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led.l (12611B)

      1 # 16jul13abu
      2 # (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
      4 # Line editor
      5 # vi-mode, just a subset:
      6 #  - Only single-key commands
      7 #  - No repeat count
      9 (mapc undef
     10    '(*Led fkey revise) )
     12 (setq
     13    "Line"      NIL      # Holds current input line
     14    "LPos"      1        # Position in line (1 .. length)
     15    "HPos"      1        # Position in history
     16    "UndoLine"  NIL      # Undo
     17    "UndoPos"   0
     18    "Line1"     NIL      # Initial line
     19    "Insert"    T        # Insert mode flag
     20    "FKey"      NIL      # Function key bindings
     21    "Clip"      NIL      # Cut/Copy/Paste buffer
     22    "Item"      NIL      # Item to find
     23    "Found"     NIL      # Find stack
     24    "Complete"  NIL      # Input completion
     26    "HistMax"   1000     # History limit
     28    *History             # History of input lines
     29    (in (pack "+" (pil "history"))
     30       (ctl NIL
     31          (make (until (eof) (link (line T)))) ) )
     32    "Hist0"     *History )
     35 # Basic editing routine
     36 (de chgLine (L N)
     37    (let (D (length "Line")  Tsm)
     38       (for (P (dec "LPos") (>= P 1) (dec P))  # To start of old line
     39          (unless
     40             (and
     41                *Tsm
     42                (= "\"" (get "Line" P))
     43                (skipQ "LPos" P "Line") )
     44             (prin "^H") ) )
     45       (for (P . C) (setq "Line" L)  # Output new line
     46          (cond
     47             ((> " " C)
     48                (dec 'D)
     49                (prin "_") )
     50             ((or (not *Tsm) (<> "\"" C) (escQ P L))
     51                (dec 'D)
     52                (prin C) )
     53             (T
     54                (prin
     55                   (and Tsm (cdr *Tsm))
     56                   (unless (skipQ N P L)
     57                      (dec 'D)
     58                      C )
     59                   (and (onOff Tsm) (car *Tsm)) ) ) ) )
     60       (and Tsm (prin (cdr *Tsm)))
     61       (space D)  # Clear rest of old line
     62       (do D (prin "^H"))
     63       (setq "LPos" (inc (length L)))
     64       (until (= N "LPos")  # To new position
     65          (unless
     66             (and
     67                *Tsm
     68                (= "\"" (get "Line" "LPos"))
     69                (skipQ N "LPos" "Line") )
     70             (prin "^H") )
     71          (dec '"LPos") ) )
     72    (flush) )
     74 # Skipped double quote
     75 (de skipQ (N P L)
     76    (nor
     77       (>= (inc N) P (dec N))
     78       (= "\""  (get L (dec P)))
     79       (= "\"" (get L (inc P)))
     80       (escQ P L) ) )
     82 # Escaped double quote
     83 (de escQ ()
     84    (let Esc NIL
     85       (for I (dec P)
     86          ((if (= "\\" (get L I)) onOff off) Esc) ) ) )
     88 # Check for delimiter
     89 (de delim? (C)
     90    (member C '`(chop '" ^I^J^M\"'()[]`~")) )
     92 # Move left
     93 (de lMove ()
     94    (chgLine "Line" (max 1 (dec "LPos"))) )
     96 # Move to beginning
     97 (de bMove ()
     98    (chgLine "Line" 1) )
    100 # Move right
    101 (de rMove (F)
    102    (chgLine "Line"
    103       (min
    104          (inc "LPos")
    105          (if F
    106             (inc (length "Line"))
    107             (length "Line") ) ) ) )
    109 # Move to end of line
    110 (de eMove ()
    111    (chgLine "Line" (length "Line")) )
    113 # Move beyond end of line
    114 (de xMove ()
    115    (chgLine "Line" (inc (length "Line"))) )
    117 # Move up
    118 (de uMove ()
    119    (when (< "HPos" (length *History))
    120       (setHist (inc "HPos")) ) )
    122 # Move down
    123 (de dMove ()
    124    (unless (=0 "HPos")
    125       (setHist (dec "HPos")) ) )
    127 # Move word left
    128 (de lWord ()
    129    (use (N L)
    130       (chgLine "Line"
    131          (if (>= 1 (setq N "LPos"))
    132             1
    133             (loop
    134                (T (= 1 (dec 'N)) 1)
    135                (setq L (nth "Line" (dec N)))
    136                (T (and (delim? (car L)) (not (delim? (cadr L))))
    137                   N ) ) ) ) ) )
    139 # Move word right
    140 (de rWord ()
    141    (use (M N L)
    142       (setq M (length "Line"))
    143       (chgLine "Line"
    144          (if (<= M (setq N "LPos"))
    145             M
    146             (loop
    147                (T (= M (inc 'N)) M)
    148                (setq L (nth "Line" (dec N)))
    149                (T (and (delim? (car L)) (not (delim? (cadr L))))
    150                   N ) ) ) ) ) )
    152 # Match left parenthesis
    153 (de lPar ()
    154    (let (N 1  I (dec "LPos"))
    155       (loop
    156          (T (=0 I))
    157          (case (get "Line" I)
    158             (")" (inc 'N))
    159             ("(" (dec 'N)) )
    160          (T (=0 N) (chgLine "Line" I))
    161          (dec 'I) ) ) )
    163 # Match right parenthesis
    164 (de rPar ()
    165    (let (N 1  I (inc "LPos"))
    166       (loop
    167          (T (> I (length "Line")))
    168          (case (get "Line" I)
    169             ("(" (inc 'N))
    170             (")" (dec 'N)) )
    171          (T (=0 N) (chgLine "Line" I))
    172          (inc 'I) ) ) )
    174 # Clear to end of line
    175 (de clrEol ()
    176    (let N (dec "LPos")
    177       (if (=0 N)
    178          (chgLine NIL 1)
    179          (chgLine (head N "Line") N) ) ) )
    181 # Insert a char
    182 (de insChar (C)
    183    (chgLine (insert "LPos" "Line" C) (inc "LPos")) )
    185 (de del1 (L)
    186    (ifn (nth L "LPos")
    187       L
    188       (setq "Clip" (append "Clip" (list (get L "LPos"))))
    189       (remove "LPos" L) ) )
    191 # Delete a char
    192 (de delChar ()
    193    (use L
    194       (off "Clip")
    195       (chgLine
    196          (setq L (del1 "Line"))
    197          (max 1 (min "LPos" (length L))) ) ) )
    199 # Delete a word (F: with trailing blank)
    200 (de delWord (F)
    201    (let L "Line"
    202       (off "Clip")
    203       (ifn (= "(" (get L "LPos"))
    204          (while (and (nth L "LPos") (not (delim? (get L "LPos"))))
    205             (setq L (del1 L)) )
    206          (for (N 1 (and (setq L (del1 L)) (< 0 N)))
    207             (case (get L "LPos")
    208                ("(" (inc 'N))
    209                (")" (dec 'N)) ) ) )
    210       (and
    211          F
    212          (sp? (get L "LPos"))
    213          (setq L (del1 L)) )
    214       (chgLine L (max 1 (min "LPos" (length L)))) ) )
    216 # Replace char
    217 (de rplChar (C)
    218    (chgLine
    219       (insert "LPos" (remove "LPos" "Line") C)
    220       "LPos" ) )
    222 # Undo mechanism
    223 (de doUndo ()
    224    (setq  "UndoLine" "Line"  "UndoPos"  "LPos") )
    226 # Paste clip
    227 (de doPaste ()
    228    (if (= 1 "LPos")
    229       (chgLine (append "Clip" "Line") 1)
    230       (chgLine
    231          (append
    232             (head (dec "LPos") "Line")
    233             "Clip"
    234             (nth "Line" "LPos") )
    235          (+ "LPos" (length "Clip") -1) ) ) )
    237 # Set history line
    238 (de setHist (N)
    239    (chgLine
    240       (if (=0 (setq "HPos" N))
    241          "Line1"
    242          (chop (get *History "HPos")) )
    243       1 ) )
    245 # Searching
    246 (de ledSearch (L)
    247    (let (H (nth *History (inc "HPos"))  S (find '((X) (match "Item" (chop X))) H))
    248       (chgLine
    249          (ifn S
    250             (prog (beep) L)
    251             (push '"Found" "HPos")
    252             (inc '"HPos" (index S H))
    253             (chop S) )
    254          1 ) ) )
    256 # TAB expansion
    257 (de expandTab ()
    258    (let ("L" (head (dec "LPos") "Line")  "S" "L")
    259       (while (find "skipFun" "S")
    260          (pop '"S") )
    261       (ifn "S"
    262          (prog
    263             (off "Complete")
    264             (do 3 (insChar " ")) )
    265          (ifn
    266             (default "Complete"
    267                (let "N" (inc (length "S"))
    268                   (mapcar
    269                      '((X)
    270                         (setq X
    271                            (nth
    272                               (mapcan
    273                                  '((C)
    274                                     (if (or (= "\\" C) (delim? C))
    275                                        (list "\\" C)
    276                                        (cons C) ) )
    277                                  (chop X) )
    278                               "N" ) )
    279                         (cons
    280                            (+ "LPos" (length X))
    281                            (append "L" X (nth "Line" "LPos")) ) )
    282                      ("tabFun" (pack "S")) ) ) )
    283             (beep)
    284             (chgLine (cdar "Complete") (caar "Complete"))
    285             (rot "Complete") ) ) ) )
    287 # Insert mode
    288 (de insMode ("C")
    289    (if (= "C" "^I")
    290       (expandTab)
    291       (off "Complete")
    292       (case "C"
    293          (("^H" "^?")
    294             (when (> "LPos" 1)
    295                (chgLine (remove (dec "LPos") "Line") (dec "LPos")) ) )
    296          ("^V" (insChar (key)))
    297          ("^E" (and edit (edit '*History)))
    298          ("^["
    299             (loop
    300                (NIL
    301                   (make
    302                      (while (and (setq "C" (key 40)) (<> "C" "^["))
    303                         (link "C") ) )
    304                   (off "Insert")
    305                   (lMove) )
    306                (when (assoc (pack "^[" @) "FKey")
    307                   (let *Dbg "*Dbg" (run (cdr @))) )
    308                (NIL "C") ) )
    309          (T
    310             (if (assoc "C" "FKey")
    311                (let *Dbg "*Dbg" (run (cdr @)))
    312                (when (= "C" ")")
    313                   (chgLine "Line" (prog1 "LPos" (lPar) (wait 200))) )
    314                (insChar "C") ) ) ) ) )
    316 # Command mode
    317 (de cmdMode ("C")
    318    (case "C"
    319       ("g" (prinl) (println "Clip"))
    320       ("$" (eMove))
    321       ("%"
    322          (case (get "Line" "LPos")
    323             (")" (lPar))
    324             ("(" (rPar))
    325             (T (beep)) ) )
    326       ("/"
    327          (let "L" "Line"
    328             (_getLine '("/") '((C) (= C "/")))
    329             (unless (=T "Line")
    330                (setq "Item" (append '(@) (cdr "Line") '(@)))
    331                (ledSearch "L")
    332                (off "Insert") ) ) )
    333       ("0" (bMove))
    334       ("A" (doUndo) (xMove) (on "Insert"))
    335       ("a" (doUndo) ((if (= "LPos" (length "Line")) xMove rMove)) (on "Insert"))
    336       ("b" (lWord))
    337       ("c" (doUndo) (delWord NIL) (on "Insert"))
    338       ("C" (doUndo) (clrEol) (xMove) (on "Insert"))
    339       ("d" (doUndo) (delWord T))
    340       ("D" (doUndo) (clrEol))
    341       ("f"
    342          (ifn (setq "C" (index (key) (nth "Line" (inc "LPos"))))
    343             (beep)
    344             (chgLine "Line" (+ "C" "LPos")) ) )
    345       ("h" (lMove))
    346       ("i" (doUndo) (on "Insert"))
    347       ("I" (doUndo) (bMove) (on "Insert"))
    348       ("j" (dMove))
    349       ("k" (uMove))
    350       ("l" (rMove))
    351       ("n" (ledSearch "Line"))
    352       ("N" (if "Found" (setHist (pop '"Found")) (beep)))
    353       ("p" (doUndo) ((if (= "LPos" (length "Line")) xMove rMove)) (doPaste))
    354       ("P" (doUndo) (doPaste))
    355       ("r" (ifn "Line" (beep) (doUndo) (rplChar (key))))
    356       ("s" (doUndo) (delChar) (on "Insert"))
    357       ("S" (doUndo) (chgLine NIL 1) (on "Insert"))
    358       ("U" (setHist "HPos"))
    359       ("u"
    360          (let ("L" "Line"  "P" "LPos")
    361             (chgLine "UndoLine" "UndoPos")
    362             (setq  "UndoLine" "L"  "UndoPos" "P") ) )
    363       ("w" (rWord))
    364       ("x" (doUndo) (delChar))
    365       ("X" (lMove) (doUndo) (delChar))
    366       ("~"
    367          (doUndo)
    368          (rplChar
    369             ((if (low? (setq "C" (get "Line" "LPos"))) uppc lowc) "C") )
    370          (rMove) )
    371       (T (beep)) ) )
    373 # Get a line from console
    374 (de _getLine ("L" "skipFun")
    375    (use "C"
    376       (chgLine "L" (inc (length "L")))
    377       (on "Insert")
    378       (until (member (setq "C" (let *Dbg "*Dbg" (key))) '("^J" "^M"))
    379          (case "C"
    380             (NIL (bye))
    381             ("^D" (prinl) (bye))
    382             ("^X" (prin (cdr *Tsm)) (prinl) (quit)) )
    383          ((if "Insert" insMode cmdMode) "C") )
    384       (eMove) ) )
    386 # Function keys
    387 (de fkey (Key . Prg)
    388    (setq "FKey"
    389       (cond
    390          ((not Key) "FKey")
    391          ((not Prg) (delete (assoc Key "FKey") "FKey"))
    392          ((assoc Key "FKey")
    393             (cons (cons Key Prg) (delete @ "FKey")) )
    394          (T (cons (cons Key Prg) "FKey")) ) ) )
    396 (when (sys "TERM")
    397    (fkey "^[[A" (uMove) (xMove))
    398    (fkey "^[[B" (dMove) (xMove))
    399    (fkey "^[[C" (rMove T))
    400    (fkey "^[[D" (lMove)) )
    402 # Main editing functions
    403 (de _led ("Line1" "tabFun" "skipFun")
    404    (default "tabFun"
    405       '((S)
    406          (conc
    407             (filter '((X) (pre? S X)) (all))
    408             (let P (rot (split (chop S) "/"))
    409                (setq
    410                   S (pack (car P))
    411                   P (and (cdr P) (pack (glue "/" @) "/")) )
    412                (extract '((X) (and (pre? S X) (pack P X)))
    413                   (dir P T) ) ) ) ) )
    414    (setq "LPos" 1  "HPos" 0)
    415    (_getLine "Line1" (or "skipFun" delim?))
    416    (prinl (cdr *Tsm)) )
    418 (de revise ("X" "tabFun" "skipFun")
    419    (let ("*Dbg" *Dbg  *Dbg NIL)
    420       (_led (chop "X") "tabFun" "skipFun")
    421       (pack "Line") ) )
    423 (de saveHistory ()
    424    (in (pack "+" (pil "history"))
    425       (ctl T
    426          (let (Old (make (until (eof) (link (line T))))  New *History  N "HistMax")
    427             (out (pil "history")
    428                (while (and New (n== New "Hist0"))
    429                   (prinl (pop 'New))
    430                   (dec 'N) )
    431                (setq "Hist0" *History)
    432                (do N
    433                   (NIL Old)
    434                   (prinl (pop 'Old)) ) ) ) ) ) )
    436 # Enable line editing
    437 (de *Led
    438    (let ("*Dbg" *Dbg  *Dbg NIL)
    439       (push1 '*Bye '(saveHistory))
    440       (push1 '*Fork '(del '(saveHistory) '*Bye))
    441       (_led)
    442       (let L (pack "Line")
    443          (or
    444             (>= 3 (length "Line"))
    445             (sp? (car "Line"))
    446             (= L (car *History))
    447             (push '*History L) )
    448          (and (nth *History "HistMax") (con @))
    449          L ) ) )
    451 (mapc zap
    452    (quote
    453       chgLine skipQ escQ delim? lMove bMove rMove eMove xMove uMove dMove lWord
    454       rWord lPar rPar clrEol insChar del1 delChar delWord rplChar doUndo doPaste
    455       setHist ledSearch expandTab insMode cmdMode _getLine _led saveHistory ) )
    457 # vi:et:ts=3:sw=3