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xml.l (9405B)

      1 # 13apr11abu
      2 # 21jan09 Tomas Hlavaty <kvietaag@seznam.cz>
      4 # Check or write header
      5 (de xml? (Flg)
      6    (if Flg
      7       (prinl "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>")
      8       (skip)
      9       (prog1
     10          (head '("<" "?" "x" "m" "l") (till ">"))
     11          (char) ) ) )
     13 # Generate/Parse XML data
     14 # expects well formed XML
     15 # encoding by picolisp (utf8 "only", no utf16 etc.)
     16 # trim whitespace except in cdata
     17 # ignore <? <!-- <!DOCTYPE
     18 # non-builtin entities as normal text: &ent; => ent
     19 (de xml (Lst N)
     20    (if Lst
     21       (let (Nn NIL Nl NIL Pre NIL)
     22          (when N
     23             (do (abs N)
     24                (push 'Nn (if (lt0 N) "^I" " ")) ) )
     25          (_xml_ Lst) )
     26       (_xml) ) )
     28 (de _xml_ (Lst)
     29    (let Tag (pop 'Lst)
     30       (when Nl
     31          (prinl)
     32          (when Pre
     33             (prin Pre) ) )
     34       (prin "<" Tag)
     35       (for X (pop 'Lst)
     36          (prin " " (car X) "=\"")
     37          (escXml (cdr X))
     38          (prin "\"") )
     39       (ifn Lst
     40          (prin "/>")
     41          (prin ">")
     42          (use Nlx
     43             (let (Nl N
     44                   Pre (cons Pre Nn) )
     45                (for X Lst
     46                   (if (pair X)
     47                      (_xml_ X)
     48                      (off Nl)
     49                      (escXml X) ) )
     50                (setq Nlx Nl) )
     51             (when Nlx
     52                (prinl)
     53                (when Pre
     54                   (prin Pre) ) ) )
     55          (prin "</" Tag ">") ) ) )
     57 (de _xml (In Char)
     58    (unless Char
     59       (skip)
     60       (unless (= "<" (char))
     61          (quit "Bad XML") ) )
     62    (case (peek)
     63       ("?"
     64          (from "?>")
     65          (unless In (_xml In)) )
     66       ("!"
     67          (char)
     68          (case (peek)
     69             ("-"
     70                (ifn (= "-" (char) (char))
     71                   (quit "XML comment expected")
     72                   (from "-->")
     73                   (unless In (_xml In)) ) )
     74             ("D"
     75                (if (find '((C) (<> C (char))) '`(chop "DOCTYPE"))
     76                   (quit "XML DOCTYPE expected")
     77                   (when (= "[" (from "[" ">"))
     78                      (use X
     79                         (loop
     80                            (T (= "]" (setq X (from "]" "\"" "'" "<!--"))))
     81                            (case X
     82                               ("\"" (from "\""))
     83                               ("'" (from "'"))
     84                               ("<!--" (from "-->"))
     85                               (NIL (quit "Unbalanced XML DOCTYPE")) ) ) )
     86                      (from ">") )
     87                   (unless In (_xml In)) ) )
     88             ("["
     89                (if (find '((C) (<> C (char))) '`(chop "[CDATA["))
     90                   (quit "XML CDATA expected")
     91                   (pack
     92                      (head -3
     93                         (make
     94                            (loop
     95                               (NIL (link (char)) (quit "Unbalanced XML CDATA"))
     96                               (T (= '`(chop "]]>") (tail 3 (made)))) ) ) ) ) ) )
     97             (T (quit "Unhandled XML tag")) ) )
     98       (T
     99          (let Tok (till " ^I^M^J/>" T)
    100             (use X
    101                (make
    102                   (link (intern (pack Tok)))
    103                   (let L
    104                      (make
    105                         (loop
    106                            (NIL (skip) (quit "Unexpected end of XML" Tok))
    107                            (T (member @ '("/" ">")))
    108                            (NIL (setq X (intern (pack (trim (till "="))))))
    109                            (char)
    110                            (skip)
    111                            (let C (char)
    112                               (unless (member C '("\"" "'"))
    113                                  (quit "XML attribute quote expected" X) )
    114                               (link (cons X (pack (xmlEsc (till C))))) )
    115                            (char) ) )
    116                      (if (= "/" (char))
    117                         (prog (char) (and L (link L)))
    118                         (link L)
    119                         (loop
    120                            (NIL (if *XmlKeepBlanks (peek) (skip))
    121                               (quit "Unexpected end of XML" Tok) )
    122                            (T (and (= "<" (setq X (char))) (= "/" (peek)))
    123                               (char)
    124                               (unless (= Tok (till " ^I^M^J/>" T))
    125                                  (quit "Unbalanced XML" Tok) )
    126                               (skip)
    127                               (char) )
    128                            (if (= "<" X)
    129                               (when (_xml T "<")
    130                                  (link @) )
    131                               (link
    132                                  (pack
    133                                     (xmlEsc
    134                                        ((if *XmlKeepBlanks prog trim)
    135                                           (cons X (till "<")) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
    137 (de xmlEsc (L)
    138    (use (@X @Z)
    139       (make
    140          (while L
    141             (ifn (match '("&" @X ";" @Z) L)
    142                (link (pop 'L))
    143                (link
    144                   (cond
    145                      ((= @X '`(chop "quot")) "\"")
    146                      ((= @X '`(chop "amp")) "&")
    147                      ((= @X '`(chop "lt")) "<")
    148                      ((= @X '`(chop "gt")) ">")
    149                      ((= @X '`(chop "apos")) "'")
    150                      ((= "#" (car @X))
    151                         (char
    152                            (if (= "x" (cadr @X))
    153                               (hex (cddr @X))
    154                               (format (cdr @X)) ) ) )
    155                      (T @X) ) )
    156                (setq L @Z) ) ) ) ) )
    158 (de escXml (X)
    159    (for C (chop X)
    160       (prin (case C
    161                ("\"" "&quot;")
    162                ("&" "&amp;")
    163                ("<" "&lt;")
    164                (">" "&gt;")
    165                (T C) ) ) ) )
    168 # Simple XML string
    169 (de xml$ (Lst)
    170    (pack
    171       (make
    172          (recur (Lst)
    173             (let Tag (pop 'Lst)
    174                (link "<" Tag)
    175                (for X (pop 'Lst)
    176                   (link " " (car X) "=\"" (cdr X) "\"") )
    177                (ifn Lst
    178                   (link "/>")
    179                   (link ">")
    180                   (for X Lst
    181                      (if (pair X)
    182                         (recurse X (+ 3 N))
    183                         (link X) ) )
    184                   (link "</" Tag ">") ) ) ) ) ) )
    187 # Access functions
    188 (de body (Lst . @)
    189    (while (and (setq Lst (cddr Lst)) (args))
    190       (setq Lst (assoc (next) Lst)) )
    191    Lst )
    193 (de attr (Lst Key . @)
    194    (while (args)
    195       (setq
    196          Lst (assoc Key (cddr Lst))
    197          Key (next) ) )
    198    (cdr (assoc Key (cadr Lst))) )
    200 # <xml> output
    201 (de "xmlL" Lst
    202    (push '"Xml"
    203       (make
    204          (link (pop 'Lst))
    205          (let Att (make
    206                      (while (and Lst (car Lst) (atom (car Lst)))
    207                         (let K (pop 'Lst)
    208                            (if (=T K)
    209                               (for X (eval (pop 'Lst) 1)
    210                                  (if (=T (car X))
    211                                     (link (cons (cdr X) NIL))
    212                                     (when (cdr X)
    213                                        (link X) ) ) )
    214                               (when (eval (pop 'Lst) 1)
    215                                  (link (cons K @)) ) ) ) ) )
    216             (let "Xml" NIL
    217                (xrun Lst)
    218                (ifn "Xml"
    219                   (when Att
    220                      (link Att) )
    221                   (link Att)
    222                   (chain (flip "Xml")) ) ) ) ) ) )
    224 (de "xmlO" Lst
    225    (let Tag (pop 'Lst)
    226       (when "Nl"
    227          (prinl)
    228          (when "Pre"
    229             (prin "Pre") ) )
    230       (prin "<" Tag)
    231       (while (and Lst (car Lst) (atom (car Lst)))
    232          (let K (pop 'Lst)
    233             (if (=T K)
    234                (for X (eval (pop 'Lst) 1)
    235                   (if (=T (car X))
    236                      (prin " " (cdr X) "=\"\"")
    237                      (when (cdr X)
    238                         (prin " " (car X) "=\"")
    239                         (escXml (cdr X))
    240                         (prin "\"") ) ) )
    241                (when (eval (pop 'Lst) 1)
    242                   (prin " " K "=\"")
    243                   (escXml @)
    244                   (prin "\"") ) ) ) )
    245       (ifn Lst
    246          (prin "/>")
    247          (prin ">")
    248          (use Nl
    249             (let ("Nl" "N"
    250                   "Pre" (cons "Pre" "Nn") )
    251                (xrun Lst)
    252                (setq Nl "Nl") )
    253             (when Nl
    254                (prinl)
    255                (when "Pre"
    256                   (prin "Pre") ) ) )
    257          (prin "</" Tag ">") ) ) )
    259 (de <xml> ("N" . Lst)
    260    (if (=T "N")
    261       (let (<xml> "xmlL"
    262             xprin '(@ (push '"Xml" (pass pack)))
    263             xrun '((Lst Ofs)
    264                    (default Ofs 2)
    265                    (for X Lst
    266                       (if (pair X)
    267                          (eval X Ofs '("Xml"))
    268                          (when (eval X Ofs '("Xml"))
    269                             (xprin @) ) ) ) )
    270             "Xml" NIL )
    271          (run Lst 1 '(<xml> xprin xrun "Xml"))
    272          (car (flip "Xml")) )
    273       (let (<xml> "xmlO"
    274             xprin '(@ (off "Nl") (mapc escXml (rest)))
    275             xrun '((Lst Ofs)
    276                    (default Ofs 2)
    277                    (for X Lst
    278                       (if (pair X)
    279                          (eval X Ofs '("Nl" "Pre"))
    280                          (when (eval X Ofs '("Nl" "Pre"))
    281                             (xprin @) ) ) ) )
    282             "Nn" NIL
    283             "Nl" NIL
    284             "Pre" NIL )
    285          (when "N"
    286             (do (abs "N")
    287                (push '"Nn" (if (lt0 "N") "^I" " ")) ) )
    288          (run Lst 1 '(<xml> xprin xrun "N" "Nn" "Nl" "Pre")) ) ) )
    290 # vi:et:ts=3:sw=3