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picolisp.el (30679B)

      1 ;;;;;; picolisp-mode: Major mode to edit picoLisp.
      2 ;;;;;; Version: 1.3
      4 ;;; Copyright (c) 2009, Guillermo R. Palavecino
      5 ;;; Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Thorsten Jolitz
      7 ;; This file is NOT part of GNU emacs.
      9 ;;;; Credits:
     10 ;; It's based on GNU emacs' lisp-mode and scheme-mode.
     11 ;; Some bits were taken from paredit.el
     12 ;; Two functions were copied from Xah Lee (http://xahlee.org/)
     13 ;;
     14 ;;;; Contact:
     15 ;; For comments, bug reports, questions, etc, you can contact the
     16 ;; first author via IRC to the user named grpala (or armadillo) on
     17 ;; irc.freenode.net in the #picolisp channel or via email to the
     18 ;; author's nickname at gmail.com 
     19 ;; 
     20 ;; Or contact the second author and curent maintainer via email: 
     21 ;; t <lastname in lowercase letters> AT gmail DOT com
     22 ;; 
     23 ;;;; License:
     24 ;; This work is released under the GPL 2 or (at your option) any later
     25 ;; version.
     28 (require 'lisp-mode)
     30 (defcustom picolisp-parsep t
     31   "This is to toggle picolisp-mode's multi-line s-exps closing parens separation capability."
     32   :type 'boolean
     33   :group 'picolisp )
     35 ;; I know... this shouldn't be here, but you see, people may want to keep
     36 ;; their body-indent value unaltered and have a different one for picolisp
     37 ;; sources, so...
     38 (defcustom picolisp-body-indent 3
     39   "Number of columns to indent the second line of a `(de ...)' form."
     40   :group 'picolisp
     41   :type 'integer )
     43 (defvar picolisp-mode-syntax-table
     44   (let ((st (make-syntax-table))
     45         (i 0) )
     47     ;; Default is atom-constituent.
     48     (while (< i 256)
     49       (modify-syntax-entry i "_   " st)
     50       (setq i (1+ i)) )
     52     ;; Word components.
     53     (setq i ?0)
     54     (while (<= i ?9)
     55       (modify-syntax-entry i "w   " st)
     56       (setq i (1+ i)) )
     57     (setq i ?A)
     58     (while (<= i ?Z)
     59       (modify-syntax-entry i "w   " st)
     60       (setq i (1+ i)) )
     61     (setq i ?a)
     62     (while (<= i ?z)
     63       (modify-syntax-entry i "w   " st)
     64       (setq i (1+ i)) )
     66     ;; Whitespace
     67     (modify-syntax-entry ?\t "    " st)
     68     (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">   " st)
     69     (modify-syntax-entry ?\f "    " st)
     70     (modify-syntax-entry ?\r "    " st)
     71     (modify-syntax-entry ?\s "    " st)
     73     ;; These characters are delimiters but otherwise undefined.
     74     ;; Brackets and braces balance for editing convenience.
     75     (modify-syntax-entry ?\[ "(]  " st)
     76     (modify-syntax-entry ?\] ")[  " st)
     77     (modify-syntax-entry ?{  "(}  " st)
     78     (modify-syntax-entry ?}  "){  " st)
     80     ;; Other atom delimiters
     81     (modify-syntax-entry ?\( "()  " st)
     82     (modify-syntax-entry ?\) ")(  " st)
     83     ;; It's used for single-line comments.
     84     (modify-syntax-entry ?#  "<   " st)
     85     (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"   " st)
     86     (modify-syntax-entry ?'  "'   " st)
     87     (modify-syntax-entry ?`  "'   " st)
     88     (modify-syntax-entry ?~  "'   " st)
     90     ;; Special characters
     91     (modify-syntax-entry ?,  "'   " st)
     92     (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\   " st)
     93     st ) )
     95 (defvar picolisp-mode-abbrev-table nil)
     96 (define-abbrev-table 'picolisp-mode-abbrev-table ())
     99 (defun picolisp-mode-variables ()
    100   (set-syntax-table picolisp-mode-syntax-table)
    101   ;;(setq local-abbrev-table picolisp-mode-abbrev-table)
    102   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-start)
    103   (setq paragraph-start (concat "$\\|" page-delimiter))
    104   ;;(setq comint-input-ring-file-name "~/.pil_history")
    106   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-separate)
    107   (setq paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
    109   (make-local-variable 'paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix)
    110   (setq paragraph-ignore-fill-prefix t)
    112   (make-local-variable 'fill-paragraph-function)
    113   (setq fill-paragraph-function 'lisp-fill-paragraph)
    114   ;; Adaptive fill mode gets in the way of auto-fill,
    115   ;; and should make no difference for explicit fill
    116   ;; because lisp-fill-paragraph should do the job.
    117   (make-local-variable 'adaptive-fill-mode)
    118   (setq adaptive-fill-mode nil)
    120   (make-local-variable 'normal-auto-fill-function)
    121   (setq normal-auto-fill-function 'lisp-mode-auto-fill)
    123   (make-local-variable 'indent-line-function)
    124   (setq indent-line-function 'picolisp-indent-line)
    126   (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
    127   (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
    129   (make-local-variable 'comment-start)
    130   (setq comment-start "#")
    132   (set (make-local-variable 'comment-add) 1)
    133   (make-local-variable 'comment-start-skip)
    134   ;; Look within the line for a # following an even number of backslashes
    135   ;; after either a non-backslash or the line beginning.
    136   (setq comment-start-skip "\\(\\(^\\|[^\\\\\n]\\)\\(\\\\\\\\\\)*\\)#+[ \t]*");  ((^|[^\n])(\\\\)*)#+[ t]*
    137   (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-comment-start-skip) "#+ *")
    139   (make-local-variable 'comment-column)
    140   (setq comment-column 40)
    142   (make-local-variable 'parse-sexp-ignore-comments)
    143   (setq parse-sexp-ignore-comments t)
    145   (make-local-variable 'lisp-indent-function)
    146   (setq lisp-indent-function 'picolisp-indent-function)
    148   ;; This is just to avoid tabsize-variations fuck-up.
    149   (make-local-variable 'indent-tabs-mode)
    150   (setq indent-tabs-mode)
    152   (setq dabbrev-case-fold-search t)
    153   (setq dabbrev-case-replace nil)
    155   (setq mode-line-process '("" picolisp-mode-line-process))
    156   (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
    157        '((picolisp-font-lock-keywords
    158           picolisp-font-lock-keywords-1
    159           picolisp-font-lock-keywords-2 )
    160          nil t (("+-*/.<>=!?$%_&~^:" . "w"))
    161          beginning-of-defun
    162          (font-lock-mark-block-function . mark-defun)
    163          (font-lock-keywords-case-fold-search . nil)
    164          (parse-sexp-lookup-properties . t)
    165          (font-lock-extra-managed-props syntax-table) ) )
    166   (set (make-local-variable 'lisp-doc-string-elt-property)
    167        'picolisp-doc-string-elt ) )
    169 (defvar picolisp-mode-line-process "")
    171 (defvar picolisp-mode-map
    172   (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap "Picolisp")))
    173     (set-keymap-parent map lisp-mode-shared-map)
    175     ;; more convenient than "C-ck"
    176     (define-key map "\C-c\C-v" 'picolisp-edit-K)
    177     ;; more convenient than "C-cq"
    178     (define-key map "\C-c\C-c" 'picolisp-edit-Q) 
    179     ;; not necesary: picolisp-edit-Q exits on last undo
    180     ;; (define-key map "\C-q" '(save-buffers-kill-terminal 1))
    182     (define-key map [menu-bar picolisp] (cons "Picolisp" map))
    183     (define-key map [run-picolisp] '("Run Inferior Picolisp" . run-picolisp))
    184     (define-key map [uncomment-region]
    185       '("Uncomment Out Region" . (lambda (beg end)
    186                                    (interactive "r")
    187                                    (comment-region beg end '(4)) ) ) )
    188     (define-key map [comment-region] '("Comment Out Region" . comment-region))
    189     (define-key map [indent-region] '("Indent Region" . indent-region))
    190     (define-key map [indent-line] '("Indent Line" . picolisp-indent-line))
    191     (define-key map "\t" 'picolisp-indent-line)
    192     (put 'comment-region 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
    193     (put 'uncomment-region 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
    194     (put 'indent-region 'menu-enable 'mark-active)
    195     map )
    196   "Keymap for Picolisp mode.
    197 All commands in `lisp-mode-shared-map' are inherited by this map." )
    200 ;;;###autoload
    201 (defun picolisp-mode ()
    202   "Major mode for editing Picolisp code.
    203 Editing commands are similar to those of `lisp-mode'.
    205 Commands:
    206 Delete converts tabs to spaces as it moves back.
    207 Blank lines separate paragraphs.  Semicolons start comments.
    208 \\{picolisp-mode-map}
    209 Entry to this mode calls the value of `picolisp-mode-hook'
    210 if that value is non-nil."
    211   (interactive)
    212   (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max) '(display ""))
    213   (kill-all-local-variables)
    214   (use-local-map picolisp-mode-map)
    215   (setq major-mode 'picolisp-mode)
    216   (setq mode-name "Picolisp")
    217   (picolisp-mode-variables)
    218   (run-mode-hooks 'picolisp-mode-hook)
    219   (defun paredit-delete-leading-whitespace ()
    220     (picolisp-delete-leading-whitespace) ) )
    222 (autoload 'run-picolisp "inferior-picolisp"
    223   "Run an inferior Picolisp process, input and output via buffer `*picolisp*'.
    224 If there is a process already running in `*picolisp*', switch to that buffer.
    225 With argument, allows you to edit the command line (default is value
    226 of `picolisp-program-name').
    227 Runs the hook `inferior-picolisp-mode-hook' \(after the `comint-mode-hook'
    228 is run).
    229 \(Type \\[describe-mode] in the process buffer for a list of commands.)"
    230   t )
    232 (defgroup picolisp nil
    233   "Editing Picolisp code."
    234   :link '(custom-group-link :tag "Font Lock Faces group" font-lock-faces)
    235   :group 'lisp )
    237 (defcustom picolisp-mode-hook nil
    238   "Normal hook run when entering `picolisp-mode'.
    239 See `run-hooks'."
    240   :type 'hook
    241   :group 'picolisp )
    244 (defconst picolisp-font-lock-keywords-1
    245   (eval-when-compile
    246     (list
    247      ;;
    248      ;; Declarations.
    249      (list 
    250       (concat "(" (regexp-opt '("be" "de" "dm") t) "\\>"
    251               ;; Any whitespace and declared object.
    252               "[ \t]*"
    253               "\\(\\sw+\\)?" )
    254       '(2 font-lock-function-name-face
    255           nil t ) )
    256      (list (concat "\\<"
    257                    (regexp-opt '("NIL" "T") t)  
    258                    "\\>" )
    259            '(1 font-lock-constant-face) )
    260      (list
    261       (concat "\\<"
    262               (regexp-opt '("*OS" "*DB" "*Solo" "*PPid" "*Pid" "@" "@@" "@@@"
    263                             "This" "*Dbg" "*Zap" "*Scl" "*Class" "*Dbs" "*Run"
    264                             "*Hup" "*Sig1" "*Sig2" "^" "*Err" "*Msg" "*Uni" 
    265                             "*Led" "*Adr" "*Allow" "*Fork" "*Bye" ) t )
    266               "\\>" )
    267       '(1 font-lock-builtin-face) )
    268      ;; This is so we make the point used in conses more visible
    269      '("\\<\\(\\.\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-negation-char-face))
    270      '("(\\(====\\)\\>" (1 font-lock-negation-char-face)) 
    271      (list ;; Functions that modify @
    272       (concat "("
    273               (regexp-opt '("prog1" "prog2"
    274                             "cond" "case"
    275                             "if" "if2" "ifn"
    276                             "when" "unless"
    277                             "and" "or" "nor" "not"
    278                             "nand" "nond"
    279                             "loop" "do" "while" "until" "for"
    280                             "state" ) t )
    281               "\\>" )
    282       '(1 font-lock-preprocessor-face) ) ) )
    283   "Subdued expressions to highlight in Picolisp modes." )
    286 (defconst picolisp-font-lock-keywords-2
    287   (append picolisp-font-lock-keywords-1
    288           (eval-when-compile
    289             (list
    290              ;; Control structures.
    291              (cons
    292               (concat
    293                "(" (regexp-opt
    294                     '( ;; Symbol Functions
    295                       "new" "sym" "str" "char" "name" "sp?" "pat?" "fun?" "all" 
    296                       "intern" "extern" "qsym" "loc" "box?" "str?" "ext?" 
    297                       "touch" "zap" "length" "size" "format" "chop" "pack" 
    298                       "glue" "pad" "align" "center" "text" "wrap" "pre?" "sub?" 
    299                       "low?" "upp?" "lowc" "uppc" "fold" "val" "getd" "set" 
    300                       "setq" "def" "de" "dm" "recur" "undef" "redef" "daemon" 
    301                       "patch" "xchg" "on" "off" "onOff" "zero" "one" "default" 
    302                       "expr" "subr" "let" "let?" "use" "accu" "push" "push1" 
    303                       "pop" "cut" "del" "queue" "fifo" "idx" "lup" "cache" 
    304                       "locale" "dirname"
    305                       ;; Property Access
    306                       "put" "get" "prop" ";" "=:" ":" "::" "putl" "getl" "wipe" ;
    307                       "meta"
    308                       ;; Predicates
    309                       "atom" "pair" "lst?" "num?" "sym?" "flg?" "sp?" "pat?" 
    310                       "fun?" "box?" "str?" "ext?" "bool" "not" "==" "n==" "=" 
    311                       "<>" "=0" "=T" "n0" "nT" "<" "<=" ">" ">=" "match"
    312                       ;; Arithmetics
    313                       "+" "-" "*" "/" "%" "*/" "**" "inc" "dec" ">>" "lt0" 
    314                       "ge0" "gt0" "abs" "bit?" "&" "|" "x|" "sqrt" "seed" 
    315                       "rand" "max" "min" "length" "size" "accu" "format" "pad" 
    316                       "oct" "hex" "fmt64" "money"
    317                       ;; List Processing
    318                       "car" "cdr" "caar" "cadr" "cdar" "cddr" "caaar" "caadr" 
    319                       "cadar" "caddr" "cdaar" "cdadr" "cddar" "cdddr" "cadddr" 
    320                       "cddddr" "nth" "con" "cons" "conc" "circ" "rot" "list" 
    321                       "need" "full" "make" "made" "chain" "link" "yoke" "copy" 
    322                       "mix" "append" "delete" "delq" "replace" "insert" 
    323                       "remove" "place" "strip" "split" "reverse" "flip" "trim" 
    324                       "clip" "head" "tail" "stem" "fin" "last" "member" "memq" 
    325                       "mmeq" "sect" "diff" "index" "offset" "assoc" "asoq" 
    326                       "rank" "sort" "uniq" "group" "length" "size" "val" "set" 
    327                       "xchg" "push" "push1" "pop" "cut" "queue" "fifo" "idx" 
    328                       "balance" "get" "fill" "apply" "range"
    329                       ;; Control Flow
    330                       "load" "args" "next" "arg" "rest" "pass" "quote" "as" 
    331                       "pid" "lit" "eval" "run" "macro" "curry" "def" "de" "dm" 
    332                       "recur" "recurse" "undef" "box" "new" "type" "isa" 
    333                       "method" "meth" "send" "try" "super" "extra" "with" 
    334                       "bind" "job" "let" "let?" "use" "xor" "bool" "nil" "t"
    335                       "prog" "at" "catch" "throw" "finally" "!" "e" "$" "sys"
    336                       "call" "tick" "ipid" "opid" "kill" "quit" "task" "fork"
    337                       "pipe" "later" "timeout" "abort" "bye"
    338                       ;; Mapping
    339                       "apply" "pass" "maps" "map" "mapc" "maplist" "mapcar" 
    340                       "mapcon" "mapcan" "filter" "extract" "seek" "find" "pick" 
    341                       "cnt" "sum" "maxi" "mini" "fish" "by" 
    342                       ;; Input/Output
    343                       "path" "in" "ipid" "out" "opid" "pipe" "ctl" "any" "sym" 
    344                       "str" "load" "hear" "tell" "key" "poll" "peek" "char" 
    345                       "skip" "eol" "eof" "from" "till" "line" "format" "scl" 
    346                       "read" "print" "println" "printsp" "prin" "prinl" "msg" 
    347                       "space" "beep" "tab" "flush" "rewind" "rd" "pr" "wr" 
    348                       "rpc" "wait" "sync" "echo" "info" "file" "dir" "lines" 
    349                       "open" "close" "port" "listen" "accept" "host" "connect" 
    350                       "nagle" "udp" "script" "once" "rc" "pretty" "pp" "show" 
    351                       "view" "here" "prEval" "mail"
    352                       ;; Object Orientation
    353                       "*Class" "class" "dm" "rel" "var" "var:" "new" "type" 
    354                       "isa" "method" "meth" "send" "try" "object" "extend" 
    355                       "super" "extra" "with" "This" 
    356                       ;; Database
    357                       "pool" "journal" "id" "seq" "lieu" "lock" "begin" 
    358                       "commit" "rollback" "mark" "free" "dbck" "rel" "dbs" 
    359                       "dbs+" "db:" "fmt64" "tree" "root" "fetch" "store" 
    360                       "count" "leaf" "minKey" "maxKey" "genKey" "useKey" "init" 
    361                       "step" "scan" "iter" "prune" "zapTree" "chkTree" "db" 
    362                       "aux" "collect" 
    363                       ;; Pilog
    364                       "goal" "prove" "->" "unify" "?" 
    365                       ;; Debugging
    366                       "pretty" "pp" "show" "loc" "debug" "vi" "ld" "trace" 
    367                       "lint" "lintAll" "fmt64"
    368                       ;; System Functions
    369                       "cmd" "argv" "opt" "gc" "raw" "alarm" "protect" "heap" 
    370                       "env" "up" "date" "time" "usec" "stamp" "dat$" "$dat" 
    371                       "datSym" "datStr" "strDat" "expDat" "day" "week" "ultimo" 
    372                       "tim$" "$tim" "telStr" "expTel" "locale" "allowed" 
    373                       "allow" "pwd" "cd" "chdir" "ctty" "info" "dir" "dirname" 
    374                       "call" "tick" "kill" "quit" "task" "fork" "pipe" 
    375                       "timeout" "mail" "test" "bye" ) t )
    376                "\\>" ) 1 ) ) ) )
    377   "Gaudy expressions to highlight in Picolisp modes." )
    379 (defvar picolisp-font-lock-keywords picolisp-font-lock-keywords-1
    380   "Default expressions to highlight in Picolisp modes." )
    382 (defconst picolisp-sexp-comment-syntax-table
    383   (let ((st (make-syntax-table picolisp-mode-syntax-table)))
    384     (modify-syntax-entry ?\n " " st)
    385     (modify-syntax-entry ?#  "." st)
    386     st ) )
    388 (put 'lambda 'picolisp-doc-string-elt 2)
    389 ;; Docstring's pos in a `define' depends on whether it's a var or fun def.
    390 (put 'define 'picolisp-doc-string-elt
    391      (lambda ()
    392        ;; The function is called with point right after "define".
    393        (forward-comment (point-max))
    394        (if (eq (char-after) ?\() 2 0) ) )
    397 ;; Indentation functions
    399 ;; Copied from lisp-indent-line,
    400 ;; because Picolisp doesn't care about how many comment chars you use.
    401 (defun picolisp-indent-line (&optional whole-exp)
    402   "Indent current line as Picolisp code.
    403 With argument, indent any additional lines of the same expression
    404 rigidly along with this one."
    405   (interactive "P")
    406   (let ((indent (calculate-lisp-indent)) shift-amt end
    407         (pos (- (point-max) (point)))
    408         (beg (progn (beginning-of-line) (point))) )
    409     (skip-chars-forward " \t")
    410     (if (or (null indent) (looking-at "\\s<\\s<\\s<"))
    411         ;; Don't alter indentation of a ;;; comment line
    412         ;; or a line that starts in a string.
    413         (goto-char (- (point-max) pos))
    414       (if (listp indent) (setq indent (car indent)))
    415       (setq shift-amt (- indent (current-column)))
    416       (if (zerop shift-amt)
    417           nil
    418         (delete-region beg (point))
    419         (indent-to indent) ) )
    420     ;; If initial point was within line's indentation,
    421     ;; position after the indentation.  Else stay at same point in text.
    422     (if (> (- (point-max) pos) (point))
    423         (goto-char (- (point-max) pos)) )
    424     ;; If desired, shift remaining lines of expression the same amount.
    425     (and whole-exp (not (zerop shift-amt))
    426          (save-excursion
    427            (goto-char beg)
    428            (forward-sexp 1)
    429            (setq end (point))
    430            (goto-char beg)
    431            (forward-line 1)
    432            (setq beg (point))
    433            (> end beg) )
    434          (indent-code-rigidly beg end shift-amt) ) ) )
    436 (defvar calculate-lisp-indent-last-sexp)
    438 ;; Copied from lisp-indent-function, but with gets of
    439 ;; picolisp-indent-{function,hook}, and minor modifications.
    440 (defun picolisp-indent-function (indent-point state)
    441   (picolisp-parensep)
    442   (let ((normal-indent (current-column)))
    443     (goto-char (1+ (elt state 1)))
    444     (parse-partial-sexp (point) calculate-lisp-indent-last-sexp 0 t)
    445     (if (and (elt state 2)
    446              (not (looking-at "\"?\\sw\\|\\s_")) )
    447         ;; car of form doesn't seem to be a symbol
    448         (progn
    449           (if (not (> (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (point))
    450                       calculate-lisp-indent-last-sexp ) )
    451               (progn (goto-char calculate-lisp-indent-last-sexp)
    452                      (beginning-of-line)
    453                      (parse-partial-sexp (point)
    454                                          calculate-lisp-indent-last-sexp 0 t ) ) )
    455           ;; Indent under the list or under the first sexp on the same
    456           ;; line as calculate-lisp-indent-last-sexp.  Note that first
    457           ;; thing on that line has to be complete sexp since we are
    458           ;; inside the innermost containing sexp.
    459           (backward-prefix-chars)
    460           (current-column) )
    461       (let* ((function (buffer-substring (point)
    462                                          (progn (forward-sexp 1) (point)) ) )
    463              (method (or (get (intern-soft function) 'picolisp-indent-function)
    464                          (get (intern-soft function) 'picolisp-indent-hook)
    465                          ;;(and picolisp-indent-style 'picolisp-indent-defform)
    466                          'picolisp-indent ) ) )
    467         (if (integerp method)
    468             (lisp-indent-specform method state indent-point normal-indent)
    469           (funcall (if (save-excursion
    470                          (let ((state9 (reverse (elt state 9))))
    471                            (when (cadr state9)
    472                              (goto-char (+ 1 (cadr (reverse (elt state 9)))))
    473                              (and (looking-at "let\\|use")
    474                                  (save-excursion
    475                                    (forward-sexp)
    476                                    (forward-sexp)
    477                                    (backward-sexp)
    478                                    (when (equal (point)  (car state9))
    479                                      (looking-at "(") ) ) ) ) ) )
    480                        'picolisp-indent-let
    481                      method )
    482                    state indent-point normal-indent ) ) ) ) ) )
    485 ;;; Some functions are different in picoLisp
    486 (defun picolisp-indent (state indent-point normal-indent)
    487   (let ((lisp-body-indent picolisp-body-indent))
    488     (lisp-indent-defform state indent-point) ) )
    490 (defun picolisp-indent-let (state indent-point normal-indent)
    491   (goto-char (cadr state))
    492   (forward-line 1)
    493   (if (> (point) (elt state 2))
    494       (progn
    495 	(goto-char (car (cdr state)))
    496 	(+ 1 (current-column)) ) ) )
    499 ;;; This is to space closing parens when they close a previous line.
    500 (defun picolisp-parensep ()
    501   (save-excursion
    502     (condition-case nil     ; This is to avoid fuck-ups when there are
    503         (progn              ; unbalanced expressions.
    504           (up-list)
    505           (back-to-indentation)     
    506           (while (and (re-search-forward ")" (line-end-position) t)
    507                       (< (point) (line-end-position)) )
    508             (if (and (not (picolisp-in-comment-p))
    509                      (not (picolisp-in-string-p)) )
    510                 (picolisp-delete-leading-whitespace) ) )        
    511           (if (and (not (picolisp-in-comment-p))
    512                    (not (picolisp-in-string-p)) )
    513               (picolisp-delete-leading-whitespace) ) )
    514       (error nil) ) ) )
    516 (defun picolisp-delete-leading-whitespace ()
    517   ;; This assumes that we're on the closing delimiter already.
    518   (save-excursion
    519     (backward-char)
    520     (while (let ((syn (char-syntax (char-before))))
    521              (and (or (eq syn ?\ ) (eq syn ?-)) ; whitespace syntax
    522                   ;; The above line is a perfect example of why the
    523                   ;; following test is necessary.
    524                   (not (picolisp-in-char-p (1- (point)))) ) )
    525       (backward-delete-char 1) ) )
    526   (when (and (equal 'picolisp-mode major-mode) ; We don't want to screw-up
    527                                         ; the formatting of other buffers making
    528                                         ; use of paredit, do we?
    529              (not (picolisp-in-string-p)) )
    530     (let ((another-line? (save-excursion
    531                            (backward-sexp)
    532                            (line-number-at-pos) ) ) )
    533       (if (< another-line? (line-number-at-pos))
    534           (save-excursion
    535             (backward-char)
    536             (when picolisp-parsep
    537               (insert " ") ) ) ) ) ) )
    540 ;; Parser functions
    542 (defun picolisp-current-parse-state ()
    543   "Return parse state of point from beginning of defun."
    544   (let ((point (point)))
    545     (beginning-of-defun)
    546     ;; Calling PARSE-PARTIAL-SEXP will advance the point to its second
    547     ;; argument (unless parsing stops due to an error, but we assume it
    548     ;; won't in picolisp-mode).
    549     (parse-partial-sexp (point) point) ) )  
    551 (defun picolisp-in-string-p (&optional state)
    552   "True if the parse state is within a double-quote-delimited string.
    553 If no parse state is supplied, compute one from the beginning of the
    554   defun to the point."
    555   ;; 3. non-nil if inside a string (the terminator character, really)
    556   (and (nth 3 (or state (picolisp-current-parse-state)))
    557        t ) )  
    558 (defun picolisp-in-comment-p (&optional state)
    559   "True if parse state STATE is within a comment.
    560 If no parse state is supplied, compute one from the beginning of the
    561   defun to the point."
    562   ;; 4. nil if outside a comment, t if inside a non-nestable comment,
    563   ;;    else an integer (the current comment nesting)
    564   (and (nth 4 (or state (picolisp-current-parse-state)))
    565        t ) )  
    567 (defun picolisp-in-char-p (&optional argument)
    568   "True if the point is immediately after a character literal.
    569 A preceding escape character, not preceded by another escape character,
    570   is considered a character literal prefix.  (This works for elisp,
    571   Common Lisp, and Scheme.)
    572 Assumes that `picolisp-in-string-p' is false, so that it need not handle
    573   long sequences of preceding backslashes in string escapes.  (This
    574   assumes some other leading character token -- ? in elisp, # in Scheme
    575   and Common Lisp.)"
    576   (let ((argument (or argument (point))))
    577     (and (eq (char-before argument) ?\\)
    578          (not (eq (char-before (1- argument)) ?\\)) ) ) ) 
    580 (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.l$" . picolisp-mode))
    583 ;; The following two functions implement the K and Q (macro)
    584 ;; functionality used in Vi while editing a buffer opened from the
    585 ;; PicoLisp command-line with the 'edit' function.
    587 (defun picolisp-edit-K ()
    588   "Write symbol at point with line number in last line of edit-buffer.
    590 If the symbol is a transient symbol, write it with double-quotes,
    591 otherwise as unquoted word. The output-format is: 
    593 \(<line-number> <symbol>\)
    594  e.g.
    595 \(50  edit\)
    596 \(56 \"edit\"\)
    598 when point is on the edit or \(transient\) \"edit\" symbol in the
    599 PicoLisp sourcefile edit.l and `picolisp-edit-K' is called (the
    600 line-numbers may be different in your version of edit.l).
    602 Recognition of transient symbols works by getting the
    603 text-property 'face' at point and checking if it is equal to
    604 'font-lock-string-face'. Thus, this function works correctly only
    605 if the edit-buffer is in an Emacs major-mode that fontifies
    606 strings with 'font-lock-string-face' \(like `picolisp-mode'
    607 does\)."
    609   (interactive)
    610   (save-excursion
    611     (save-restriction
    612       (widen)
    613       (unless (mark 'FORCE)
    614         (forward-word)
    615         (forward-word -1)
    616         (mark-word))
    617       (let* ((thing (thing-at-point 'word))  
    618              (unit (get-selection-or-unit 'word))
    619              (line (line-number-at-pos))
    620              (transient-p
    621               (string-equal (get-text-property (point) 'face)
    622                             "font-lock-string-face"))
    623              (k-list nil))
    624         (setq k-list (list line
    625                            (if transient-p
    626                                (elt unit 0)
    627                              (make-symbol (elt unit 0)))))
    628         (message "K-list: %S transient: %S" k-list transient-p)
    629         (goto-char (max-char))
    630         (newline)
    631         (insert (format "%S" k-list))
    632         (save-buffers-kill-terminal 1)))))
    635 (defun picolisp-edit-Q ()
    636   "Write '(0)' in last line of PicoLisp edit-buffer."
    637   (interactive)
    638   (save-excursion
    639     (save-restriction
    640       (widen)
    641       (goto-char (max-char))
    642       (newline)
    643       (insert "(0)")
    644       (save-buffers-kill-terminal 1))))
    647 ;; The following two functions have been written by Xah Lee and copied
    648 ;; from: http://ergoemacs.org/emacs/elisp_get-selection-or-unit.html
    650 (defun get-selection-or-unit (unit)
    651   "Return the string and boundary of text selection or UNIT under cursor.
    653 If `region-active-p' is true, then the region is the unit.  Else,
    654 it depends on the UNIT. See `unit-at-cursor' for detail about
    655 UNIT.
    657 Returns a vector [text a b], where text is the string and a and b
    658 are its boundary.
    660 Example usage:
    661  (setq bds (get-selection-or-unit 'line))
    662  (setq inputstr (elt bds 0) p1 (elt bds 1) p2 (elt bds 2)  )"
    663   (interactive)
    665   (let ((p1 (region-beginning)) (p2 (region-end)))
    666     (if (region-active-p)
    667         (vector (buffer-substring-no-properties p1 p2) p1 p2 )
    668       (unit-at-cursor unit) ) ) )
    670 ;; This function get-selection-or-unit gets you the text selection if
    671 ;; there's one. If not, it calls unit-at-cursor. unit-at-cursor
    673 (defun unit-at-cursor (unit)
    674   "Return the string and boundary of UNIT under cursor.
    676 Returns a vector [text a b], where text is the string and a and b are its boundary.
    678 UNIT can be:
    679 • 'word — sequence of 0 to 9, A to Z, a to z, and hyphen.
    680 • 'glyphs — sequence of visible glyphs. Useful for file name, URL, …, that doesn't have spaces in it.
    681 • 'line — delimited by “\\n”.
    682 • 'block — delimited by “\\n\\n” or beginning/end of buffer.
    683 • 'buffer — whole buffer. (respects `narrow-to-region')
    684 • a vector [beginRegex endRegex] — The elements are regex strings used to determine the beginning/end of boundary chars. They are passed to `skip-chars-backward' and `skip-chars-forward'. For example, if you want paren as delimiter, use [\"^(\" \"^)\"]
    686 Example usage:
    687     (setq bds (unit-at-cursor 'line))
    688     (setq myText (elt bds 0) p1 (elt bds 1) p2 (elt bds 2)  )
    690 This function is similar to `thing-at-point' and `bounds-of-thing-at-point'.
    691 The main differences are:
    692 • this function returns the text and the 2 boundaries as a vector in one shot.
    693 • 'line always returns the line without end of line character, avoiding inconsistency when the line is at end of buffer.
    694 • 'word does not depend on syntax table.
    695 • 'block does not depend on syntax table."
    696   (let (p1 p2)
    697     (save-excursion
    698       (cond
    699        ( (eq unit 'word)
    700          (let ((wordcharset "-A-Za-zÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõöøùúûüýþÿ"))
    701            (skip-chars-backward wordcharset)
    702            (setq p1 (point))
    703            (skip-chars-forward wordcharset)
    704            (setq p2 (point)))
    705          )
    707        ( (eq unit 'glyphs)
    708          (progn
    709            (skip-chars-backward "[:graph:]")
    710            (setq p1 (point))
    711            (skip-chars-forward "[:graph:]")
    712            (setq p2 (point)))
    713          )
    715        ( (eq unit 'buffer)
    716          (progn
    717            (setq p1 (point-min))
    718            (setq p2 (point-max))
    719            )
    720          )
    722        ((eq unit 'line)
    723         (progn
    724           (setq p1 (line-beginning-position))
    725           (setq p2 (line-end-position))))
    726        ((eq unit 'block)
    727         (progn
    728           (if (re-search-backward "\n\n" nil t)
    729               (progn (forward-char 2)
    730                      (setq p1 (point) ) )
    731             (setq p1 (line-beginning-position) )
    732             )
    734           (if (re-search-forward "\n\n" nil t)
    735               (progn (backward-char)
    736                      (setq p2 (point) ))
    737             (setq p2 (line-end-position) ) ) ))
    739        ((vectorp unit)
    740         (let (p0)
    741           (setq p0 (point))
    742           (skip-chars-backward (elt unit 0))
    743           (setq p1 (point))
    744           (goto-char p0)
    745           (skip-chars-forward (elt unit 1))
    746           (setq p2 (point))))
    747        ) )
    749     (vector (buffer-substring-no-properties p1 p2) p1 p2 )
    750     ) )
    753 ;; tsm-mode
    754 (require 'tsm)
    756 (ignore-errors
    757  (when tsm-lock
    758    (font-lock-add-keywords 'picolisp-mode tsm-lock)
    759    (font-lock-add-keywords 'inferior-picolisp-mode tsm-lock) ) ) 
    761 (provide 'picolisp)