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indep.c (14563B)

      1 /* $Id$ */
      2 #include "fm.h"
      3 #include <stdio.h>
      4 #ifndef __MINGW32_VERSION
      5 #include <pwd.h>
      6 #endif /* __MINGW32_VERSION */
      7 #include <sys/param.h>
      8 #include <sys/types.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #include "indep.h"
     11 #include "Str.h"
     12 #include <gc.h>
     13 #include "myctype.h"
     14 #include "entity.h"
     16 unsigned char QUOTE_MAP[0x100] = {
     17     /* NUL SOH STX ETX EOT ENQ ACK BEL  BS  HT  LF  VT  FF  CR  SO  SI */
     18     24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
     19     /* DLE DC1 DC2 DC3 DC4 NAK SYN ETB CAN  EM SUB ESC  FS  GS  RS  US */
     20     24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24, 24,
     21     /* SPC   !   "   #   $   %   &   '   (   )   *   +   ,   -   .   / */
     22     24, 72, 76, 40, 8, 40, 41, 72, 72, 72, 72, 40, 72, 8, 0, 64,
     23     /*   0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   :   ;   <   =   >   ? */
     24     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 72, 74, 72, 75, 40,
     25     /*   @   A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O */
     26     72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     27     /*   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z   [   \   ]   ^   _ */
     28     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 72, 72, 72, 0,
     29     /*   `   a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k   l   m   n   o */
     30     72, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
     31     /*   p   q   r   s   t   u   v   w   x   y   z   {   |   }   ~ DEL */
     32     0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 72, 72, 72, 72, 24,
     34     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     35     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     36     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     37     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     38     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     39     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     40     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     41     16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16,
     42 };
     44 char *HTML_QUOTE_MAP[] = {
     45     NULL,
     46     "&amp;",
     47     "&lt;",
     48     "&gt;",
     49     "&quot;",
     50     NULL,
     51     NULL,
     52     NULL,
     53 };
     55 clen_t
     56 strtoclen(const char *s)
     57 {
     58 #ifdef HAVE_STRTOLL
     59     return strtoll(s, NULL, 10);
     60 #elif defined(HAVE_STRTOQ)
     61     return strtoq(s, NULL, 10);
     62 #elif defined(HAVE_ATOLL)
     63     return atoll(s);
     64 #elif defined(HAVE_ATOQ)
     65     return atoq(s);
     66 #else
     67     return atoi(s);
     68 #endif
     69 }
     71 #ifndef HAVE_BCOPY
     72 void
     73 bcopy(const void *src, void *dest, int len)
     74 {
     75     int i;
     76     if (src == dest)
     77 	return;
     78     if (src < dest) {
     79 	for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--)
     80 	    ((char *)dest)[i] = ((const char *)src)[i];
     81     }
     82     else {			/* src > dest */
     83 	for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
     84 	    ((char *)dest)[i] = ((const char *)src)[i];
     85     }
     86 }
     88 void
     89 bzero(void *ptr, int len)
     90 {
     91     int i;
     92     char *p = ptr;
     93     for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
     94 	*(p++) = 0;
     95 }
     96 #endif				/* not HAVE_BCOPY */
     98 char *
     99 allocStr(const char *s, int len)
    100 {
    101     char *ptr;
    103     if (s == NULL)
    104 	return NULL;
    105     if (len < 0)
    106 	len = strlen(s);
    107     ptr = NewAtom_N(char, len + 1);
    108     if (ptr == NULL) {
    109 	fprintf(stderr, "fm: Can't allocate string. Give me more memory!\n");
    110 	exit(-1);
    111     }
    112     bcopy(s, ptr, len);
    113     ptr[len] = '\0';
    114     return ptr;
    115 }
    117 int
    118 strCmp(const void *s1, const void *s2)
    119 {
    120     return strcmp(*(const char **)s1, *(const char **)s2);
    121 }
    123 char *
    124 currentdir()
    125 {
    126     char *path;
    127 #ifdef HAVE_GETCWD
    128 #ifdef MAXPATHLEN
    129     path = NewAtom_N(char, MAXPATHLEN);
    130     getcwd(path, MAXPATHLEN);
    131 #else
    132     path = getcwd(NULL, 0);
    133 #endif
    134 #else				/* not HAVE_GETCWD */
    135 #ifdef HAVE_GETWD
    136     path = NewAtom_N(char, 1024);
    137     getwd(path);
    138 #else				/* not HAVE_GETWD */
    139     FILE *f;
    140     char *p;
    141     path = NewAtom_N(char, 1024);
    142     f = popen("pwd", "r");
    143     fgets(path, 1024, f);
    144     pclose(f);
    145     for (p = path; *p; p++)
    146 	if (*p == '\n') {
    147 	    *p = '\0';
    148 	    break;
    149 	}
    150 #endif				/* not HAVE_GETWD */
    151 #endif				/* not HAVE_GETCWD */
    152     return path;
    153 }
    155 char *
    156 cleanupName(char *name)
    157 {
    158     char *buf, *p, *q;
    160     buf = allocStr(name, -1);
    161     p = buf;
    162     q = name;
    163     while (*q != '\0') {
    164 	if (strncmp(p, "/../", 4) == 0) {	/* foo/bar/../FOO */
    165 	    if (p - 2 == buf && strncmp(p - 2, "..", 2) == 0) {
    166 		/* ../../       */
    167 		p += 3;
    168 		q += 3;
    169 	    }
    170 	    else if (p - 3 >= buf && strncmp(p - 3, "/..", 3) == 0) {
    171 		/* ../../../    */
    172 		p += 3;
    173 		q += 3;
    174 	    }
    175 	    else {
    176 		while (p != buf && *--p != '/') ;	/* ->foo/FOO */
    177 		*p = '\0';
    178 		q += 3;
    179 		strcat(buf, q);
    180 	    }
    181 	}
    182 	else if (strcmp(p, "/..") == 0) {	/* foo/bar/..   */
    183 	    if (p - 2 == buf && strncmp(p - 2, "..", 2) == 0) {
    184 		/* ../..        */
    185 	    }
    186 	    else if (p - 3 >= buf && strncmp(p - 3, "/..", 3) == 0) {
    187 		/* ../../..     */
    188 	    }
    189 	    else {
    190 		while (p != buf && *--p != '/') ;	/* ->foo/ */
    191 		*++p = '\0';
    192 	    }
    193 	    break;
    194 	}
    195 	else if (strncmp(p, "/./", 3) == 0) {	/* foo/./bar */
    196 	    *p = '\0';		/* -> foo/bar           */
    197 	    q += 2;
    198 	    strcat(buf, q);
    199 	}
    200 	else if (strcmp(p, "/.") == 0) {	/* foo/. */
    201 	    *++p = '\0';	/* -> foo/              */
    202 	    break;
    203 	}
    204 	else if (strncmp(p, "//", 2) == 0) {	/* foo//bar */
    205 	    /* -> foo/bar           */
    206 	    *p = '\0';
    207 	    q++;
    208 	    strcat(buf, q);
    209 	}
    210 	else {
    211 	    p++;
    212 	    q++;
    213 	}
    214     }
    215     return buf;
    216 }
    218 char *
    219 expandPath(char *name)
    220 {
    221     char *p;
    222     struct passwd *passent, *getpwnam(const char *);
    223     Str extpath = NULL;
    225     if (name == NULL)
    226 	return NULL;
    227     p = name;
    228     if (*p == '~') {
    229 	p++;
    230 #ifndef __MINGW32_VERSION
    231 	if (IS_ALPHA(*p)) {
    232 	    char *q = strchr(p, '/');
    233 	    if (q) {		/* ~user/dir... */
    234 		passent = getpwnam(allocStr(p, q - p));
    235 		p = q;
    236 	    }
    237 	    else {		/* ~user */
    238 		passent = getpwnam(p);
    239 		p = "";
    240 	    }
    241 	    if (!passent)
    242 		goto rest;
    243 	    extpath = Strnew_charp(passent->pw_dir);
    244 	} else
    245 #endif /* __MINGW32_VERSION */
    246 	  if (*p == '/' || *p == '\0') {	/* ~/dir... or ~ */
    247 	    extpath = Strnew_charp(getenv("HOME"));
    248 	}
    249 	else
    250 	    goto rest;
    251 	if (Strcmp_charp(extpath, "/") == 0 && *p == '/')
    252 	    p++;
    253 	Strcat_charp(extpath, p);
    254 	return extpath->ptr;
    255     }
    256   rest:
    257     return name;
    258 }
    260 #ifndef HAVE_STRCHR
    261 char *
    262 strchr(const char *s, int c)
    263 {
    264     while (*s) {
    265 	if ((unsigned char)*s == c)
    266 	    return (char *)s;
    267 	s++;
    268     }
    269     return NULL;
    270 }
    271 #endif				/* not HAVE_STRCHR */
    273 #ifndef HAVE_STRCASECMP
    274 int
    275 strcasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2)
    276 {
    277     int x;
    278     while (*s1) {
    279 	x = TOLOWER(*s1) - TOLOWER(*s2);
    280 	if (x != 0)
    281 	    return x;
    282 	s1++;
    283 	s2++;
    284     }
    285     return -TOLOWER(*s2);
    286 }
    288 int
    289 strncasecmp(const char *s1, const char *s2, size_t n)
    290 {
    291     int x;
    292     while (*s1 && n) {
    293 	x = TOLOWER(*s1) - TOLOWER(*s2);
    294 	if (x != 0)
    295 	    return x;
    296 	s1++;
    297 	s2++;
    298 	n--;
    299     }
    300     return n ? -TOLOWER(*s2) : 0;
    301 }
    302 #endif				/* not HAVE_STRCASECMP */
    304 #ifndef HAVE_STRCASESTR
    305 /* string search using the simplest algorithm */
    306 char *
    307 strcasestr(const char *s1, const char *s2)
    308 {
    309     int len1, len2;
    310     if (s2 == NULL)
    311 	return (char *)s1;
    312     if (*s2 == '\0')
    313 	return (char *)s1;
    314     len1 = strlen(s1);
    315     len2 = strlen(s2);
    316     while (*s1 && len1 >= len2) {
    317 	if (strncasecmp(s1, s2, len2) == 0)
    318 	    return (char *)s1;
    319 	s1++;
    320 	len1--;
    321     }
    322     return 0;
    323 }
    324 #endif
    326 static int
    327 strcasematch(char *s1, char *s2)
    328 {
    329     int x;
    330     while (*s1) {
    331 	if (*s2 == '\0')
    332 	    return 1;
    333 	x = TOLOWER(*s1) - TOLOWER(*s2);
    334 	if (x != 0)
    335 	    break;
    336 	s1++;
    337 	s2++;
    338     }
    339     return (*s2 == '\0');
    340 }
    342 /* search multiple strings */
    343 int
    344 strcasemstr(char *str, char *srch[], char **ret_ptr)
    345 {
    346     int i;
    347     while (*str) {
    348 	for (i = 0; srch[i]; i++) {
    349 	    if (strcasematch(str, srch[i])) {
    350 		if (ret_ptr)
    351 		    *ret_ptr = str;
    352 		return i;
    353 	    }
    354 	}
    355 	str++;
    356     }
    357     return -1;
    358 }
    360 char *
    361 remove_space(char *str)
    362 {
    363     char *p, *q;
    365     for (p = str; *p && IS_SPACE(*p); p++) ;
    366     for (q = p; *q; q++) ;
    367     for (; q > p && IS_SPACE(*(q - 1)); q--) ;
    368     if (*q != '\0')
    369 	return Strnew_charp_n(p, q - p)->ptr;
    370     return p;
    371 }
    373 int
    374 non_null(char *s)
    375 {
    376     if (s == NULL)
    377 	return FALSE;
    378     while (*s) {
    379 	if (!IS_SPACE(*s))
    380 	    return TRUE;
    381 	s++;
    382     }
    383     return FALSE;
    384 }
    386 void
    387 cleanup_line(Str s, int mode)
    388 {
    389     if (s->length >= 2 &&
    390 	s->ptr[s->length - 2] == '\r' && s->ptr[s->length - 1] == '\n') {
    391 	Strshrink(s, 2);
    392 	Strcat_char(s, '\n');
    393     }
    394     else if (Strlastchar(s) == '\r')
    395 	s->ptr[s->length - 1] = '\n';
    396     else if (Strlastchar(s) != '\n')
    397 	Strcat_char(s, '\n');
    398     if (mode != PAGER_MODE) {
    399 	int i;
    400 	for (i = 0; i < s->length; i++) {
    401 	    if (s->ptr[i] == '\0')
    402 		s->ptr[i] = ' ';
    403 	}
    404     }
    405 }
    407 int
    408 getescapechar(char **str)
    409 {
    410     int dummy = -1;
    411     char *p = *str, *q;
    412     int strict_entity = TRUE;
    414     if (*p == '&')
    415 	p++;
    416     if (*p == '#') {
    417 	p++;
    418 	if (*p == 'x' || *p == 'X') {
    419 	    p++;
    420 	    if (!IS_XDIGIT(*p)) {
    421 		*str = p;
    422 		return -1;
    423 	    }
    424 	    for (dummy = GET_MYCDIGIT(*p), p++; IS_XDIGIT(*p); p++)
    425 		dummy = dummy * 0x10 + GET_MYCDIGIT(*p);
    426 	    if (*p == ';')
    427 		p++;
    428 	    *str = p;
    429 	    return dummy;
    430 	}
    431 	else {
    432 	    if (!IS_DIGIT(*p)) {
    433 		*str = p;
    434 		return -1;
    435 	    }
    436 	    for (dummy = GET_MYCDIGIT(*p), p++; IS_DIGIT(*p); p++)
    437 		dummy = dummy * 10 + GET_MYCDIGIT(*p);
    438 	    if (*p == ';')
    439 		p++;
    440 	    *str = p;
    441 	    return dummy;
    442 	}
    443     }
    444     if (!IS_ALPHA(*p)) {
    445 	*str = p;
    446 	return -1;
    447     }
    448     q = p;
    449     for (p++; IS_ALNUM(*p); p++) ;
    450     q = allocStr(q, p - q);
    451     if (strcasestr("lt gt amp quot nbsp", q) && *p != '=') {
    452 	/* a character entity MUST be terminated with ";". However,
    453 	 * there's MANY web pages which uses &lt , &gt or something
    454 	 * like them as &lt;, &gt;, etc. Therefore, we treat the most
    455 	 * popular character entities (including &#xxxx;) without
    456 	 * the last ";" as character entities. If the trailing character
    457 	 * is "=", it must be a part of query in an URL. So &lt=, &gt=, etc.
    458 	 * are not regarded as character entities.
    459 	 */
    460 	strict_entity = FALSE;
    461     }
    462     if (*p == ';')
    463 	p++;
    464     else if (strict_entity) {
    465 	*str = p;
    466 	return -1;
    467     }
    468     *str = p;
    469     return getHash_si(&entity, q, -1);
    470 }
    472 char *
    473 getescapecmd(char **s)
    474 {
    475     char *save = *s;
    476     Str tmp;
    477     int ch = getescapechar(s);
    479     if (ch >= 0)
    480 	return conv_entity(ch);
    482     if (*save != '&')
    483 	tmp = Strnew_charp("&");
    484     else
    485 	tmp = Strnew();
    486     Strcat_charp_n(tmp, save, *s - save);
    487     return tmp->ptr;
    488 }
    490 char *
    491 html_quote(char *str)
    492 {
    493     Str tmp = NULL;
    494     char *p, *q;
    496     for (p = str; *p; p++) {
    497 	q = html_quote_char(*p);
    498 	if (q) {
    499 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    500 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(str, (int)(p - str));
    501 	    Strcat_charp(tmp, q);
    502 	}
    503 	else {
    504 	    if (tmp)
    505 		Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    506 	}
    507     }
    508     if (tmp)
    509 	return tmp->ptr;
    510     return str;
    511 }
    513 char *
    514 html_unquote(char *str)
    515 {
    516     Str tmp = NULL;
    517     char *p, *q;
    519     for (p = str; *p;) {
    520 	if (*p == '&') {
    521 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    522 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(str, (int)(p - str));
    523 	    q = getescapecmd(&p);
    524 	    Strcat_charp(tmp, q);
    525 	}
    526 	else {
    527 	    if (tmp)
    528 		Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    529 	    p++;
    530 	}
    531     }
    533     if (tmp)
    534 	return tmp->ptr;
    535     return str;
    536 }
    538 static char xdigit[0x10] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    540 #define url_unquote_char(pstr) \
    541   ((IS_XDIGIT((*(pstr))[1]) && IS_XDIGIT((*(pstr))[2])) ? \
    542     (*(pstr) += 3, (GET_MYCDIGIT((*(pstr))[-2]) << 4) | GET_MYCDIGIT((*(pstr))[-1])) : \
    543    -1)
    545 char *
    546 url_quote(char *str)
    547 {
    548     Str tmp = NULL;
    549     char *p;
    551     for (p = str; *p; p++) {
    552 	if (is_url_quote(*p)) {
    553 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    554 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(str, (int)(p - str));
    555 	    Strcat_char(tmp, '%');
    556 	    Strcat_char(tmp, xdigit[((unsigned char)*p >> 4) & 0xF]);
    557 	    Strcat_char(tmp, xdigit[(unsigned char)*p & 0xF]);
    558 	}
    559 	else {
    560 	    if (tmp)
    561 		Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    562 	}
    563     }
    564     if (tmp)
    565 	return tmp->ptr;
    566     return str;
    567 }
    569 char *
    570 file_quote(char *str)
    571 {
    572     Str tmp = NULL;
    573     char *p;
    574     char buf[4];
    576     for (p = str; *p; p++) {
    577 	if (is_file_quote(*p)) {
    578 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    579 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(str, (int)(p - str));
    580 	    sprintf(buf, "%%%02X", (unsigned char)*p);
    581 	    Strcat_charp(tmp, buf);
    582 	}
    583 	else {
    584 	    if (tmp)
    585 		Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    586 	}
    587     }
    588     if (tmp)
    589 	return tmp->ptr;
    590     return str;
    591 }
    593 char *
    594 file_unquote(char *str)
    595 {
    596     Str tmp = NULL;
    597     char *p, *q;
    598     int c;
    600     for (p = str; *p;) {
    601 	if (*p == '%') {
    602 	    q = p;
    603 	    c = url_unquote_char(&q);
    604 	    if (c >= 0) {
    605 		if (tmp == NULL)
    606 		    tmp = Strnew_charp_n(str, (int)(p - str));
    607 		if (c != '\0' && c != '\n' && c != '\r')
    608 		    Strcat_char(tmp, (char)c);
    609 		p = q;
    610 		continue;
    611 	    }
    612 	}
    613 	if (tmp)
    614 	    Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    615 	p++;
    616     }
    617     if (tmp)
    618 	return tmp->ptr;
    619     return str;
    620 }
    622 Str
    623 Str_form_quote(Str x)
    624 {
    625     Str tmp = NULL;
    626     char *p = x->ptr, *ep = x->ptr + x->length;
    627     char buf[4];
    629     for (; p < ep; p++) {
    630 	if (*p == ' ') {
    631 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    632 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(x->ptr, (int)(p - x->ptr));
    633 	    Strcat_char(tmp, '+');
    634 	}
    635 	else if (is_url_unsafe(*p)) {
    636 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    637 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(x->ptr, (int)(p - x->ptr));
    638 	    sprintf(buf, "%%%02X", (unsigned char)*p);
    639 	    Strcat_charp(tmp, buf);
    640 	}
    641 	else {
    642 	    if (tmp)
    643 		Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    644 	}
    645     }
    646     if (tmp)
    647 	return tmp;
    648     return x;
    649 }
    652 Str
    653 Str_url_unquote(Str x, int is_form, int safe)
    654 {
    655     Str tmp = NULL;
    656     char *p = x->ptr, *ep = x->ptr + x->length, *q;
    657     int c;
    659     for (; p < ep;) {
    660 	if (is_form && *p == '+') {
    661 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    662 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(x->ptr, (int)(p - x->ptr));
    663 	    Strcat_char(tmp, ' ');
    664 	    p++;
    665 	    continue;
    666 	}
    667 	else if (*p == '%') {
    668 	    q = p;
    669 	    c = url_unquote_char(&q);
    670 	    if (c >= 0 && (!safe || !IS_ASCII(c) || !is_file_quote(c))) {
    671 		if (tmp == NULL)
    672 		    tmp = Strnew_charp_n(x->ptr, (int)(p - x->ptr));
    673 		Strcat_char(tmp, (char)c);
    674 		p = q;
    675 		continue;
    676 	    }
    677 	}
    678 	if (tmp)
    679 	    Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    680 	p++;
    681     }
    682     if (tmp)
    683 	return tmp;
    684     return x;
    685 }
    687 char *
    688 shell_quote(char *str)
    689 {
    690     Str tmp = NULL;
    691     char *p;
    693     for (p = str; *p; p++) {
    694 	if (is_shell_unsafe(*p)) {
    695 	    if (tmp == NULL)
    696 		tmp = Strnew_charp_n(str, (int)(p - str));
    697 	    Strcat_char(tmp, '\\');
    698 	    Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    699 	}
    700 	else {
    701 	    if (tmp)
    702 		Strcat_char(tmp, *p);
    703 	}
    704     }
    705     if (tmp)
    706 	return tmp->ptr;
    707     return str;
    708 }
    710 static char *
    711 w3m_dir(const char *name, char *dft)
    712 {
    713 #ifdef USE_PATH_ENVVAR
    714     char *value = getenv(name);
    715     return value ? value : dft;
    716 #else
    717     return dft;
    718 #endif
    719 }
    721 char *
    722 w3m_auxbin_dir()
    723 {
    724     return w3m_dir("W3M_AUXBIN_DIR", AUXBIN_DIR);
    725 }
    727 char *
    728 w3m_lib_dir()
    729 {
    730     /* FIXME: use W3M_CGIBIN_DIR? */
    731     return w3m_dir("W3M_LIB_DIR", CGIBIN_DIR);
    732 }
    734 char *
    735 w3m_etc_dir()
    736 {
    737     return w3m_dir("W3M_ETC_DIR", ETC_DIR);
    738 }
    740 char *
    741 w3m_conf_dir()
    742 {
    743     return w3m_dir("W3M_CONF_DIR", CONF_DIR);
    744 }
    746 char *
    747 w3m_help_dir()
    748 {
    749     return w3m_dir("W3M_HELP_DIR", HELP_DIR);
    750 }
    751 /* Local Variables:    */
    752 /* c-basic-offset: 4   */
    753 /* tab-width: 8        */
    754 /* End:                */