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      1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-html40-19980424/loose.dtd">
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 <head>
      4 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
      5 <title>F</title>
      6 <link rel="stylesheet" href="doc.css" type="text/css">
      7 </head>
      8 <body>
     10 <h1>F</h1>
     12 <dl>
     14 <dt><a name="*Fork"><code>*Fork</code></a>
     15 <dd>A global variable holding a (possibly empty) <code>prg</code> body, to be
     16 executed after a call to <code><a href="refF.html#fork">fork</a></code> in the
     17 child process.
     19 <pre><code>
     20 : (push '*Fork '(off *Tmp))   # Clear '*Tmp' in child process
     21 -> (off *Tmp)
     22 </code></pre>
     24 <dt><a name="+Fold"><code>+Fold</code></a>
     25 <dd>Prefix class for maintaining <code><a
     26 href="refF.html#fold">fold</a></code>ed indexes to <code><a
     27 href="refS.html#+String">+String</a></code> relations. Typically used in
     28 combination with the <code><a href="refR.html#+Ref">+Ref</a></code> or <code><a
     29 href="refI.html#+Idx">+Idx</a></code> prefix classes. See also <code><a
     30 href="refI.html#+IdxFold">+IdxFold</a></code> and <a
     31 href="ref.html#dbase">Database</a>.
     33 <pre><code>
     34 (rel nm (+Fold +Idx +String))   # Item Description
     35 ...
     36 (rel tel (+Fold +Ref +String))  # Phone number
     37 </code></pre>
     39 <dt><a name="fail"><code>(fail) -> lst</code></a>
     40 <dd>Constructs an empty <a href="ref.html#pilog">Pilog</a> query, i.e. a query
     41 that will aways fail. See also <code><a href="refG.html#goal">goal</a></code>.
     43 <pre><code>
     44 (dm clr> ()                # Clear query chart in search dialogs
     45    (query> This (fail)) )
     46 </code></pre>
     48 <dt><a name="fail/0"><code>fail/0</code></a>
     49 <dd><a href="ref.html#pilog">Pilog</a> predicate that always fails. See also
     50 <code><a href="refT.html#true/0">true/0</a></code>.
     52 <pre><code>
     53 : (? (fail))
     54 -> NIL
     55 </code></pre>
     57 <dt><a name="fetch"><code>(fetch 'tree 'any) -> any</code></a>
     58 <dd>Fetches a value for the key <code>any</code> from a database tree. See also
     59 <code><a href="refT.html#tree">tree</a></code> and <code><a
     60 href="refS.html#store">store</a></code>.
     62 <pre><code>
     63 : (fetch (tree 'nr '+Item) 2)
     64 -> {3-2}
     65 </code></pre>
     67 <dt><a name="fifo"><code>(fifo 'var ['any ..]) -> any</code></a>
     68 <dd>Implements a first-in-first-out structure using a circular list. When called
     69 with <code>any</code> arguments, they will be concatenated to end of the
     70 structure. Otherwise, the first element is removed from the structure and
     71 returned. See also <code><a href="refQ.html#queue">queue</a></code>, <code><a
     72 href="refP.html#push">push</a></code>, <code><a
     73 href="refP.html#pop">pop</a></code>, <code><a
     74 href="refR.html#rot">rot</a></code> and <code><a
     75 href="refC.html#circ">circ</a></code>.
     77 <pre><code>
     78 : (fifo 'X 1)
     79 -> 1
     80 : (fifo 'X 2 3)
     81 -> 3
     82 : X
     83 -> (3 1 2 .)
     84 : (fifo 'X)
     85 -> 1
     86 : (fifo 'X)
     87 -> 2
     88 : X
     89 -> (3 .)
     90 </code></pre>
     92 <dt><a name="file"><code>(file) -> (sym1 sym2 . num) | NIL</code></a>
     93 <dd>Returns for the current input channel the path name <code>sym1</code>, the
     94 file name <code>sym2</code>, and the current line number <code>num</code>. If
     95 the current input channel is not a file, <code>NIL</code> is returned. See also
     96 <code><a href="refI.html#info">info</a></code>, <code><a
     97 href="refI.html#in">in</a></code> and <code><a
     98 href="refL.html#load">load</a></code>.
    100 <pre><code>
    101 : (load (pack (car (file)) "localFile.l"))  # Load a file in same directory
    102 </code></pre>
    104 <dt><a name="fill"><code>(fill 'any ['sym|lst]) -> any</code></a>
    105 <dd>Non-destructively fills a pattern <code>any</code>, by substituting
    106 <code>sym</code>, or all symbols in <code>lst</code>, or - if no second argument
    107 is given - each pattern symbol in <code>any</code> (see <code><a
    108 href="refP.html#pat?">pat?</a></code>), with its current value. <code>@</code>
    109 itself is not considered a pattern symbol here. Unmodified subexpressions are
    110 shared. In any case, expressions following the symbol <code>^</code> should
    111 evaluate to lists which are then (destructively) spliced into the result. See
    112 also <code><a href="refM.html#match">match</a></code>.
    114 <pre><code>
    115 : (setq  @X 1234  @Y (1 2 3 4))
    116 -> (1 2 3 4)
    117 : (fill '@X)
    118 -> 1234
    119 : (fill '(a b (c @X) ((@Y . d) e)))
    120 -> (a b (c 1234) (((1 2 3 4) . d) e))
    121 : (let X 2 (fill (1 X 3) 'X))
    122 -> (1 2 3)
    124 : (fill (1 ^ (list 'a 'b 'c) 9))
    125 -> (1 a b c 9)
    127 : (match '(This is @X) '(This is a pen))
    128 -> T
    129 : (fill '(Got ^ @X))
    130 -> (Got a pen)
    131 </code></pre>
    133 <dt><a name="filter"><code>(filter 'fun 'lst ..) -> lst</code></a>
    134 <dd>Applies <code>fun</code> to each element of <code>lst</code>. When
    135 additional <code>lst</code> arguments are given, their elements are also passed
    136 to <code>fun</code>. Returns a list of all elements of <code>lst</code> where
    137 <code>fun</code> returned non-<code>NIL</code>. See also <code><a
    138 href="refF.html#fish">fish</a></code>, <code><a
    139 href="refF.html#find">find</a></code>, <code><a
    140 href="refP.html#pick">pick</a></code> and <code><a
    141 href="refE.html#extract">extract</a></code>.
    143 <pre><code>
    144 : (filter num? (1 A 2 (B) 3 CDE))
    145 -> (1 2 3)
    146 </code></pre>
    148 <dt><a name="fin"><code>(fin 'any) -> num|sym</code></a>
    149 <dd>Returns <code>any</code> if it is an atom, otherwise the CDR of its last
    150 cell. See also <code><a href="refL.html#last">last</a></code> and <code><a
    151 href="refT.html#tail">tail</a></code>.
    153 <pre><code>
    154 : (fin 'a)
    155 -> a
    156 : (fin '(a . b))
    157 -> b
    158 : (fin '(a b . c))
    159 -> c
    160 : (fin '(a b c))
    161 -> NIL
    162 </code></pre>
    164 <dt><a name="finally"><code>(finally exe . prg) -> any</code></a>
    165 <dd><code>prg</code> is executed, then <code>exe</code> is evaluated, and the
    166 result of <code>prg</code> is returned. <code>exe</code> will also be evaluated
    167 if <code>prg</code> does not terminate normally due to a runtime error or a call
    168 to <code><a href="refT.html#throw">throw</a></code>. See also <code><a
    169 href="refB.html#bye">bye</a></code>, <code><a
    170 href="refC.html#catch">catch</a></code>, <code><a
    171 href="refQ.html#quit">quit</a></code> and <code><a href="ref.html#errors">Error
    172 Handling</a></code>.
    174 <pre><code>
    175 : (finally (prinl "Done!")
    176    (println 123)
    177    (quit)
    178    (println 456) )
    179 123
    180 Done!
    181 : (catch 'A
    182    (finally (prinl "Done!")
    183       (println 1)
    184       (throw 'A 123)
    185       (println 2) ) )
    186 1
    187 Done!
    188 -> 123
    189 </code></pre>
    191 <dt><a name="find"><code>(find 'fun 'lst ..) -> any</code></a>
    192 <dd>Applies <code>fun</code> to successive elements of <code>lst</code> until
    193 non-<code>NIL</code> is returned. Returns that element, or <code>NIL</code> if
    194 <code>fun</code> did not return non-<code>NIL</code> for any element of
    195 <code>lst</code>. When additional <code>lst</code> arguments are given, their
    196 elements are also passed to <code>fun</code>. See also <code><a
    197 href="refS.html#seek">seek</a></code>, <code><a
    198 href="refP.html#pick">pick</a></code> and <code><a
    199 href="refF.html#filter">filter</a></code>.
    201 <pre><code>
    202 : (find pair (1 A 2 (B) 3 CDE))
    203 -> (B)
    204 : (find '((A B) (> A B)) (1 2 3 4 5 6) (6 5 4 3 2 1))
    205 -> 4
    206 : (find > (1 2 3 4 5 6) (6 5 4 3 2 1))  # shorter
    207 -> 4
    208 </code></pre>
    210 <dt><a name="fish"><code>(fish 'fun 'any) -> lst</code></a>
    211 <dd>Applies <code>fun</code> to each element - and recursively to all sublists -
    212 of <code>any</code>. Returns a list of all items where <code>fun</code> returned
    213 non-<code>NIL</code>. See also <code><a
    214 href="refF.html#filter">filter</a></code>.
    216 <pre><code>
    217 : (fish gt0 '(a -2 (1 b (-3 c 2)) 3 d -1))
    218 -> (1 2 3)
    219 : (fish sym? '(a -2 (1 b (-3 c 2)) 3 d -1))
    220 -> (a b c d)
    221 </code></pre>
    223 <dt><a name="flg?"><code>(flg? 'any) -> flg</code></a>
    224 <dd>Returns <code>T</code> when the argument <code>any</code> is either
    225 <code>NIL</code> or <code>T</code>. See also <code><a
    226 href="refB.html#bool">bool</a></code>. <code>(flg? X)</code> is equivalent to
    227 <code>(or (not X) (=T X))</code>.
    229 <pre><code>
    230 : (flg? (= 3 3))
    231 -> T
    232 : (flg? (= 3 4))
    233 -> T
    234 : (flg? (+ 3 4))
    235 -> NIL
    236 </code></pre>
    238 <dt><a name="flip"><code>(flip 'lst ['cnt]) -> lst</code></a>
    239 <dd>Returns <code>lst</code> (destructively) reversed. Without the optional
    240 <code>cnt</code> argument, the whole list is flipped, otherwise only the first
    241 <code>cnt</code> elements. See also <code><a
    242 href="refR.html#reverse">reverse</a></code> and <code><a
    243 href="refR.html#rot">rot</a></code>.
    245 <pre><code>
    246 : (flip (1 2 3 4))         # Flip all  four elements
    247 -> (4 3 2 1)
    248 : (flip (1 2 3 4 5 6) 3)   # Flip only the first three elements
    249 -> (3 2 1 4 5 6)
    250 </code></pre>
    252 <dt><a name="flush"><code>(flush) -> flg</code></a>
    253 <dd>Flushes the current output stream by writing all buffered data. A call to
    254 <code>flush</code> for standard output is done automatically before a call to
    255 <code><a href="refK.html#key">key</a></code>. Returns <code>T</code> when
    256 successful. See also <code><a href="refR.html#rewind">rewind</a></code>.
    258 <pre><code>
    259 : (flush)
    260 -> T
    261 </code></pre>
    263 <dt><a name="fmt64"><code>(fmt64 'num) -> sym</code></a>
    264 <dt><code>(fmt64 'sym) -> num</code>
    265 <dd>Converts a number <code>num</code> to a string in base-64 notation, or a
    266 base-64 formatted string to a number. The digits are represented with the
    267 characters <code>0</code> - <code>9</code>, <code>:</code>, <code>;</code>,
    268 <code>A</code> - <code>Z</code> and <code>a</code> - <code>z</code>. This format
    269 is used internally for the names of <code><a
    270 href="ref.html#external-io">external symbols</a></code> in the 32-bit version.
    271 See also <code><a href="refH.html#hax">hax</a></code>, <code><a
    272 href="refH.html#hex">hex</a></code>, <code><a
    273 href="refB.html#bin">bin</a></code> and <code><a
    274 href="refO.html#oct">oct</a></code>.
    276 <pre><code>
    277 : (fmt64 9)
    278 -> "9"
    279 : (fmt64 10)
    280 -> ":"
    281 : (fmt64 11)
    282 -> ";"
    283 : (fmt64 12)
    284 -> "A"
    285 : (fmt64 "100")
    286 -> 4096
    287 </code></pre>
    289 <dt><a name="fold"><code>(fold 'any ['cnt]) -> sym</code></a>
    290 <dd>Folding to a canonical form: If <code>any</code> is not a symbol, it is
    291 returned as it is. Otherwise, a new transient symbol with all digits and all
    292 letters of <code>any</code>, converted to lower case, is returned. If the
    293 <code>cnt</code> argument is given and non-zero, the result is truncated to that
    294 length. See also <code><a href="refL.html#lowc">lowc</a></code>.
    296 <pre><code>
    297 : (fold " 1A 2-b/3")
    298 -> "1a2b3"
    299 : (fold " 1A 2-B/3" 3)
    300 -> "1a2"
    301 </code></pre>
    303 <dt><a name="fold/3"><code>fold/3</code></a>
    304 <dd><a href="ref.html#pilog">Pilog</a> predicate that succeeds if the first
    305 argument, after <code><a href="refF.html#fold">fold</a></code>ing it to a
    306 canonical form, is a <i>prefix</i> of the folded string representation of the
    307 result of applying the <code><a href="refG.html#get">get</a></code> algorithm to
    308 the following arguments. Typically used as filter predicate in <code><a
    309 href="refS.html#select/3">select/3</a></code> database queries. See also
    310 <code><a href="refP.html#pre?">pre?</a></code>, <code><a
    311 href="refI.html#isa/2">isa/2</a></code>, <code><a
    312 href="refS.html#same/3">same/3</a></code>, <code><a
    313 href="refB.html#bool/3">bool/3</a></code>, <code><a
    314 href="refR.html#range/3">range/3</a></code>, <code><a
    315 href="refH.html#head/3">head/3</a></code>, <code><a
    316 href="refP.html#part/3">part/3</a></code> and <code><a
    317 href="refT.html#tolr/3">tolr/3</a></code>.
    319 <pre><code>
    320 : (?
    321    @Nr (1 . 5)
    322    @Nm "main"
    323    (select (@Item)
    324       ((nr +Item @Nr) (nm +Item @Nm))
    325       (range @Nr @Item nr)
    326       (fold @Nm @Item nm) ) )
    327  @Nr=(1 . 5) @Nm="main" @Item={3-1}
    328 -> NIL
    329 </code></pre>
    331 <dt><a name="for"><code>(for sym 'num ['any | (NIL 'any . prg) | (T 'any . prg) ..]) -> any</code></a>
    332 <dt><code>(for sym|(sym2 . sym) 'lst ['any | (NIL 'any . prg) | (T 'any . prg) ..]) -> any</code>
    333 <dt><code>(for (sym|(sym2 . sym) 'any1 'any2 [. prg]) ['any | (NIL 'any . prg) | (T 'any . prg) ..]) -> any</code>
    334 <dd>Conditional loop with local variable(s) and multiple conditional exits:<br>
    335 In the first form, the value of <code>sym</code> is saved, <code>sym</code> is
    336 bound to <code>1</code>, and the body is executed with increasing values up to
    337 (and including) <code>num</code>.<br>
    339 In the second form, the value of <code>sym</code> is saved, <code>sym</code> is
    340 subsequently bound to the elements of <code>lst</code>, and the body is executed
    341 each time.<br>
    343 In the third form, the value of <code>sym</code> is saved, and <code>sym</code>
    344 is bound to <code>any1</code>. If <code>sym2</code> is given, it is treated as a
    345 counter variable, first bound to 1 and then incremented for each execution of
    346 the body. While the condition <code>any2</code> evaluates to
    347 non-<code>NIL</code>, the body is repeatedly executed and, if <code>prg</code>
    348 is given, <code>sym</code> is re-bound to the result of its evaluation.<br>
    350 If a clause has <code>NIL</code> or <code>T</code> as its CAR, the clause's
    351 second element is evaluated as a condition and - if the result is
    352 <code>NIL</code> or non-<code>NIL</code>, respectively - the <code>prg</code> is
    353 executed and the result returned. If the body is never executed,
    354 <code>NIL</code> is returned.<br>
    356 See also <code><a href="refD.html#do">do</a></code> and <code><a
    357 href="refL.html#loop">loop</a></code>.
    359 <pre><code>
    360 # First form:
    361 : (for N 5 (printsp N))
    362 1 2 3 4 5 -> 5
    363 : (for N 5 (printsp N) (NIL (< N 3) (printsp 'enough)))
    364 1 2 3 enough -> enough
    365 : (for N 5 (T (> N 3) (printsp 'enough)) (printsp N))
    366 1 2 3 enough -> enough
    368 # Second form:
    369 : (for X (1 a 2 b) (printsp X))
    370 1 a 2 b -> b
    371 : (for (I . X) '(a b c) (println I X))
    372 1 a
    373 2 b
    374 3 c
    375 -> c
    377 # Third form:
    378 : (for (L (1 2 3 4 5) L) (printsp (pop 'L)))
    379 1 2 3 4 5 -> 5
    380 : (for (N 1 (>= 5 N) (inc N)) (printsp N))
    381 1 2 3 4 5 -> 5
    382 : (for ((I . L) '(a b c d e f) L (cddr L)) (println I L))
    383 1 (a b c d e f)
    384 2 (c d e f)
    385 3 (e f)
    386 -> (e f)
    387 </code></pre>
    389 <dt><a name="for/2"><code>for/2</code></a>
    390 <dt><a name="for/3"><code>for/3</code></a>
    391 <dt><a name="for/4"><code>for/4</code></a>
    392 <dd><a href="ref.html#pilog">Pilog</a> predicate that generates a sequence of
    393 numbers. See also <code><a href="refF.html#for">for</a></code> and <code><a
    394 href="refR.html#range">range</a></code>.
    396 <pre><code>
    397 : (? (for @I 3))
    398  @I=1
    399  @I=2
    400  @I=3
    401 -> NIL
    403 : (? (for @I 3 7))
    404  @I=3
    405  @I=4
    406  @I=5
    407  @I=6
    408  @I=7
    409 -> NIL
    411 : (? (for @I 7 3 2))
    412  @I=7
    413  @I=5
    414  @I=3
    415 -> NIL
    416 </code></pre>
    418 <dt><a name="fork"><code>(fork) -> pid | NIL</code></a>
    419 <dd>Forks a child process. Returns <code>NIL</code> in the child, and the
    420 child's process ID <code>pid</code> in the parent. In the child, the
    421 <code>VAL</code> of the global variable <code><a
    422 href="refF.html#*Fork">*Fork</a></code> (should be a <code>prg</code>) is
    423 executed. See also <code><a href="refP.html#pipe">pipe</a></code> and <code><a
    424 href="refT.html#tell">tell</a></code>.
    426 <pre><code>
    427 : (unless (fork) (do 5 (println 'OK) (wait 1000)) (bye))
    428 -> NIL
    429 OK                                              # Child's output
    430 : OK
    431 OK
    432 OK
    433 OK
    434 </code></pre>
    436 <dt><a name="forked"><code>(forked)</code></a>
    437 <dd>Installs maintenance code in <code><a
    438 href="refF.html#*Fork">*Fork</a></code> to close server sockets and clean up
    439 <code><a href="refR.html#*Run">*Run</a></code> code in child processes. Should
    440 only be called immediately after <code><a href="refT.html#task">task</a></code>.
    442 <pre><code>
    443 : (task -60000 60000 (msg 'OK))     # Install timer task
    444 -> (-60000 60000 (msg 'OK))
    445 : (forked)                          # No timer in child processes
    446 -> (task -60000)
    447 : *Run
    448 -> ((-60000 56432 (msg 'OK)))
    449 : *Fork
    450 -> ((task -60000) (del '(saveHistory) '*Bye))
    451 </code></pre>
    453 <dt><a name="format"><code>(format 'num ['cnt ['sym1 ['sym2]]]) -> sym</code></a>
    454 <dt><code>(format 'sym|lst ['cnt ['sym1 ['sym2]]]) -> num</code>
    455 <dd>Converts a number <code>num</code> to a string, or a string
    456 <code>sym|lst</code> to a number. In both cases, optionally a precision
    457 <code>cnt</code>, a decimal-separator <code>sym1</code> and a
    458 thousands-separator <code>sym2</code> can be supplied. Returns <code>NIL</code>
    459 if the conversion is unsuccessful. See also <a
    460 href="ref.html#num-io">Numbers</a> and <code><a
    461 href="refR.html#round">round</a></code>.
    463 <pre><code>
    464 : (format 123456789)                   # Integer conversion
    465 -> "123456789"
    466 : (format 123456789 2)                 # Fixed point
    467 -> "1234567.89"
    468 : (format 123456789 2 ",")             # Comma as decimal-separator
    469 -> "1234567,89"
    470 : (format 123456789 2 "," ".")         # and period as thousands-separator
    471 -> "1.234.567,89"
    473 : (format "123456789")                 # String to number
    474 -> 123456789
    475 : (format (1 "23" (4 5 6)))
    476 -> 123456
    477 : (format "1234567.89" 4)              # scaled to four digits
    478 -> 12345678900
    479 : (format "1.234.567,89")              # separators not recognized
    480 -> NIL
    481 : (format "1234567,89" 4 ",")
    482 -> 12345678900
    483 : (format "1.234.567,89" 4 ",")        # thousands-separator not recognized
    484 -> NIL
    485 : (format "1.234.567,89" 4 "," ".")
    486 -> 12345678900
    487 </code></pre>
    489 <dt><a name="free"><code>(free 'cnt) -> (sym . lst)</code></a>
    490 <dd>Returns, for the <code>cnt</code>'th database file, the next available
    491 symbol <code>sym</code> (i.e. the first symbol greater than any symbol in the
    492 database), and the list <code>lst</code> of free symbols. See also <code><a
    493 href="refS.html#seq">seq</a></code>, <code><a
    494 href="refZ.html#zap">zap</a></code> and <code><a
    495 href="refD.html#dbck">dbck</a></code>.
    497 <pre><code>
    498 : (pool "x")      # A new database
    499 -> T
    500 : (new T)         # Create a new symbol
    501 -> {2}
    502 : (new T)         # Create another symbol
    503 -> {3}
    504 : (commit)        # Commit changes
    505 -> T
    506 : (zap '{2})      # Delete the first symbol
    507 -> {2}
    508 : (free 1)        # Show free list
    509 -> ({4})          # {3} was the last symbol allocated
    510 : (commit)        # Commit the deletion of {2}
    511 -> T
    512 : (free 1)        # Now {2} is in the free list
    513 -> ({4} {2})
    514 </code></pre>
    516 <dt><a name="from"><code>(from 'any ..) -> sym</code></a>
    517 <dd>Skips the current input channel until one of the strings <code>any</code> is
    518 found, and starts subsequent reading from that point. The found <code>any</code>
    519 argument, or <code>NIL</code> (if none is found) is returned. See also <code><a
    520 href="refT.html#till">till</a></code> and <code><a
    521 href="refE.html#echo">echo</a></code>.
    523 <pre><code>
    524 : (and (from "val='") (till "'" T))
    525 test val='abc'
    526 -> "abc"
    527 </code></pre>
    529 <dt><a name="full"><code>(full 'any) -> bool</code></a>
    530 <dd>Returns <code>NIL</code> if <code>any</code> is a non-empty list with at
    531 least one <code>NIL</code> element, otherwise <code>T</code>. <code>(full
    532 X)</code> is equivalent to <code>(not (memq NIL X))</code>.
    534 <pre><code>
    535 : (full (1 2 3))
    536 -> T
    537 : (full (1 NIL 3))
    538 -> NIL
    539 : (full 123)
    540 -> T
    541 </code></pre>
    543 <dt><a name="fun?"><code>(fun? 'any) -> any</code></a>
    544 <dd>Returns <code>NIL</code> when the argument <code>any</code> is neither a
    545 number suitable for a code-pointer, nor a list suitable for a lambda expression
    546 (function). Otherwise a number is returned for a code-pointer, <code>T</code>
    547 for a function without arguments, and a single formal parameter or a list of
    548 formal parameters for a function. See also <code><a
    549 href="refG.html#getd">getd</a></code>.
    551 <pre><code>
    552 : (fun? 1000000000)              # Might be a code pointer
    553 -> 1000000000
    554 : (fun? 100000000000000)         # Too big for a code pointer
    555 -> NIL
    556 : (fun? 1000000001)              # Cannot be a code pointer (odd)
    557 -> NIL
    558 : (fun? '((A B) (* A B)))        # Lambda expression
    559 -> (A B)
    560 : (fun? '((A B) (* A B) . C))    # Not a lambda expression
    561 -> NIL
    562 : (fun? '(1 2 3 4))              # Not a lambda expression
    563 -> NIL
    564 : (fun? '((A 2 B) (* A B)))      # Not a lambda expression
    565 -> NIL
    566 </code></pre>
    568 </dl>
    570 </body>
    571 </html>