,
    511      NULL},
    512     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    513 };
    515 struct param_ptr params4[] = {
    516     {"use_proxy", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&use_proxy, CMT_USE_PROXY,
    517      NULL},
    518     {"http_proxy", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&HTTP_proxy, CMT_HTTP_PROXY,
    519      NULL},
    520 #ifdef USE_SSL
    521     {"https_proxy", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&HTTPS_proxy, CMT_HTTPS_PROXY,
    522      NULL},
    523 #endif				/* USE_SSL */
    524 #ifdef USE_GOPHER
    525     {"gopher_proxy", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&GOPHER_proxy,
    526      CMT_GOPHER_PROXY, NULL},
    527 #endif				/* USE_GOPHER */
    528     {"ftp_proxy", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&FTP_proxy, CMT_FTP_PROXY, NULL},
    529     {"no_proxy", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&NO_proxy, CMT_NO_PROXY, NULL},
    530     {"noproxy_netaddr", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&NOproxy_netaddr,
    532     {"no_cache", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&NoCache, CMT_NO_CACHE, NULL},
    534     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    535 };
    537 struct param_ptr params5[] = {
    538     {"document_root", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&document_root, CMT_DROOT,
    539      NULL},
    540     {"personal_document_root", P_STRING, PI_TEXT,
    541      (void *)&personal_document_root, CMT_PDROOT, NULL},
    542     {"cgi_bin", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&cgi_bin, CMT_CGIBIN, NULL},
    543     {"index_file", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&index_file, CMT_IFILE, NULL},
    544     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    545 };
    547 struct param_ptr params6[] = {
    548     {"mime_types", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&mimetypes_files, CMT_MIMETYPES,
    549      NULL},
    550     {"mailcap", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&mailcap_files, CMT_MAILCAP, NULL},
    552     {"urimethodmap", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&urimethodmap_files,
    554 #endif
    555     {"editor", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&Editor, CMT_EDITOR, NULL},
    556     {"mailto_options", P_INT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&MailtoOptions,
    557      CMT_MAILTO_OPTIONS, (void *)mailtooptionsstr},
    558     {"mailer", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&Mailer, CMT_MAILER, NULL},
    559     {"extbrowser", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ExtBrowser, CMT_EXTBRZ, NULL},
    560     {"extbrowser2", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ExtBrowser2, CMT_EXTBRZ2,
    561      NULL},
    562     {"extbrowser3", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ExtBrowser3, CMT_EXTBRZ3,
    563      NULL},
    564     {"bgextviewer", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&BackgroundExtViewer,
    565      CMT_BGEXTVIEW, NULL},
    566     {"use_lessopen", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&use_lessopen, CMT_USE_LESSOPEN,
    567      NULL},
    568     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    569 };
    571 #ifdef USE_SSL
    572 struct param_ptr params7[] = {
    573     {"ssl_forbid_method", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ssl_forbid_method,
    575 #ifdef USE_SSL_VERIFY
    576     {"ssl_verify_server", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&ssl_verify_server,
    578     {"ssl_cert_file", P_SSLPATH, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ssl_cert_file,
    579      CMT_SSL_CERT_FILE, NULL},
    580     {"ssl_key_file", P_SSLPATH, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ssl_key_file,
    581      CMT_SSL_KEY_FILE, NULL},
    582     {"ssl_ca_path", P_SSLPATH, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ssl_ca_path, CMT_SSL_CA_PATH,
    583      NULL},
    584     {"ssl_ca_file", P_SSLPATH, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ssl_ca_file, CMT_SSL_CA_FILE,
    585      NULL},
    586 #endif				/* USE_SSL_VERIFY */
    587     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    588 };
    589 #endif				/* USE_SSL */
    591 #ifdef USE_COOKIE
    592 struct param_ptr params8[] = {
    593     {"use_cookie", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&use_cookie, CMT_USECOOKIE, NULL},
    594     {"show_cookie", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&show_cookie,
    595      CMT_SHOWCOOKIE, NULL},
    596     {"accept_cookie", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&accept_cookie,
    598     {"accept_bad_cookie", P_INT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&accept_bad_cookie,
    599      CMT_ACCEPTBADCOOKIE, (void *)badcookiestr},
    600     {"cookie_reject_domains", P_STRING, PI_TEXT,
    601      (void *)&cookie_reject_domains, CMT_COOKIE_REJECT_DOMAINS, NULL},
    602     {"cookie_accept_domains", P_STRING, PI_TEXT,
    603      (void *)&cookie_accept_domains, CMT_COOKIE_ACCEPT_DOMAINS, NULL},
    604     {"cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots", P_STRING, PI_TEXT,
    605      (void *)&cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots,
    607     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    608 };
    609 #endif
    611 struct param_ptr params9[] = {
    612     {"passwd_file", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&passwd_file, CMT_PASSWDFILE,
    613      NULL},
    614     {"disable_secret_security_check", P_INT, PI_ONOFF,
    615      (void *)&disable_secret_security_check, CMT_DISABLE_SECRET_SECURITY_CHECK,
    616      NULL},
    617     {"ftppasswd", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&ftppasswd, CMT_FTPPASS, NULL},
    618     {"ftppass_hostnamegen", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&ftppass_hostnamegen,
    620     {"pre_form_file", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&pre_form_file,
    621      CMT_PRE_FORM_FILE, NULL},
    622     {"user_agent", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&UserAgent, CMT_USERAGENT, NULL},
    623     {"no_referer", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&NoSendReferer, CMT_NOSENDREFERER,
    624      NULL},
    625     {"accept_language", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&AcceptLang, CMT_ACCEPTLANG,
    626      NULL},
    627     {"accept_encoding", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&AcceptEncoding,
    629      NULL},
    630     {"accept_media", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&AcceptMedia, CMT_ACCEPTMEDIA,
    631      NULL},
    632     {"argv_is_url", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&ArgvIsURL, CMT_ARGV_IS_URL,
    633      NULL},
    634     {"retry_http", P_INT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&retryAsHttp, CMT_RETRY_HTTP,
    635      NULL},
    636     {"default_url", P_INT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&DefaultURLString,
    637      CMT_DEFAULT_URL, (void *)defaulturls},
    638     {"follow_redirection", P_INT, PI_TEXT, &FollowRedirection,
    640     {"meta_refresh", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&MetaRefresh,
    641      CMT_META_REFRESH, NULL},
    642 #ifdef INET6
    643     {"dns_order", P_INT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&DNS_order, CMT_DNS_ORDER,
    644      (void *)dnsorders},
    645 #endif				/* INET6 */
    646 #ifdef USE_NNTP
    647     {"nntpserver", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&NNTP_server, CMT_NNTP_SERVER,
    648      NULL},
    649     {"nntpmode", P_STRING, PI_TEXT, (void *)&NNTP_mode, CMT_NNTP_MODE, NULL},
    650     {"max_news", P_INT, PI_TEXT, (void *)&MaxNewsMessage, CMT_MAX_NEWS, NULL},
    651 #endif
    652     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    653 };
    655 #ifdef USE_M17N
    656 struct param_ptr params10[] = {
    657     {"display_charset", P_CODE, PI_CODE, (void *)&DisplayCharset,
    658      CMT_DISPLAY_CHARSET, (void *)&display_charset_str},
    659     {"document_charset", P_CODE, PI_CODE, (void *)&DocumentCharset,
    660      CMT_DOCUMENT_CHARSET, (void *)&document_charset_str},
    661     {"auto_detect", P_CHARINT, PI_SEL_C, (void *)&WcOption.auto_detect,
    662      CMT_AUTO_DETECT, (void *)auto_detect_str},
    663     {"system_charset", P_CODE, PI_CODE, (void *)&SystemCharset,
    664      CMT_SYSTEM_CHARSET, (void *)&system_charset_str},
    665     {"follow_locale", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&FollowLocale,
    666      CMT_FOLLOW_LOCALE, NULL},
    667     {"ext_halfdump", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&ExtHalfdump,
    668      CMT_EXT_HALFDUMP, NULL},
    669     {"use_wide", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_wide, CMT_USE_WIDE,
    670      NULL},
    671     {"use_combining", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_combining,
    672      CMT_USE_COMBINING, NULL},
    673 #ifdef USE_UNICODE
    674     {"east_asian_width", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF,
    675      (void *)&WcOption.east_asian_width, CMT_EAST_ASIAN_WIDTH, NULL},
    676     {"use_language_tag", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF,
    677      (void *)&WcOption.use_language_tag, CMT_USE_LANGUAGE_TAG, NULL},
    678     {"ucs_conv", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.ucs_conv, CMT_UCS_CONV,
    679      NULL},
    680 #endif
    681     {"pre_conv", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.pre_conv, CMT_PRE_CONV,
    682      NULL},
    683     {"search_conv", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&SearchConv, CMT_SEARCH_CONV,
    684      NULL},
    685     {"fix_width_conv", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.fix_width_conv,
    686      CMT_FIX_WIDTH_CONV, NULL},
    687 #ifdef USE_UNICODE
    688     {"use_gb12345_map", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_gb12345_map,
    689      CMT_USE_GB12345_MAP, NULL},
    690 #endif
    691     {"use_jisx0201", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_jisx0201,
    692      CMT_USE_JISX0201, NULL},
    693     {"use_jisc6226", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_jisc6226,
    694      CMT_USE_JISC6226, NULL},
    695     {"use_jisx0201k", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_jisx0201k,
    696      CMT_USE_JISX0201K, NULL},
    697     {"use_jisx0212", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_jisx0212,
    698      CMT_USE_JISX0212, NULL},
    699     {"use_jisx0213", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.use_jisx0213,
    700      CMT_USE_JISX0213, NULL},
    701     {"strict_iso2022", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.strict_iso2022,
    702      CMT_STRICT_ISO2022, NULL},
    703 #ifdef USE_UNICODE
    704     {"gb18030_as_ucs", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&WcOption.gb18030_as_ucs,
    705      CMT_GB18030_AS_UCS, NULL},
    706 #endif
    707     {"simple_preserve_space", P_CHARINT, PI_ONOFF, (void *)&SimplePreserveSpace,
    709     {NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL},
    710 };
    711 #endif
    713 struct param_section sections[] = {
    714     {N_("Display Settings"), params1},
    715 #ifdef USE_COLOR
    716     {N_("Color Settings"), params2},
    717 #endif				/* USE_COLOR */
    718     {N_("Miscellaneous Settings"), params3},
    719     {N_("Directory Settings"), params5},
    720     {N_("External Program Settings"), params6},
    721     {N_("Network Settings"), params9},
    722     {N_("Proxy Settings"), params4},
    723 #ifdef USE_SSL
    724     {N_("SSL Settings"), params7},
    725 #endif
    726 #ifdef USE_COOKIE
    727     {N_("Cookie Settings"), params8},
    728 #endif
    729 #ifdef USE_M17N
    730     {N_("Charset Settings"), params10},
    731 #endif
    732     {NULL, NULL}
    733 };
    735 static Str to_str(struct param_ptr *p);
    737 static int
    738 compare_table(struct rc_search_table *a, struct rc_search_table *b)
    739 {
    740     return strcmp(a->param->name, b->param->name);
    741 }
    743 static void
    744 create_option_search_table()
    745 {
    746     int i, j, k;
    747     int diff1, diff2;
    748     char *p, *q;
    750     /* count table size */
    751     RC_table_size = 0;
    752     for (j = 0; sections[j].name != NULL; j++) {
    753 	i = 0;
    754 	while (sections[j].params[i].name) {
    755 	    i++;
    756 	    RC_table_size++;
    757 	}
    758     }
    760     RC_search_table = New_N(struct rc_search_table, RC_table_size);
    761     k = 0;
    762     for (j = 0; sections[j].name != NULL; j++) {
    763 	i = 0;
    764 	while (sections[j].params[i].name) {
    765 	    RC_search_table[k].param = &sections[j].params[i];
    766 	    k++;
    767 	    i++;
    768 	}
    769     }
    771     qsort(RC_search_table, RC_table_size, sizeof(struct rc_search_table),
    772 	  (int (*)(const void *, const void *))compare_table);
    774     diff1 = diff2 = 0;
    775     for (i = 0; i < RC_table_size - 1; i++) {
    776 	p = RC_search_table[i].param->name;
    777 	q = RC_search_table[i + 1].param->name;
    778 	for (j = 0; p[j] != '\0' && q[j] != '\0' && p[j] == q[j]; j++) ;
    779 	diff1 = j;
    780 	if (diff1 > diff2)
    781 	    RC_search_table[i].uniq_pos = diff1 + 1;
    782 	else
    783 	    RC_search_table[i].uniq_pos = diff2 + 1;
    784 	diff2 = diff1;
    785     }
    786 }
    788 struct param_ptr *
    789 search_param(char *name)
    790 {
    791     size_t b, e, i;
    792     int cmp;
    793     int len = strlen(name);
    795     for (b = 0, e = RC_table_size - 1; b <= e;) {
    796 	i = (b + e) / 2;
    797 	cmp = strncmp(name, RC_search_table[i].param->name, len);
    799 	if (!cmp) {
    800 	    if (len >= RC_search_table[i].uniq_pos) {
    801 		return RC_search_table[i].param;
    802 	    }
    803 	    else {
    804 		while ((cmp =
    805 			strcmp(name, RC_search_table[i].param->name)) <= 0)
    806 		    if (!cmp)
    807 			return RC_search_table[i].param;
    808 		    else if (i == 0)
    809 			return NULL;
    810 		    else
    811 			i--;
    812 		/* ambiguous */
    813 		return NULL;
    814 	    }
    815 	}
    816 	else if (cmp < 0) {
    817 	    if (i == 0)
    818 		return NULL;
    819 	    e = i - 1;
    820 	}
    821 	else
    822 	    b = i + 1;
    823     }
    824     return NULL;
    825 }
    827 /* show parameter with bad options invokation */
    828 void
    829 show_params(FILE * fp)
    830 {
    831     int i, j, l;
    832     char *t = NULL;
    833     char *cmt;
    835 #ifdef USE_M17N
    836 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
    837     OptionCharset = SystemCharset;	/* FIXME */
    838 #endif
    839 #endif
    841     fputs("\nconfiguration parameters\n", fp);
    842     for (j = 0; sections[j].name != NULL; j++) {
    843 #ifdef USE_M17N
    844 	if (!OptionEncode)
    845 	    cmt =
    846 		wc_conv(_(sections[j].name), OptionCharset,
    847 			InnerCharset)->ptr;
    848 	else
    849 #endif
    850 	    cmt = sections[j].name;
    851 	fprintf(fp, "  section[%d]: %s\n", j, conv_to_system(cmt));
    852 	i = 0;
    853 	while (sections[j].params[i].name) {
    854 	    switch (sections[j].params[i].type) {
    855 	    case P_INT:
    856 	    case P_SHORT:
    857 	    case P_CHARINT:
    858 	    case P_NZINT:
    859 		t = (sections[j].params[i].inputtype ==
    860 		     PI_ONOFF) ? "bool" : "number";
    861 		break;
    862 	    case P_CHAR:
    863 		t = "char";
    864 		break;
    865 	    case P_STRING:
    866 		t = "string";
    867 		break;
    868 #if defined(USE_SSL) && defined(USE_SSL_VERIFY)
    869 	    case P_SSLPATH:
    870 		t = "path";
    871 		break;
    872 #endif
    873 #ifdef USE_COLOR
    874 	    case P_COLOR:
    875 		t = "color";
    876 		break;
    877 #endif
    878 #ifdef USE_M17N
    879 	    case P_CODE:
    880 		t = "charset";
    881 		break;
    882 #endif
    883 	    case P_PIXELS:
    884 		t = "number";
    885 		break;
    886 	    case P_SCALE:
    887 		t = "percent";
    888 		break;
    889 	    }
    890 #ifdef USE_M17N
    891 	    if (!OptionEncode)
    892 		cmt = wc_conv(_(sections[j].params[i].comment),
    893 			      OptionCharset, InnerCharset)->ptr;
    894 	    else
    895 #endif
    896 		cmt = sections[j].params[i].comment;
    897 	    l = 30 - (strlen(sections[j].params[i].name) + strlen(t));
    898 	    if (l < 0)
    899 		l = 1;
    900 	    fprintf(fp, "    -o %s=<%s>%*s%s\n",
    901 		    sections[j].params[i].name, t, l, " ",
    902 		    conv_to_system(cmt));
    903 	    i++;
    904 	}
    905     }
    906 }
    908 int
    909 str_to_bool(char *value, int old)
    910 {
    911     if (value == NULL)
    912 	return 1;
    913     switch (TOLOWER(*value)) {
    914     case '0':
    915     case 'f':			/* false */
    916     case 'n':			/* no */
    917     case 'u':			/* undef */
    918 	return 0;
    919     case 'o':
    920 	if (TOLOWER(value[1]) == 'f')	/* off */
    921 	    return 0;
    922 	return 1;		/* on */
    923     case 't':
    924 	if (TOLOWER(value[1]) == 'o')	/* toggle */
    925 	    return !old;
    926 	return 1;		/* true */
    927     case '!':
    928     case 'r':			/* reverse */
    929     case 'x':			/* exchange */
    930 	return !old;
    931     }
    932     return 1;
    933 }
    935 #ifdef USE_COLOR
    936 static int
    937 str_to_color(char *value)
    938 {
    939     if (value == NULL)
    940 	return 8;		/* terminal */
    941     switch (TOLOWER(*value)) {
    942     case '0':
    943 	return 0;		/* black */
    944     case '1':
    945     case 'r':
    946 	return 1;		/* red */
    947     case '2':
    948     case 'g':
    949 	return 2;		/* green */
    950     case '3':
    951     case 'y':
    952 	return 3;		/* yellow */
    953     case '4':
    954 	return 4;		/* blue */
    955     case '5':
    956     case 'm':
    957 	return 5;		/* magenta */
    958     case '6':
    959     case 'c':
    960 	return 6;		/* cyan */
    961     case '7':
    962     case 'w':
    963 	return 7;		/* white */
    964     case '8':
    965     case 't':
    966 	return 8;		/* terminal */
    967     case 'b':
    968 	if (!strncasecmp(value, "blu", 3))
    969 	    return 4;		/* blue */
    970 	else
    971 	    return 0;		/* black */
    972     }
    973     return 8;			/* terminal */
    974 }
    975 #endif
    977 static int
    978 set_param(char *name, char *value)
    979 {
    980     struct param_ptr *p;
    981     double ppc;
    983     if (value == NULL)
    984 	return 0;
    985     p = search_param(name);
    986     if (p == NULL)
    987 	return 0;
    988     switch (p->type) {
    989     case P_INT:
    990 	if (atoi(value) >= 0)
    991 	    *(int *)p->varptr = (p->inputtype == PI_ONOFF)
    992 		? str_to_bool(value, *(int *)p->varptr) : atoi(value);
    993 	break;
    994     case P_NZINT:
    995 	if (atoi(value) > 0)
    996 	    *(int *)p->varptr = atoi(value);
    997 	break;
    998     case P_SHORT:
    999 	*(short *)p->varptr = (p->inputtype == PI_ONOFF)
   1000 	    ? str_to_bool(value, *(short *)p->varptr) : atoi(value);
   1001 	break;
   1002     case P_CHARINT:
   1003 	*(char *)p->varptr = (p->inputtype == PI_ONOFF)
   1004 	    ? str_to_bool(value, *(char *)p->varptr) : atoi(value);
   1005 	break;
   1006     case P_CHAR:
   1007 	*(char *)p->varptr = value[0];
   1008 	break;
   1009     case P_STRING:
   1010 	*(char **)p->varptr = value;
   1011 	break;
   1012 #if defined(USE_SSL) && defined(USE_SSL_VERIFY)
   1013     case P_SSLPATH:
   1014 	if (value != NULL && value[0] != '\0')
   1015 	    *(char **)p->varptr = rcFile(value);
   1016 	else
   1017 	    *(char **)p->varptr = NULL;
   1018 	ssl_path_modified = 1;
   1019 	break;
   1020 #endif
   1021 #ifdef USE_COLOR
   1022     case P_COLOR:
   1023 	*(int *)p->varptr = str_to_color(value);
   1024 	break;
   1025 #endif
   1026 #ifdef USE_M17N
   1027     case P_CODE:
   1028 	*(wc_ces *) p->varptr =
   1029 	    wc_guess_charset_short(value, *(wc_ces *) p->varptr);
   1030 	break;
   1031 #endif
   1032     case P_PIXELS:
   1033 	ppc = atof(value);
   1034 	if (ppc >= MINIMUM_PIXEL_PER_CHAR && ppc <= MAXIMUM_PIXEL_PER_CHAR * 2)
   1035 	    *(double *)p->varptr = ppc;
   1036 	break;
   1037     case P_SCALE:
   1038 	ppc = atof(value);
   1039 	if (ppc >= 10 && ppc <= 1000)
   1040 	    *(double *)p->varptr = ppc;
   1041 	break;
   1042     }
   1043     return 1;
   1044 }
   1046 int
   1047 set_param_option(char *option)
   1048 {
   1049     Str tmp = Strnew();
   1050     char *p = option, *q;
   1052     while (*p && !IS_SPACE(*p) && *p != '=')
   1053 	Strcat_char(tmp, *p++);
   1054     while (*p && IS_SPACE(*p))
   1055 	p++;
   1056     if (*p == '=') {
   1057 	p++;
   1058 	while (*p && IS_SPACE(*p))
   1059 	    p++;
   1060     }
   1061     Strlower(tmp);
   1062     if (set_param(tmp->ptr, p))
   1063 	goto option_assigned;
   1064     q = tmp->ptr;
   1065     if (!strncmp(q, "no", 2)) {	/* -o noxxx, -o no-xxx, -o no_xxx */
   1066 	q += 2;
   1067 	if (*q == '-' || *q == '_')
   1068 	    q++;
   1069     }
   1070     else if (tmp->ptr[0] == '-')	/* -o -xxx */
   1071 	q++;
   1072     else
   1073 	return 0;
   1074     if (set_param(q, "0"))
   1075 	goto option_assigned;
   1076     return 0;
   1077   option_assigned:
   1078     return 1;
   1079 }
   1081 char *
   1082 get_param_option(char *name)
   1083 {
   1084     struct param_ptr *p;
   1086     p = search_param(name);
   1087     return p ? to_str(p)->ptr : NULL;
   1088 }
   1090 static void
   1091 interpret_rc(FILE * f)
   1092 {
   1093     Str line;
   1094     Str tmp;
   1095     char *p;
   1097     for (;;) {
   1098 	line = Strfgets(f);
   1099 	if (line->length == 0)		/* end of file */
   1100 	    break;
   1101 	Strchop(line);
   1102 	if (line->length == 0)		/* blank line */
   1103 	    continue;
   1104 	Strremovefirstspaces(line);
   1105 	if (line->ptr[0] == '#')	/* comment */
   1106 	    continue;
   1107 	tmp = Strnew();
   1108 	p = line->ptr;
   1109 	while (*p && !IS_SPACE(*p))
   1110 	    Strcat_char(tmp, *p++);
   1111 	while (*p && IS_SPACE(*p))
   1112 	    p++;
   1113 	Strlower(tmp);
   1114 	set_param(tmp->ptr, p);
   1115     }
   1116 }
   1118 void
   1119 parse_proxy()
   1120 {
   1121     if (non_null(HTTP_proxy))
   1122 	parseURL(HTTP_proxy, &HTTP_proxy_parsed, NULL);
   1123 #ifdef USE_SSL
   1124     if (non_null(HTTPS_proxy))
   1125 	parseURL(HTTPS_proxy, &HTTPS_proxy_parsed, NULL);
   1126 #endif				/* USE_SSL */
   1127 #ifdef USE_GOPHER
   1128     if (non_null(GOPHER_proxy))
   1129 	parseURL(GOPHER_proxy, &GOPHER_proxy_parsed, NULL);
   1130 #endif
   1131     if (non_null(FTP_proxy))
   1132 	parseURL(FTP_proxy, &FTP_proxy_parsed, NULL);
   1133     if (non_null(NO_proxy))
   1134 	set_no_proxy(NO_proxy);
   1135 }
   1137 #ifdef USE_COOKIE
   1138 void
   1139 parse_cookie()
   1140 {
   1141     if (non_null(cookie_reject_domains))
   1142 	Cookie_reject_domains = make_domain_list(cookie_reject_domains);
   1143     if (non_null(cookie_accept_domains))
   1144 	Cookie_accept_domains = make_domain_list(cookie_accept_domains);
   1145     if (non_null(cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots))
   1146 	Cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots_domains
   1147 	       	= make_domain_list(cookie_avoid_wrong_number_of_dots);
   1148 }
   1149 #endif
   1151 #ifdef __EMX__
   1152 static int
   1153 do_mkdir(const char *dir, long mode)
   1154 {
   1155     char *r, abs[_MAX_PATH];
   1156     size_t n;
   1158     _abspath(abs, rc_dir, _MAX_PATH);	/* Translate '\\' to '/' */
   1160     if (!(n = strlen(abs)))
   1161 	return -1;
   1163     if (*(r = abs + n - 1) == '/')	/* Ignore tailing slash if it is */
   1164 	*r = 0;
   1166     return mkdir(abs, mode);
   1167 }
   1168 #else				/* not __EMX__ */
   1169 #ifdef __MINGW32_VERSION
   1170 #define do_mkdir(dir,mode) mkdir(dir)
   1171 #else
   1172 #define do_mkdir(dir,mode) mkdir(dir,mode)
   1173 #endif				/* not __MINW32_VERSION */
   1174 #endif				/* not __EMX__ */
   1176 void
   1177 sync_with_option(void)
   1178 {
   1179     if (PagerMax < LINES)
   1180 	PagerMax = LINES;
   1181     WrapSearch = WrapDefault;
   1182     parse_proxy();
   1183 #ifdef USE_COOKIE
   1184     parse_cookie();
   1185 #endif
   1186     initMailcap();
   1187     initMimeTypes();
   1189     initURIMethods();
   1190 #endif
   1191 #ifdef USE_MIGEMO
   1192     init_migemo();
   1193 #endif
   1194 #ifdef USE_IMAGE
   1195     if (fmInitialized && displayImage)
   1196 	initImage();
   1197 #else
   1198     displayImage = FALSE;	/* XXX */
   1199 #endif
   1200     loadPasswd();
   1201     loadPreForm();
   1203     if (AcceptLang == NULL || *AcceptLang == '\0') {
   1204 	/* TRANSLATORS: 
   1205 	 * AcceptLang default: this is used in Accept-Language: HTTP request 
   1206 	 * header. For example, ja.po should translate it as
   1207 	 * "ja;q=1.0, en;q=0.5" like that.
   1208 	 */
   1209 	AcceptLang = _("en;q=1.0");
   1210     }
   1211     if (AcceptEncoding == NULL || *AcceptEncoding == '\0')
   1212 	AcceptEncoding = acceptableEncoding();
   1213     if (AcceptMedia == NULL || *AcceptMedia == '\0')
   1214 	AcceptMedia = acceptableMimeTypes();
   1215 #ifdef USE_UNICODE
   1216     update_utf8_symbol();
   1217 #endif
   1218     if (fmInitialized) {
   1219 	initKeymap(FALSE);
   1220 #ifdef USE_MOUSE
   1221 	initMouseAction();
   1222 #endif				/* MOUSE */
   1223 #ifdef USE_MENU
   1224 	initMenu();
   1225 #endif				/* MENU */
   1226     }
   1227 }
   1229 void
   1230 init_rc(void)
   1231 {
   1232     int i;
   1233     struct stat st;
   1234     FILE *f;
   1236     if (rc_dir != NULL)
   1237 	goto open_rc;
   1239     rc_dir = expandPath(RC_DIR);
   1240     i = strlen(rc_dir);
   1241     if (i > 1 && rc_dir[i - 1] == '/')
   1242 	rc_dir[i - 1] = '\0';
   1244 #ifdef USE_M17N
   1245     display_charset_str = wc_get_ces_list();
   1246     document_charset_str = display_charset_str;
   1247     system_charset_str = display_charset_str;
   1248 #endif
   1250     if (stat(rc_dir, &st) < 0) {
   1251 	if (errno == ENOENT) {	/* no directory */
   1252 	    if (do_mkdir(rc_dir, 0700) < 0) {
   1253 		fprintf(stderr, "Can't create config directory (%s)!", rc_dir);
   1254 		goto rc_dir_err;
   1255 	    }
   1256 	    else {
   1257 		stat(rc_dir, &st);
   1258 	    }
   1259 	}
   1260 	else {
   1261 	    fprintf(stderr, "Can't open config directory (%s)!", rc_dir);
   1262 	    goto rc_dir_err;
   1263 	}
   1264     }
   1265     if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
   1266 	/* not a directory */
   1267 	fprintf(stderr, "%s is not a directory!", rc_dir);
   1268 	goto rc_dir_err;
   1269     }
   1270     if (!(st.st_mode & S_IWUSR)) {
   1271 	fprintf(stderr, "%s is not writable!", rc_dir);
   1272 	goto rc_dir_err;
   1273     }
   1274     no_rc_dir = FALSE;
   1275     tmp_dir = rc_dir;
   1277     if (config_file == NULL)
   1278 	config_file = rcFile(CONFIG_FILE);
   1280     create_option_search_table();
   1282   open_rc:
   1283     /* open config file */
   1284     if ((f = fopen(etcFile(W3MCONFIG), "rt")) != NULL) {
   1285 	interpret_rc(f);
   1286 	fclose(f);
   1287     }
   1288     if ((f = fopen(confFile(CONFIG_FILE), "rt")) != NULL) {
   1289 	interpret_rc(f);
   1290 	fclose(f);
   1291     }
   1292     if (config_file && (f = fopen(config_file, "rt")) != NULL) {
   1293 	interpret_rc(f);
   1294 	fclose(f);
   1295     }
   1296     return;
   1298   rc_dir_err:
   1299     no_rc_dir = TRUE;
   1300     if (((tmp_dir = getenv("TMPDIR")) == NULL || *tmp_dir == '\0') &&
   1301 	((tmp_dir = getenv("TMP")) == NULL || *tmp_dir == '\0') &&
   1302 	((tmp_dir = getenv("TEMP")) == NULL || *tmp_dir == '\0'))
   1303 	tmp_dir = "/tmp";
   1304     create_option_search_table();
   1305     goto open_rc;
   1306 }
   1309 static char optionpanel_src1[] =
   1310     "<html><head><title>Option Setting Panel</title></head><body>\
   1311 <h1 align=center>Option Setting Panel<br>(w3m version %s)</b></h1>\
   1312 <form method=post action=\"file:///$LIB/" W3MHELPERPANEL_CMDNAME "\">\
   1313 <input type=hidden name=mode value=panel>\
   1314 <input type=hidden name=cookie value=\"%s\">\
   1315 <input type=submit value=\"%s\">\
   1316 </form><br>\
   1317 <form method=internal action=option>";
   1319 static Str optionpanel_str = NULL;
   1321 static Str
   1322 to_str(struct param_ptr *p)
   1323 {
   1324     switch (p->type) {
   1325     case P_INT:
   1326 #ifdef USE_COLOR
   1327     case P_COLOR:
   1328 #endif
   1329 #ifdef USE_M17N
   1330     case P_CODE:
   1331 	return Sprintf("%d", (int)(*(wc_ces *) p->varptr));
   1332 #endif
   1333     case P_NZINT:
   1334 	return Sprintf("%d", *(int *)p->varptr);
   1335     case P_SHORT:
   1336 	return Sprintf("%d", *(short *)p->varptr);
   1337     case P_CHARINT:
   1338 	return Sprintf("%d", *(char *)p->varptr);
   1339     case P_CHAR:
   1340 	return Sprintf("%c", *(char *)p->varptr);
   1341     case P_STRING:
   1342 #if defined(USE_SSL) && defined(USE_SSL_VERIFY)
   1343     case P_SSLPATH:
   1344 #endif
   1345 	/*  SystemCharset -> InnerCharset */
   1346 	return Strnew_charp(conv_from_system(*(char **)p->varptr));
   1347     case P_PIXELS:
   1348     case P_SCALE:
   1349 	return Sprintf("%g", *(double *)p->varptr);
   1350     }
   1351     /* not reached */
   1352     return NULL;
   1353 }
   1355 Buffer *
   1356 load_option_panel(void)
   1357 {
   1358     Str src;
   1359     struct param_ptr *p;
   1360     struct sel_c *s;
   1361 #ifdef USE_M17N
   1362     wc_ces_list *c;
   1363 #endif
   1364     int x, i;
   1365     Str tmp;
   1366     Buffer *buf;
   1368     if (optionpanel_str == NULL)
   1369 	optionpanel_str = Sprintf(optionpanel_src1, w3m_version,
   1370 			      html_quote(localCookie()->ptr), _(CMT_HELPER));
   1371 #ifdef USE_M17N
   1372 #ifdef ENABLE_NLS
   1373     OptionCharset = SystemCharset;	/* FIXME */
   1374 #endif
   1375     if (!OptionEncode) {
   1376 	optionpanel_str =
   1377 	    wc_Str_conv(optionpanel_str, OptionCharset, InnerCharset);
   1378 	for (i = 0; sections[i].name != NULL; i++) {
   1379 	    sections[i].name =
   1380 		wc_conv(_(sections[i].name), OptionCharset,
   1381 			InnerCharset)->ptr;
   1382 	    for (p = sections[i].params; p->name; p++) {
   1383 		p->comment =
   1384 		    wc_conv(_(p->comment), OptionCharset,
   1385 			    InnerCharset)->ptr;
   1386 		if (p->inputtype == PI_SEL_C
   1387 #ifdef USE_COLOR
   1388 			&& p->select != colorstr
   1389 #endif
   1390 			) {
   1391 		    for (s = (struct sel_c *)p->select; s->text != NULL; s++) {
   1392 			s->text =
   1393 			    wc_conv(_(s->text), OptionCharset,
   1394 				    InnerCharset)->ptr;
   1395 		    }
   1396 		}
   1397 	    }
   1398 	}
   1399 #ifdef USE_COLOR
   1400 	for (s = colorstr; s->text; s++)
   1401 	    s->text = wc_conv(_(s->text), OptionCharset,
   1402 			      InnerCharset)->ptr;
   1403 #endif
   1404 	OptionEncode = TRUE;
   1405     }
   1406 #endif
   1407     src = Strdup(optionpanel_str);
   1409     Strcat_charp(src, "<table><tr><td>");
   1410     for (i = 0; sections[i].name != NULL; i++) {
   1411 	Strcat_m_charp(src, "<h1>", sections[i].name, "</h1>", NULL);
   1412 	p = sections[i].params;
   1413 	Strcat_charp(src, "<table width=100% cellpadding=0>");
   1414 	while (p->name) {
   1415 	    Strcat_m_charp(src, "<tr><td>", p->comment, NULL);
   1416 	    Strcat(src, Sprintf("</td><td width=%d>",
   1417 				(int)(28 * pixel_per_char)));
   1418 	    switch (p->inputtype) {
   1419 	    case PI_TEXT:
   1420 		Strcat_m_charp(src, "<input type=text name=",
   1421 			       p->name,
   1422 			       " value=\"",
   1423 			       html_quote(to_str(p)->ptr), "\">", NULL);
   1424 		break;
   1425 	    case PI_ONOFF:
   1426 		x = atoi(to_str(p)->ptr);
   1427 		Strcat_m_charp(src, "<input type=radio name=",
   1428 			       p->name,
   1429 			       " value=1",
   1430 			       (x ? " checked" : ""),
   1431 			       ">YES&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type=radio name=",
   1432 			       p->name,
   1433 			       " value=0", (x ? "" : " checked"), ">NO", NULL);
   1434 		break;
   1435 	    case PI_SEL_C:
   1436 		tmp = to_str(p);
   1437 		Strcat_m_charp(src, "<select name=", p->name, ">", NULL);
   1438 		for (s = (struct sel_c *)p->select; s->text != NULL; s++) {
   1439 		    Strcat_charp(src, "<option value=");
   1440 		    Strcat(src, Sprintf("%s\n", s->cvalue));
   1441 		    if ((p->type != P_CHAR && s->value == atoi(tmp->ptr)) ||
   1442 			(p->type == P_CHAR && (char)s->value == *(tmp->ptr)))
   1443 			Strcat_charp(src, " selected");
   1444 		    Strcat_char(src, '>');
   1445 		    Strcat_charp(src, s->text);
   1446 		}
   1447 		Strcat_charp(src, "</select>");
   1448 		break;
   1449 #ifdef USE_M17N
   1450 	    case PI_CODE:
   1451 		tmp = to_str(p);
   1452 		Strcat_m_charp(src, "<select name=", p->name, ">", NULL);
   1453 		for (c = *(wc_ces_list **) p->select; c->desc != NULL; c++) {
   1454 		    Strcat_charp(src, "<option value=");
   1455 		    Strcat(src, Sprintf("%s\n", c->name));
   1456 		    if (c->id == atoi(tmp->ptr))
   1457 			Strcat_charp(src, " selected");
   1458 		    Strcat_char(src, '>');
   1459 		    Strcat_charp(src, c->desc);
   1460 		}
   1461 		Strcat_charp(src, "</select>");
   1462 		break;
   1463 #endif
   1464 	    }
   1465 	    Strcat_charp(src, "</td></tr>\n");
   1466 	    p++;
   1467 	}
   1468 	Strcat_charp(src,
   1469 		     "<tr><td></td><td><p><input type=submit value=\"OK\"></td></tr>");
   1470 	Strcat_charp(src, "</table><hr width=50%>");
   1471     }
   1472     Strcat_charp(src, "</table></form></body></html>");
   1473     buf = loadHTMLString(src);
   1474 #ifdef USE_M17N
   1475     if (buf)
   1476 	buf->document_charset = OptionCharset;
   1477 #endif
   1478     return buf;
   1479 }
   1481 void
   1482 panel_set_option(struct parsed_tagarg *arg)
   1483 {
   1484     FILE *f = NULL;
   1485     char *p;
   1487     if (config_file == NULL) {
   1488 	disp_message("There's no config file... config not saved", FALSE);
   1489     }
   1490     else {
   1491 	f = fopen(config_file, "wt");
   1492 	if (f == NULL) {
   1493 	    disp_message("Can't write option!", FALSE);
   1494 	}
   1495     }
   1496     while (arg) {
   1497 	/*  InnerCharset -> SystemCharset */
   1498 	if (arg->value) {
   1499 	    p = conv_to_system(arg->value);
   1500 	    if (set_param(arg->arg, p)) {
   1501 		if (f)
   1502 		    fprintf(f, "%s %s\n", arg->arg, p);
   1503 	    }
   1504 	}
   1505 	arg = arg->next;
   1506     }
   1507     if (f)
   1508 	fclose(f);
   1509     sync_with_option();
   1510     backBf();
   1511 }
   1513 char *
   1514 rcFile(char *base)
   1515 {
   1516     if (base &&
   1517 	(base[0] == '/' ||
   1518 	 (base[0] == '.'
   1519 	  && (base[1] == '/' || (base[1] == '.' && base[2] == '/')))
   1520 	 || (base[0] == '~' && base[1] == '/')))
   1521 	/* /file, ./file, ../file, ~/file */
   1522 	return expandPath(base);
   1523     return expandPath(Strnew_m_charp(rc_dir, "/", base, NULL)->ptr);
   1524 }
   1526 char *
   1527 auxbinFile(char *base)
   1528 {
   1529     return expandPath(Strnew_m_charp(w3m_auxbin_dir(), "/", base, NULL)->ptr);
   1530 }
   1532 #if 0				/* not used */
   1533 char *
   1534 libFile(char *base)
   1535 {
   1536     return expandPath(Strnew_m_charp(w3m_lib_dir(), "/", base, NULL)->ptr);
   1537 }
   1538 #endif
   1540 char *
   1541 etcFile(char *base)
   1542 {
   1543     return expandPath(Strnew_m_charp(w3m_etc_dir(), "/", base, NULL)->ptr);
   1544 }
   1546 char *
   1547 confFile(char *base)
   1548 {
   1549     return expandPath(Strnew_m_charp(w3m_conf_dir(), "/", base, NULL)->ptr);
   1550 }
   1552 #ifndef USE_HELP_CGI
   1553 char *
   1554 helpFile(char *base)
   1555 {
   1556     return expandPath(Strnew_m_charp(w3m_help_dir(), "/", base, NULL)->ptr);
   1557 }
   1558 #endif