commit 1136904575380001a977ad4d2868dd785710bb1f
parent 59b9560bfb7bddea44005587fd7cb364f4c71f61
Author: Commit-Bot <unknown>
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:42:43 +0000
Automatic commit from picoLisp.tgz, From: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 17:42:43 GMT
9 files changed, 1819 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/INSTALL b/INSTALL
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ or simply type an empy line (Return).
If you just want to test the ready-to-run Ersatz PicoLisp (it needs a Java
runtime system), use
- $ ./erl
+ $ ersatz/picolisp
instead of 'dbg'.
diff --git a/erl b/erl
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-exec ${0%/*}/ersatz/picolisp -"on *Dbg" ${0%/*}/lib.l @lib/misc.l @lib/pilog.l @lib/debug.l @lib/lint.l "$@"
diff --git a/ersatz/README b/ersatz/README
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
(c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
@@ -33,14 +33,8 @@ Ersatz PicoLisp can be started - analog to 'bin/picolisp' - as
$ ersatz/picolisp
-or, analog to 'dbg' with initial libraries and debugging environment
- $ ./erl
-If absolutely no "bin/picolisp" can be build, you might install symbolic links
-in the "bin/" directory to Ersatz PicoLisp:
- $ (cd bin; ln -s ../ersatz/picolisp && ln -s ../ersatz/picolisp.jar)
+This already includes slighly simplfied versions of the standard libraries as
+loaded by 'dbg' (without database support, but with Pilog and XML support).
Building the JAR file
diff --git a/ersatz/lib.l b/ersatz/lib.l
@@ -0,0 +1,1805 @@
+# 17nov10abu
+# (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
+############ lib.l ############
+(de task (Key . Prg)
+ (nond
+ (Prg (del (assoc Key *Run) '*Run))
+ ((num? Key) (quit "Bad Key" Key))
+ ((assoc Key *Run)
+ (push '*Run
+ (conc
+ (make
+ (when (lt0 (link Key))
+ (link (+ (eval (pop 'Prg) 1))) ) )
+ (ifn (sym? (car Prg))
+ Prg
+ (cons
+ (cons 'job
+ (cons
+ (lit
+ (make
+ (while (atom (car Prg))
+ (link
+ (cons (pop 'Prg) (eval (pop 'Prg) 1)) ) ) ) )
+ Prg ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+ (NIL (quit "Key conflict" Key)) ) )
+(de timeout (N)
+ (if2 N (assoc -1 *Run)
+ (set (cdr @) (+ N))
+ (push '*Run (list -1 (+ N) '(bye)))
+ (del @ '*Run) ) )
+(de macro "Prg"
+ (run (fill "Prg")) )
+(de recur recurse
+ (run (cdr recurse)) )
+(de curry "Z"
+ (let ("X" (pop '"Z") "Y" (pop '"Z") "P" (filter pat? "X"))
+ (if2 "P" (diff "X" "P")
+ (list "Y" (cons 'job (lit (env @)) (fill "Z" "P")))
+ (cons "Y" (fill "Z" "P"))
+ (list "Y" (cons 'job (lit (env @)) "Z"))
+ (cons "Y" "Z") ) ) )
+(de expr ("F")
+ (set "F"
+ (list '@ (list 'pass (box (getd "F")))) ) )
+(de subr ("F")
+ (set "F"
+ (getd (cadr (cadr (getd "F")))) ) )
+(de undef ("X" "C")
+ (when (pair "X")
+ (setq "C" (cdr "X") "X" (car "X")) )
+ (ifn "C"
+ (prog1 (val "X") (set "X"))
+ (prog1
+ (cdr (asoq "X" (val "C")))
+ (set "C"
+ (delq (asoq "X" (val "C")) (val "C")) ) ) ) )
+(de redef "Lst"
+ (let ("Old" (car "Lst") "New" (name "Old"))
+ (set
+ "New" (getd "Old")
+ "Old" "New"
+ "Old" (fill (cdr "Lst") "Old") )
+ "New" ) )
+(de daemon ("X" . Prg)
+ (prog1
+ (nond
+ ((pair "X")
+ (or (pair (getd "X")) (expr "X")) )
+ ((pair (cdr "X"))
+ (method (car "X") (cdr "X")) )
+ (NIL
+ (method (car "X") (get (or (cddr "X") *Class) (cadr "X"))) ) )
+ (con @ (append Prg (cdr @))) ) )
+(de patch ("Lst" "Pat" . "Prg")
+ (bind (fish pat? "Pat")
+ (recur ("Lst")
+ (loop
+ (cond
+ ((match "Pat" (car "Lst"))
+ (set "Lst" (run "Prg")) )
+ ((pair (car "Lst"))
+ (recurse @) ) )
+ (NIL (cdr "Lst"))
+ (T (atom (cdr "Lst"))
+ (when (match "Pat" (cdr "Lst"))
+ (con "Lst" (run "Prg")) ) )
+ (setq "Lst" (cdr "Lst")) ) ) ) )
+(de cache ("Var" "Str" . Prg)
+ (nond
+ ((setq "Var" (car (idx "Var" "Str" T)))
+ (set "Str" "Str" "Str" (run Prg 1)) )
+ ((n== "Var" (val "Var"))
+ (set "Var" (run Prg 1)) )
+ (NIL (val "Var")) ) )
+(de scl (N)
+ (setq *Scl N) )
+### I/O ###
+(de tab (Lst . @)
+ (for N Lst
+ (let V (next)
+ (and (gt0 N) (space (- N (length V))))
+ (prin V)
+ (and (lt0 N) (args) (space (- 0 N (length V)))) ) )
+ (prinl) )
+(de beep ()
+ (prin "^G") )
+(de msg (X . @)
+ (out 2
+ (print X)
+ (pass prinl)
+ (flush) )
+ X )
+(de script (File . @)
+ (load File) )
+(de once Prg
+ (unless (idx '*Once (file) T)
+ (run Prg 1) ) )
+### List ###
+(de insert (N Lst X)
+ (conc
+ (cut (dec N) 'Lst)
+ (cons X)
+ Lst ) )
+(de remove (N Lst)
+ (conc
+ (cut (dec N) 'Lst)
+ (cdr Lst) ) )
+(de place (N Lst X)
+ (conc
+ (cut (dec N) 'Lst)
+ (cons X)
+ (cdr Lst) ) )
+(de uniq (Lst)
+ (let R NIL
+ (filter
+ '((X) (not (idx 'R X T)))
+ Lst ) ) )
+(de group (Lst)
+ (make
+ (for X Lst
+ (if (assoc (car X) (made))
+ (conc @ (cons (cdr X)))
+ (link (list (car X) (cdr X))) ) ) ) )
+### Symbol ###
+(de qsym "Sym"
+ (cons (val "Sym") (getl "Sym")) )
+(de loc (S X)
+ (if (and (str? X) (= S X))
+ X
+ (and
+ (pair X)
+ (or
+ (loc S (car X))
+ (loc S (cdr X)) ) ) ) )
+### OOP ###
+(de class Lst
+ (let L (val (setq *Class (car Lst)))
+ (def *Class
+ (recur (L)
+ (if (atom (car L))
+ (cdr Lst)
+ (cons (car L) (recurse (cdr L))) ) ) ) ) )
+(de object ("Sym" "Val" . @)
+ (def "Sym" "Val")
+ (putl "Sym")
+ (while (args)
+ (put "Sym" (next) (next)) )
+ "Sym" )
+(de extend X
+ (setq *Class (car X)) )
+# Class variables
+(de var X
+ (put *Class (car X) (cdr X)) )
+(de var: X
+ (apply meta X This) )
+### Pretty Printing ###
+(de *PP
+ T NIL if ifn when unless while until do case state for
+ with catch finally ! setq default push job use let let?
+ prog1 later recur redef =: in out ctl tab new )
+(de *PP1 let let? for redef)
+(de *PP2 setq default)
+(de pretty (X N . @)
+ (setq N (abs (space (or N 0))))
+ (while (args)
+ (printsp (next)) )
+ (if (or (atom X) (>= 12 (size X)))
+ (print X)
+ (while (== 'quote (car X))
+ (prin "'")
+ (pop 'X) )
+ (let Z X
+ (prin "(")
+ (when (memq (print (pop 'X)) *PP)
+ (cond
+ ((memq (car Z) *PP1)
+ (if (and (pair (car X)) (pair (cdar X)))
+ (when (>= 12 (size (car X)))
+ (space)
+ (print (pop 'X)) )
+ (space)
+ (print (pop 'X))
+ (when (or (atom (car X)) (>= 12 (size (car X))))
+ (space)
+ (print (pop 'X)) ) ) )
+ ((memq (car Z) *PP2)
+ (inc 'N 3)
+ (loop
+ (prinl)
+ (pretty (cadr X) N (car X))
+ (NIL (setq X (cddr X)) (space)) ) )
+ ((or (atom (car X)) (>= 12 (size (car X))))
+ (space)
+ (print (pop 'X)) ) ) )
+ (when X
+ (loop
+ (T (== Z X) (prin " ."))
+ (T (atom X) (prin " . ") (print X))
+ (prinl)
+ (pretty (pop 'X) (+ 3 N))
+ (NIL X) )
+ (space) )
+ (prin ")") ) ) )
+(de pp ("X" C)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (and (pair "X") (setq C (cdr "X")))
+ (prin "(")
+ (printsp (if C 'dm 'de))
+ (prog1 (printsp "X")
+ (setq "X"
+ (if C
+ (method (if (pair "X") (car "X") "X") C)
+ (val "X") ) )
+ (cond
+ ((atom "X") (prin ". ") (print "X"))
+ ((atom (cdr "X"))
+ (ifn (cdr "X")
+ (print (car "X"))
+ (print (car "X"))
+ (prin " . ")
+ (print @) ) )
+ (T
+ (let Z "X"
+ (print (pop '"X"))
+ (loop
+ (T (== Z "X") (prin " ."))
+ (NIL "X")
+ (T (atom "X")
+ (prin " . ")
+ (print "X") )
+ (prinl)
+ (pretty (pop '"X") 3) )
+ (space) ) ) )
+ (prinl ")") ) ) )
+(de show ("X" . @)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (setq "X" (pass get "X"))
+ (when (sym? "X")
+ (print "X" (val "X"))
+ (prinl)
+ (maps
+ '((X)
+ (space 3)
+ (if (atom X)
+ (println X)
+ (println (cdr X) (car X)) ) )
+ "X" ) )
+ "X" ) )
+(de view (X Y)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (if (=T Y)
+ (let N 0
+ (recur (N X)
+ (when X
+ (recurse (+ 3 N) (cddr X))
+ (space N)
+ (println (car X))
+ (recurse (+ 3 N) (cadr X)) ) ) )
+ (let Z X
+ (loop
+ (T (atom X) (println X))
+ (if (atom (car X))
+ (println '+-- (pop 'X))
+ (print '+---)
+ (view
+ (pop 'X)
+ (append Y (cons (if X "| " " "))) ) )
+ (NIL X)
+ (mapc prin Y)
+ (T (== Z X) (println '*))
+ (println '|)
+ (mapc prin Y) ) ) ) ) )
+############ lib/misc.l ############
+# *Allow *Tmp
+(de *Day . (Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun .))
+(de *Mon . (Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec .))
+(de *mon . (jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec .))
+### Locale ###
+(de *Ctry)
+(de *Lang)
+(de *Sep0 . ".")
+(de *Sep3 . ",")
+(de *CtryCode)
+(de *DateFmt @Y "-" @M "-" @D)
+(de *DayFmt "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday")
+(de *MonFmt "January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July" "August" "September" "October" "November" "December")
+(de locale (Ctry Lang App) # "DE" "de" ["app/loc/"]
+ (load (if (setq *Ctry Ctry) (pack "@loc/" @ ".l") "@loc/NIL.l"))
+ (ifn (setq *Lang Lang)
+ (for S (idx '*Uni)
+ (set S S) )
+ (let L
+ (sort
+ (make
+ ("loc" (pack "@loc/" Lang))
+ (and App ("loc" (pack App Lang))) ) )
+ (balance '*Uni L T)
+ (for S L
+ (set (car (idx '*Uni S)) (val S)) ) ) ) )
+(de "loc" (F)
+ (in F
+ (use X
+ (while (setq X (read))
+ (if (=T X)
+ ("loc" (read))
+ (set (link @) (name (read))) ) ) ) ) )
+### Math ###
+(de sqrt (N F)
+ (cond
+ ((lt0 N) (quit "Bad argument" N))
+ (N
+ (let (A 1 B 0)
+ (while (>= N A)
+ (setq A (>> -2 A)) )
+ (loop
+ (if (> (inc 'B A) N)
+ (dec 'B A)
+ (dec 'N B)
+ (inc 'B A) )
+ (setq B (>> 1 B) A (>> 2 A))
+ (T (=0 A)) )
+ (and F (> N B) (inc 'B))
+ B ) ) ) )
+# (Knuth Vol.2, p.442)
+(de ** (X N) # N th power of X
+ (let Y 1
+ (loop
+ (when (bit? 1 N)
+ (setq Y (* Y X)) )
+ (T (=0 (setq N (>> 1 N)))
+ Y )
+ (setq X (* X X)) ) ) )
+(de accu (Var Key Val)
+ (when Val
+ (if (assoc Key (val Var))
+ (con @ (+ Val (cdr @)))
+ (push Var (cons Key Val)) ) ) )
+### String ###
+(de align (X . @)
+ (pack
+ (if (pair X)
+ (mapcar
+ '((X) (need X (chop (next)) " "))
+ X )
+ (need X (chop (next)) " ") ) ) )
+(de center (X . @)
+ (pack
+ (if (pair X)
+ (let R 0
+ (mapcar
+ '((X)
+ (let (S (chop (next)) N (>> 1 (+ X (length S))))
+ (prog1
+ (need (+ N R) S " ")
+ (setq R (- X N)) ) ) )
+ X ) )
+ (let S (chop (next))
+ (need (>> 1 (+ X (length S))) S " ") ) ) ) )
+(de wrap (Max Lst)
+ (setq Lst (split Lst " " "^J"))
+ (pack
+ (make
+ (while Lst
+ (if (>= (length (car Lst)) Max)
+ (link (pop 'Lst) "^J")
+ (chain
+ (make
+ (link (pop 'Lst))
+ (loop
+ (NIL Lst)
+ (T (>= (+ (length (car Lst)) (sum length (made))) Max)
+ (link "^J") )
+ (link " " (pop 'Lst)) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+### Number ###
+(de pad (N Val)
+ (pack (need N (chop Val) "0")) )
+(de money (N Cur)
+ (if Cur
+ (pack (format N 2 *Sep0 *Sep3) " " Cur)
+ (format N 2 *Sep0 *Sep3) ) )
+(de round (N D)
+ (if (>= *Scl D)
+ (format (*/ N (** 10 (- *Scl D))) D *Sep0 *Sep3)
+ (format N *Scl *Sep0 *Sep3) ) )
+# Octal notation
+(de oct (X)
+ (cond
+ ((num? X)
+ (let (S (and (lt0 X) '-) L (oct1 X))
+ (until (=0 (setq X (>> 3 X)))
+ (push 'L (oct1 X)) )
+ (pack S L) ) )
+ ((setq X (chop X))
+ (let (S (and (= '- (car X)) (pop 'X)) N 0)
+ (for C X
+ (setq N (+ (format C) (>> -3 N))) )
+ (if S (- N) N) ) ) ) )
+(de oct1 (N)
+ (char (+ (& N 7) `(char "0"))) )
+# Hexadecimal notation
+(de hex (X)
+ (cond
+ ((num? X)
+ (let (S (and (lt0 X) '-) L (hex1 X))
+ (until (=0 (setq X (>> 4 X)))
+ (push 'L (hex1 X)) )
+ (pack S L) ) )
+ ((setq X (chop X))
+ (let (S (and (= '- (car X)) (pop 'X)) N 0)
+ (for C X
+ (setq C (- (char C) `(char "0")))
+ (and (> C 9) (dec 'C 7))
+ (and (> C 22) (dec 'C 32))
+ (setq N (+ C (>> -4 N))) )
+ (if S (- N) N) ) ) ) )
+(de hex1 (N)
+ (let C (& 15 N)
+ (and (> C 9) (inc 'C 7))
+ (char (+ C `(char "0"))) ) )
+### Tree ###
+(de balance ("Var" "Lst" "Flg")
+ (unless "Flg" (set "Var"))
+ (let "Len" (length "Lst")
+ (recur ("Lst" "Len")
+ (unless (=0 "Len")
+ (let ("N" (>> 1 (inc "Len")) "L" (nth "Lst" "N"))
+ (idx "Var" (car "L") T)
+ (recurse "Lst" (dec "N"))
+ (recurse (cdr "L") (- "Len" "N")) ) ) ) ) )
+### Allow ###
+(de allowed Lst
+ (setq *Allow (cons NIL (car Lst)))
+ (balance *Allow (sort (cdr Lst))) )
+(de allow (X Flg)
+ (nond
+ (*Allow)
+ (Flg (idx *Allow X T))
+ ((member X (cdr *Allow))
+ (conc *Allow (cons X)) ) )
+ X )
+### Telephone ###
+(de telStr (S)
+ (cond
+ ((not S))
+ ((and *CtryCode (pre? (pack *CtryCode " ") S))
+ (pack 0 (cdddr (chop S))) )
+ (T (pack "+" S)) ) )
+(de expTel (S)
+ (setq S
+ (make
+ (for (L (chop S) L)
+ (ifn (sub? (car L) " -")
+ (link (pop 'L))
+ (let F NIL
+ (loop
+ (and (= '- (pop 'L)) (on F))
+ (NIL L)
+ (NIL (sub? (car L) " -")
+ (link (if F '- " ")) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+ (cond
+ ((= "+" (car S)) (pack (cdr S)))
+ ((head '("0" "0") S)
+ (pack (cddr S)) )
+ ((and *CtryCode (= "0" (car S)))
+ (pack *CtryCode " " (cdr S)) ) ) )
+### Date ###
+# ISO date
+(de dat$ (Dat C)
+ (when (date Dat)
+ (pack (car @) C (pad 2 (cadr @)) C (pad 2 (caddr @))) ) )
+(de $dat (S C)
+ (if C
+ (and
+ (= 3
+ (length (setq S (split (chop S) C))) )
+ (date
+ (format (car S)) # Year
+ (or (format (cadr S)) 0) # Month
+ (or (format (caddr S)) 0) ) ) # Day
+ (and
+ (format S)
+ (date
+ (/ @ 10000) # Year
+ (% (/ @ 100) 100) # Month
+ (% @ 100) ) ) ) )
+(de datSym (Dat)
+ (when (date Dat)
+ (pack
+ (pad 2 (caddr @))
+ (get *mon (cadr @))
+ (pad 2 (% (car @) 100)) ) ) )
+# Localized
+(de datStr (D F)
+ (when (setq D (date D))
+ (let
+ (@Y (if F (pad 2 (% (car D) 100)) (pad 4 (car D)))
+ @M (pad 2 (cadr D))
+ @D (pad 2 (caddr D)) )
+ (pack (fill *DateFmt)) ) ) )
+(de strDat (S)
+ (use (@Y @M @D)
+ (and
+ (match *DateFmt (chop S))
+ (date
+ (format @Y)
+ (or (format @M) 0)
+ (or (format @D) 0) ) ) ) )
+(de expDat (S)
+ (use (@Y @M @D X)
+ (unless (match *DateFmt (setq S (chop S)))
+ (if
+ (or
+ (cdr (setq S (split S ".")))
+ (>= 2 (length (car S))) )
+ (setq
+ @D (car S)
+ @M (cadr S)
+ @Y (caddr S) )
+ (setq
+ @D (head 2 (car S))
+ @M (head 2 (nth (car S) 3))
+ @Y (nth (car S) 5) ) ) )
+ (and
+ (setq @D (format @D))
+ (date
+ (nond
+ (@Y (car (date (date))))
+ ((setq X (format @Y)))
+ ((>= X 100)
+ (+ X
+ (* 100 (/ (car (date (date))) 100)) ) )
+ (NIL X) )
+ (nond
+ (@M (cadr (date (date))))
+ ((setq X (format @M)) 0)
+ ((n0 X) (cadr (date (date))))
+ (NIL X) )
+ @D ) ) ) )
+# Day of the week
+(de day (Dat Lst)
+ (get
+ (or Lst *DayFmt)
+ (inc (% (inc Dat) 7)) ) )
+# Week of the year
+(de week (Dat)
+ (let W
+ (-
+ (_week Dat)
+ (_week (date (car (date Dat)) 1 4))
+ -1 )
+ (if (=0 W) 53 W) ) )
+(de _week (Dat)
+ (/ (- Dat (% (inc Dat) 7)) 7) )
+# Last day of month
+(de ultimo (Y M)
+ (dec
+ (if (= 12 M)
+ (date (inc Y) 1 1)
+ (date Y (inc M) 1) ) ) )
+### Time ###
+(de tim$ (Tim F)
+ (when Tim
+ (setq Tim (time Tim))
+ (pack (pad 2 (car Tim)) ":" (pad 2 (cadr Tim))
+ (and F ":")
+ (and F (pad 2 (caddr Tim))) ) ) )
+(de $tim (S)
+ (setq S (split (chop S) ":"))
+ (unless (or (cdr S) (>= 2 (length (car S))))
+ (setq S
+ (list
+ (head 2 (car S))
+ (head 2 (nth (car S) 3))
+ (nth (car S) 5) ) ) )
+ (when (format (car S))
+ (time @
+ (or (format (cadr S)) 0)
+ (or (format (caddr S)) 0) ) ) )
+(de stamp (Dat Tim)
+ (and (=T Dat) (setq Dat (date T)))
+ (default Dat (date) Tim (time T))
+ (pack (dat$ Dat "-") " " (tim$ Tim T)) )
+(de dirname (F)
+ (pack (flip (member '/ (flip (chop F))))) )
+(de basename (F)
+ (pack (stem (chop F) '/)) )
+# Temporary Files
+(de tmp @
+ (unless *Tmp
+ (push '*Bye '(call 'rm "-r" *Tmp))
+ (push '*Fork '(off *Tmp) '(del '(call 'rm "-r" *Tmp) '*Bye))
+ (call 'mkdir "-p" (setq *Tmp (pack "tmp/" *Pid "/"))) )
+ (pass pack *Tmp) )
+# Print or eval
+(de prEval (Prg Ofs)
+ (default Ofs 1)
+ (for X Prg
+ (if (atom X)
+ (prinl (eval X Ofs))
+ (eval X Ofs) ) ) )
+# Echo here-documents
+(de here (S)
+ (line)
+ (echo S) )
+### Assertions ###
+(de assert Prg
+ (when *Dbg
+ (cons
+ (list 'unless
+ (if (cdr Prg) (cons 'and Prg) (car Prg))
+ (list 'quit "'assert' failed" (lit (car Prg))) ) ) ) )
+(de test (Pat . Prg)
+ (bind (fish pat? Pat)
+ (unless (match Pat (run Prg 1))
+ (msg Prg)
+ (quit "'test' failed" Pat) ) ) )
+############ lib/pilog.l ############
+# *Rule
+(de be CL
+ (with (car CL)
+ (if (== *Rule This)
+ (=: T (conc (: T) (cons (cdr CL))))
+ (=: T (cons (cdr CL)))
+ (setq *Rule This) )
+ This ) )
+(de repeat ()
+ (conc (get *Rule T) (get *Rule T)) )
+(de asserta (CL)
+ (with (car CL)
+ (=: T (cons (cdr CL) (: T))) ) )
+(de assertz (CL)
+ (with (car CL)
+ (=: T (conc (: T) (cons (cdr CL)))) ) )
+(de retract (X)
+ (if (sym? X)
+ (put X T)
+ (put (car X) T
+ (delete (cdr X) (get (car X) T)) ) ) )
+(de rules @
+ (while (args)
+ (let S (next)
+ (for ((N . L) (get S T) L)
+ (prin N " (be ")
+ (print S)
+ (for X (pop 'L)
+ (space)
+ (print X) )
+ (prinl ")")
+ (T (== L (get S T))
+ (println '(repeat)) ) )
+ S ) ) )
+### Pilog Interpreter ###
+(de goal ("CL" . @)
+ (let "Env" '(T)
+ (while (args)
+ (push '"Env"
+ (cons (cons 0 (next)) 1 (next)) ) )
+ (while (and "CL" (pat? (car "CL")))
+ (push '"Env"
+ (cons
+ (cons 0 (pop '"CL"))
+ (cons 1 (eval (pop '"CL"))) ) ) )
+ (cons
+ (cons
+ (conc (list 1 (0) NIL "CL" NIL) "Env") ) ) ) )
+(de fail ()
+ (goal '((NIL))) )
+(de pilog ("CL" . "Prg")
+ (for ("Q" (goal "CL") (prove "Q"))
+ (bind @ (run "Prg")) ) )
+(de solve ("CL" . "Prg")
+ (make
+ (if "Prg"
+ (for ("Q" (goal "CL") (prove "Q"))
+ (link (bind @ (run "Prg"))) )
+ (for ("Q" (goal "CL") (prove "Q"))
+ (link @) ) ) ) )
+(de query ("Q" "Dbg")
+ (use "R"
+ (loop
+ (NIL (prove "Q" "Dbg"))
+ (T (=T (setq "R" @)) T)
+ (for X "R"
+ (space)
+ (print (car X))
+ (print '=)
+ (print (cdr X))
+ (flush) )
+ (T (line)) ) ) )
+(de ? "CL"
+ (let "L"
+ (make
+ (while (nor (pat? (car "CL")) (lst? (car "CL")))
+ (link (pop '"CL")) ) )
+ (query (goal "CL") "L") ) )
+### Basic Rules ###
+(be repeat)
+(be true)
+(be not @P (1 -> @P) T (fail))
+(be not @P)
+(be call @P
+ (2 cons (-> @P)) )
+(be or @L (@C box (-> @L)) (_or @C))
+(be _or (@C) (3 pop (-> @C)))
+(be _or (@C) (@ not (val (-> @C))) T (fail))
+(be nil (@X) (@ not (-> @X)))
+(be equal (@X @X))
+(be different (@X @X) T (fail))
+(be different (@ @))
+(be append (NIL @X @X))
+(be append ((@A . @X) @Y (@A . @Z)) (append @X @Y @Z))
+(be member (@X (@X . @)))
+(be member (@X (@ . @Y)) (member @X @Y))
+(be delete (@A (@A . @Z) @Z))
+(be delete (@A (@X . @Y) (@X . @Z))
+ (delete @A @Y @Z) )
+(be permute ((@X) (@X)))
+(be permute (@L (@X . @Y))
+ (delete @X @L @D)
+ (permute @D @Y) )
+(be uniq (@B @X)
+ (@ not (idx (-> @B) (-> @X) T)) )
+(be asserta (@C) (@ asserta (-> @C)))
+(be assertz (@C) (@ assertz (-> @C)))
+(be retract (@C)
+ (2 cons (-> @C))
+ (@ retract (list (car (-> @C)) (cdr (-> @C)))) )
+(be clause ("@H" "@B")
+ ("@A" get (-> "@H") T)
+ (member "@B" "@A") )
+(be show (@X) (@ show (-> @X)))
+(be val (@V . @L)
+ (@V apply get (-> @L))
+ T )
+(be lst (@V . @L)
+ (@Lst box (apply get (-> @L)))
+ (_lst @V @Lst) )
+(be _lst (@Val @Lst) (@ not (val (-> @Lst))) T (fail))
+(be _lst (@Val @Lst) (@Val pop (-> @Lst)))
+(be map (@V . @L)
+ (@Lst box (apply get (-> @L)))
+ (_map @V @Lst) )
+(be _map (@Val @Lst) (@ not (val (-> @Lst))) T (fail))
+(be _map (@Val @Lst) (@Val prog1 (val (-> @Lst)) (pop (-> @Lst))))
+(be isa (@Typ . @L)
+ (@ or
+ (not (-> @Typ))
+ (isa (-> @Typ) (apply get (-> @L))) ) )
+(be same (@V . @L)
+ (@ let V (-> @V)
+ (or
+ (not V)
+ (let L (-> @L)
+ ("same" (car L) (cdr L)) ) ) ) )
+(de "same" (X L)
+ (cond
+ ((not L)
+ (if (atom X)
+ (= V X)
+ (member V X) ) )
+ ((atom X)
+ ("same" (get X (car L)) (cdr L)) )
+ ((atom (car L))
+ (pick
+ '((Y) ("same" (get Y (car L)) (cdr L)))
+ X ) )
+ (T ("same" (apply get (car L) X) (cdr L))) ) )
+(be bool (@F . @L)
+ (@ or
+ (not (-> @F))
+ (apply get (-> @L)) ) )
+(be range (@N . @L)
+ (@ let N (-> @N)
+ (or
+ (not N)
+ (let L (-> @L)
+ ("range" (car L) (cdr L)) ) ) ) )
+(de "range" (X L)
+ (cond
+ ((not L)
+ (if (atom X)
+ (or
+ (<= (car N) X (cdr N))
+ (>= (car N) X (cdr N)) )
+ (find
+ '((Y)
+ (or
+ (<= (car N) Y (cdr N))
+ (>= (car N) Y (cdr N)) ) )
+ X ) ) )
+ ((atom X)
+ ("range" (get X (car L)) (cdr L)) )
+ ((atom (car L))
+ (pick
+ '((Y) ("range" (get Y (car L)) (cdr L)))
+ X ) )
+ (T ("range" (apply get (car L) X) (cdr L))) ) )
+(be head (@S . @L)
+ (@ let S (-> @S)
+ (or
+ (not S)
+ (let L (-> @L)
+ ("head" (car L) (cdr L)) ) ) ) )
+(de "head" (X L)
+ (cond
+ ((not L)
+ (if (atom X)
+ (pre? S X)
+ (find '((Y) (pre? S Y)) X) ) )
+ ((atom X)
+ ("head" (get X (car L)) (cdr L)) )
+ ((atom (car L))
+ (pick
+ '((Y) ("head" (get Y (car L)) (cdr L)))
+ X ) )
+ (T ("head" (apply get (car L) X) (cdr L))) ) )
+(be fold (@S . @L)
+ (@ let S (-> @S)
+ (or
+ (not S)
+ (let L (-> @L)
+ ("fold" (car L) (cdr L)) ) ) ) )
+(de "fold" (X L)
+ (cond
+ ((not L)
+ (let P (fold S)
+ (if (atom X)
+ (pre? P (fold X))
+ (find '((Y) (pre? P (fold Y))) X) ) ) )
+ ((atom X)
+ ("fold" (get X (car L)) (cdr L)) )
+ ((atom (car L))
+ (pick
+ '((Y) ("fold" (get Y (car L)) (cdr L)))
+ X ) )
+ (T ("fold" (apply get (car L) X) (cdr L))) ) )
+(be part (@S . @L)
+ (@ let S (-> @S)
+ (or
+ (not S)
+ (let L (-> @L)
+ ("part" (car L) (cdr L)) ) ) ) )
+(de "part" (X L)
+ (cond
+ ((not L)
+ (let P (fold S)
+ (if (atom X)
+ (sub? P (fold X))
+ (find '((Y) (sub? P (fold Y))) X) ) ) )
+ ((atom X)
+ ("part" (get X (car L)) (cdr L)) )
+ ((atom (car L))
+ (pick
+ '((Y) ("part" (get Y (car L)) (cdr L)))
+ X ) )
+ (T ("part" (apply get (car L) X) (cdr L))) ) )
+(be tolr (@S . @L)
+ (@ let S (-> @S)
+ (or
+ (not S)
+ (let L (-> @L)
+ ("tolr" (car L) (cdr L)) ) ) ) )
+(de "tolr" (X L)
+ (cond
+ ((not L)
+ (if (atom X)
+ (or (sub? S X) (pre? (ext:Snx S) (ext:Snx X)))
+ (let P (ext:Snx S)
+ (find
+ '((Y)
+ (or (sub? S Y) (pre? P (ext:Snx Y))) )
+ X ) ) ) )
+ ((atom X)
+ ("tolr" (get X (car L)) (cdr L)) )
+ ((atom (car L))
+ (pick
+ '((Y) ("tolr" (get Y (car L)) (cdr L)))
+ X ) )
+ (T ("tolr" (apply get (car L) X) (cdr L))) ) )
+(be _remote ((@Obj . @))
+ (@ not (val (-> @Sockets 2)))
+ T
+ (fail) )
+(be _remote ((@Obj . @))
+ (@Obj let (Box (-> @Sockets 2) Lst (val Box))
+ (rot Lst)
+ (loop
+ (T ((cdar Lst)) @)
+ (NIL (set Box (setq Lst (cdr Lst)))) ) ) )
+############ lib/debug.l ############
+# Browsing
+(de doc (Sym Browser)
+ (let (L (chop Sym) C (car L))
+ (and
+ (member C '("*" "+"))
+ (cadr L)
+ (setq C @) )
+ (cond
+ ((>= "Z" C "A"))
+ ((>= "z" C "a") (setq C (uppc C)))
+ (T (setq C "_")) )
+ (call (or Browser (sys "BROWSER") 'w3m)
+ (pack
+ "file:"
+ (and (= `(char '/) (char (path "@"))) "//")
+ (path "@doc/ref")
+ C ".html#" Sym ) ) ) )
+(de more ("M" "Fun")
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (if (pair "M")
+ ((default "Fun" print) (pop '"M"))
+ (println (type "M"))
+ (setq
+ "Fun" (list '(X) (list 'pp 'X (lit "M")))
+ "M" (mapcar car (filter pair (val "M"))) ) )
+ (loop
+ (flush)
+ (T (atom "M") (prinl))
+ (T (line) T)
+ ("Fun" (pop '"M")) ) ) )
+(de depth (Idx) #> (max . average)
+ (let (C 0 D 0 N 0)
+ (cons
+ (recur (Idx N)
+ (ifn Idx
+ 0
+ (inc 'C)
+ (inc 'D (inc 'N))
+ (inc
+ (max
+ (recurse (cadr Idx) N)
+ (recurse (cddr Idx) N) ) ) ) )
+ (or (=0 C) (*/ D C)) ) ) )
+(de what (S)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (setq S (chop S))
+ (filter
+ '(("X") (match S (chop "X")))
+ (all) ) ) )
+(de who ("X" . "*Prg")
+ (let (*Dbg NIL "Who" '("Who" @ @@ @@@))
+ (make (mapc "who" (all))) ) )
+(de "who" ("Y")
+ (unless (or (ext? "Y") (memq "Y" "Who"))
+ (push '"Who" "Y")
+ (ifn (= `(char "+") (char "Y"))
+ (and (pair (val "Y")) ("nest" @) (link "Y"))
+ (for "Z" (val "Y")
+ (if (atom "Z")
+ (and ("match" "Z") (link "Y"))
+ (when ("nest" (cdr "Z"))
+ (link (cons (car "Z") "Y")) ) ) )
+ (maps
+ '(("Z")
+ (if (atom "Z")
+ (and ("match" "Z") (link "Y"))
+ (when ("nest" (car "Z"))
+ (link (cons (cdr "Z") "Y")) ) ) )
+ "Y" ) ) ) )
+(de "nest" ("Y")
+ ("nst1" "Y")
+ ("nst2" "Y") )
+(de "nst1" ("Y")
+ (let "Z" (setq "Y" (strip "Y"))
+ (loop
+ (T (atom "Y") (and (sym? "Y") ("who" "Y")))
+ (and (sym? (car "Y")) ("who" (car "Y")))
+ (and (pair (car "Y")) ("nst1" @))
+ (T (== "Z" (setq "Y" (cdr "Y")))) ) ) )
+(de "nst2" ("Y")
+ (let "Z" (setq "Y" (strip "Y"))
+ (loop
+ (T (atom "Y") ("match" "Y"))
+ (T (or ("match" (car "Y")) ("nst2" (car "Y")))
+ T )
+ (T (== "Z" (setq "Y" (cdr "Y")))) ) ) )
+(de "match" ("D")
+ (and
+ (cond
+ ((str? "X") (and (str? "D") (= "X" "D")))
+ ((sym? "X") (== "X" "D"))
+ (T (match "X" "D")) )
+ (or
+ (not "*Prg")
+ (let *Dbg (up 2 *Dbg) (run "*Prg")) ) ) )
+(de can (X)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (extract
+ '(("Y")
+ (and
+ (= `(char "+") (char "Y"))
+ (asoq X (val "Y"))
+ (cons X "Y") ) )
+ (all) ) ) )
+# Class dependencies
+(de dep ("C")
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (dep1 0 "C")
+ (dep2 3 "C")
+ "C" ) )
+(de dep1 (N "C")
+ (for "X" (type "C")
+ (dep1 (+ 3 N) "X") )
+ (space N)
+ (println "C") )
+(de dep2 (N "C")
+ (for "X" (all)
+ (when
+ (and
+ (= `(char "+") (char "X"))
+ (memq "C" (type "X")) )
+ (space N)
+ (println "X")
+ (dep2 (+ 3 N) "X") ) ) )
+# Single-Stepping
+(de _dbg (Lst)
+ (or
+ (atom (car Lst))
+ (num? (caar Lst))
+ (flg? (caar Lst))
+ (== '! (caar Lst))
+ (set Lst (cons '! (car Lst))) ) )
+(de _dbg2 (Lst)
+ (map
+ '((L)
+ (if (and (pair (car L)) (flg? (caar L)))
+ (map _dbg (cdar L))
+ (_dbg L) ) )
+ Lst ) )
+(de dbg (Lst)
+ (when (pair Lst)
+ (case (pop 'Lst)
+ ((case state)
+ (_dbg Lst)
+ (for L (cdr Lst)
+ (map _dbg (cdr L)) ) )
+ ((cond nond)
+ (for L Lst
+ (map _dbg L) ) )
+ (quote
+ (when (fun? Lst)
+ (map _dbg (cdr Lst)) ) )
+ ((job use let let? recur)
+ (map _dbg (cdr Lst)) )
+ (loop
+ (_dbg2 Lst) )
+ ((bind do)
+ (_dbg Lst)
+ (_dbg2 (cdr Lst)) )
+ (for
+ (and (pair (car Lst)) (map _dbg (cdar Lst)))
+ (_dbg2 (cdr Lst)) )
+ (T (map _dbg Lst)) )
+ T ) )
+(de d () (let *Dbg NIL (dbg ^)))
+(de debug ("X" C)
+ (ifn (traced? "X" C)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (when (pair "X")
+ (setq C (cdr "X") "X" (car "X")) )
+ (or
+ (dbg (if C (method "X" C) (getd "X")))
+ (quit "Can't debug" "X") ) )
+ (untrace "X" C)
+ (debug "X" C)
+ (trace "X" C) ) )
+(de ubg (Lst)
+ (when (pair Lst)
+ (map
+ '((L)
+ (when (pair (car L))
+ (when (== '! (caar L))
+ (set L (cdar L)) )
+ (ubg (car L)) ) )
+ Lst )
+ T ) )
+(de u () (let *Dbg NIL (ubg ^)))
+(de unbug ("X" C)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (when (pair "X")
+ (setq C (cdr "X") "X" (car "X")) )
+ (or
+ (ubg (if C (method "X" C) (getd "X")))
+ (quit "Can't unbug" "X") ) ) )
+# Tracing
+(de traced? ("X" C)
+ (setq "X"
+ (if C
+ (method "X" C)
+ (getd "X") ) )
+ (and
+ (pair "X")
+ (pair (cadr "X"))
+ (== '$ (caadr "X")) ) )
+# Convert ((X Y) A B) --> ((X Y) ($ foo (X Y) A B))
+(de trace ("X" C)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (when (pair "X")
+ (setq C (cdr "X") "X" (car "X")) )
+ (if C
+ (unless (traced? "X" C)
+ (or (method "X" C) (quit "Can't trace" "X"))
+ (con @
+ (cons
+ (conc
+ (list '$ (cons "X" C) (car @))
+ (cdr @) ) ) ) )
+ (unless (traced? "X")
+ (and (sym? (getd "X")) (quit "Can't trace" "X"))
+ (and (num? (getd "X")) (expr "X"))
+ (set "X"
+ (list
+ (car (getd "X"))
+ (conc (list '$ "X") (getd "X")) ) ) ) )
+ "X" ) )
+# Convert ((X Y) ($ foo (X Y) A B)) --> ((X Y) A B)
+(de untrace ("X" C)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (when (pair "X")
+ (setq C (cdr "X") "X" (car "X")) )
+ (if C
+ (when (traced? "X" C)
+ (con
+ (method "X" C)
+ (cdddr (cadr (method "X" C))) ) )
+ (when (traced? "X")
+ (let X (set "X" (cddr (cadr (getd "X"))))
+ (and
+ (== '@ (pop 'X))
+ (= 1 (length X))
+ (= 2 (length (car X)))
+ (== 'pass (caar X))
+ (sym? (cdadr X))
+ (subr "X") ) ) ) )
+ "X" ) )
+(de *NoTrace
+ @ @@ @@@
+ pp show more
+ what who can dep d e debug u unbug trace untrace )
+(de traceAll (Excl)
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (for "X" (all)
+ (or
+ (memq "X" Excl)
+ (memq "X" *NoTrace)
+ (= `(char "*") (char "X"))
+ (cond
+ ((= `(char "+") (char "X"))
+ (mapc trace
+ (extract
+ '(("Y")
+ (and
+ (pair "Y")
+ (fun? (cdr "Y"))
+ (cons (car "Y") "X") ) )
+ (val "X") ) ) )
+ ((pair (getd "X"))
+ (trace "X") ) ) ) ) ) )
+# Process Listing
+(de proc @
+ (apply call
+ (make (while (args) (link "-C" (next))))
+ 'ps "-H" "-o" "pid,ppid,start,size,pcpu,wchan,cmd" ) )
+# Benchmarking
+(de bench Prg
+ (let U (usec)
+ (prog1 (run Prg 1)
+ (out 2
+ (prinl
+ (format (*/ (- (usec) U) 1000) 3)
+ " sec" ) ) ) ) )
+############ lib/lint.l ############
+(de noLint (X V)
+ (if V
+ (push1 '*NoLint (cons X V))
+ (or (memq X *NoLint) (push '*NoLint X)) ) )
+(de global? (S)
+ (or
+ (memq S '(NIL ^ @ @@ @@@ This T))
+ (member (char S) '(`(char '*) `(char '+))) ) )
+(de local? (S)
+ (or
+ (str? S)
+ (member (char S) '(`(char '*) `(char '_))) ) )
+(de dlsym? (S)
+ (and
+ (car (setq S (split (chop S) ':)))
+ (cadr S)
+ (low? (caar S)) ) )
+(de lint1 ("X")
+ (cond
+ ((atom "X")
+ (when (sym? "X")
+ (cond
+ ((memq "X" "*L") (setq "*Use" (delq "X" "*Use")))
+ ((local? "X") (lint2 (val "X")))
+ (T
+ (or
+ (getd "X")
+ (global? "X")
+ (member (cons "*X" "X") *NoLint)
+ (memq "X" "*Bnd")
+ (push '"*Bnd" "X") ) ) ) ) )
+ ((num? (car "X")))
+ (T
+ (case (car "X")
+ ((: ::))
+ (; (lint1 (cadr "X")))
+ (quote
+ (let F (fun? (cdr "X"))
+ (if (or (and (pair F) (not (fin @))) (== '@ F))
+ (use "*L" (lintFun (cdr "X")))
+ (lint2 (cdr "X")) ) ) )
+ ((de dm)
+ (let "*X" (cadr "X")
+ (lintFun (cddr "X")) ) )
+ (recur
+ (let recurse (cdr "X")
+ (lintFun recurse) ) )
+ (task
+ (lint1 (cadr "X"))
+ (let "Y" (cddr "X")
+ (use "*L"
+ (while (num? (car "Y"))
+ (pop '"Y") )
+ (while (and (car "Y") (sym? @))
+ (lintVar (pop '"Y"))
+ (pop '"Y") )
+ (mapc lint1 "Y") ) ) )
+ (let?
+ (use "*L"
+ (lintVar (cadr "X"))
+ (mapc lint1 (cddr "X")) ) )
+ (let
+ (use "*L"
+ (if (atom (cadr "X"))
+ (lintVar (cadr "X"))
+ (for (L (cadr "X") L (cddr L))
+ (lintDup (car L)
+ (extract '((X F) (and F X))
+ (cddr L)
+ '(T NIL .) ) )
+ (lintVar (car L))
+ (lint1 (cadr L)) ) )
+ (mapc lint1 (cddr "X")) ) )
+ (use
+ (use "*L"
+ (if (atom (cadr "X"))
+ (lintVar (cadr "X"))
+ (mapc lintVar (cadr "X")) )
+ (mapc lint1 (cddr "X")) ) )
+ (for
+ (use "*L"
+ (let "Y" (cadr "X")
+ (cond
+ ((atom "Y") # (for X (1 2 ..) ..)
+ (lint1 (caddr "X"))
+ (lintVar "Y")
+ (lintLoop (cdddr "X")) )
+ ((atom (cdr "Y")) # (for (I . X) (1 2 ..) ..)
+ (lintVar (car "Y"))
+ (lint1 (caddr "X"))
+ (lintVar (cdr "Y"))
+ (lintLoop (cdddr "X")) )
+ ((atom (car "Y")) # (for (X (1 2 ..) ..) ..)
+ (lint1 (cadr "Y"))
+ (lintVar (car "Y"))
+ (mapc lint1 (cddr "Y"))
+ (lintLoop (cddr "X")) )
+ (T # (for ((I . L) (1 2 ..) ..) ..)
+ (lintVar (caar "Y"))
+ (lint1 (cadr "Y"))
+ (lintVar (cdar "Y"))
+ (mapc lint1 (cddr "Y"))
+ (lintLoop (cddr "X")) ) ) ) ) )
+ ((case state)
+ (lint1 (cadr "X"))
+ (for "X" (cddr "X")
+ (mapc lint1 (cdr "X")) ) )
+ ((cond nond)
+ (for "X" (cdr "X")
+ (mapc lint1 "X") ) )
+ (loop
+ (lintLoop (cdr "X")) )
+ (do
+ (lint1 (cadr "X"))
+ (lintLoop (cddr "X")) )
+ (=:
+ (lint1 (last (cddr "X"))) )
+ ((dec inc pop push push1 queue fifo val idx accu)
+ (_lintq '(T)) )
+ ((cut port)
+ (_lintq '(NIL T)) )
+ (set
+ (_lintq '(T NIL .)) )
+ (xchg
+ (_lintq '(T T .)) )
+ (T
+ (cond
+ ((pair (car "X"))
+ (lint1 @)
+ (mapc lint2 (cdr "X")) )
+ ((memq (car "X") "*L")
+ (setq "*Use" (delq (car "X") "*Use"))
+ (mapc lint2 (cdr "X")) )
+ ((fun? (val (car "X")))
+ (if (num? @)
+ (mapc lint1 (cdr "X"))
+ (when (local? (car "X"))
+ (lint2 (val (car "X"))) )
+ (let "Y" (car (getd (pop '"X")))
+ (while (and (pair "X") (pair "Y"))
+ (lint1 (pop '"X"))
+ (pop '"Y") )
+ (if (or (== '@ "Y") (= "Prg" "Y") (= "*Prg" "Y"))
+ (mapc lint1 "X")
+ (lint2 "X") ) ) ) )
+ (T
+ (or
+ (str? (car "X"))
+ (dlsym? (car "X"))
+ (== '@ (car "X"))
+ (memq (car "X") *NoLint)
+ (memq (car "X") "*Def")
+ (push '"*Def" (car "X")) )
+ (mapc lint1 (cdr "X")) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+(de lint2 (X Mark)
+ (cond
+ ((memq X Mark))
+ ((atom X)
+ (and (memq X "*L") (setq "*Use" (delq X "*Use"))) )
+ (T (lint2 (car X))
+ (lint2 (cdr X) (cons X Mark)) ) ) )
+(de lintVar (X Flg)
+ (cond
+ ((or (not (sym? X)) (memq X '(NIL ^ meth quote T)))
+ (push '"*Var" X) )
+ ((not (global? X))
+ (or
+ Flg
+ (member (cons "*X" X) *NoLint)
+ (memq X "*Use")
+ (push '"*Use" X) )
+ (push '"*L" X) ) ) )
+(de lintDup (X Lst)
+ (and
+ (memq X Lst)
+ (not (member (cons "*X" X) *NoLint))
+ (push '"*Dup" X) ) )
+(de lintLoop ("Lst")
+ (for "Y" "Lst"
+ (if (and (pair "Y") (or (=T (car "Y")) (not (car "Y"))))
+ (mapc lint1 (cdr "Y"))
+ (lint1 "Y") ) ) )
+(de _lintq (Lst)
+ (mapc
+ '((X Flg)
+ (lint1 (if Flg (strip X) X)) )
+ (cdr "X")
+ Lst ) )
+(de lintFun ("Lst")
+ (let "A" (and (pair "Lst") (car "Lst"))
+ (while (pair "A")
+ (lintDup (car "A") (cdr "A"))
+ (lintVar (pop '"A") T) )
+ (when "A"
+ (lintVar "A") )
+ (mapc lint1 (cdr "Lst")) ) )
+(de lint ("X" "C")
+ (let ("*L" NIL "*Var" NIL "*Dup" NIL "*Def" NIL "*Bnd" NIL "*Use" NIL)
+ (when (pair "X")
+ (setq "C" (cdr "X") "X" (car "X")) )
+ (cond
+ ("C" # Method
+ (let "*X" (cons "X" "C")
+ (lintFun (method "X" "C")) ) )
+ ((pair (val "X")) # Function
+ (let "*X" "X"
+ (lintFun (val "X")) ) )
+ ((info "X") # File name
+ (let "*X" "X"
+ (in "X" (while (read) (lint1 @))) ) )
+ (T (quit "Can't lint" "X")) )
+ (when (or "*Var" "*Dup" "*Def" "*Bnd" "*Use")
+ (make
+ # Bad variables
+ (and "*Var" (link (cons 'var "*Var")))
+ # Duplicate parameters
+ (and "*Dup" (link (cons 'dup "*Dup")))
+ # Undefined functions
+ (and "*Def" (link (cons 'def "*Def")))
+ # Unbound variables
+ (and "*Bnd" (<> `(char '_) (char "X")) (link (cons 'bnd "*Bnd")))
+ # Unused variables
+ (and "*Use" (link (cons 'use "*Use"))) ) ) ) )
+(de lintAll @
+ (let *Dbg NIL
+ (make
+ (for "X" (all)
+ (cond
+ ((= `(char "+") (char "X"))
+ (for "Y" (val "X")
+ (and
+ (pair "Y")
+ (fun? (cdr "Y"))
+ (lint (car "Y") "X")
+ (link (cons (cons (car "Y") "X") @)) ) ) )
+ ((and (not (global? "X")) (pair (getd "X")) (lint "X"))
+ (link (cons "X" @)) ) ) )
+ (while (args)
+ (and (lint (next)) (link (cons (arg) @))) ) ) ) )
+############ lib/xm.l ############
+# Check or write header
+(de xml? (Flg)
+ (if Flg
+ (prinl "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>")
+ (skip)
+ (prog1
+ (head '("<" "?" "x" "m" "l") (till ">"))
+ (char) ) ) )
+# Generate/Parse XML data
+(de xml (Lst N)
+ (if Lst
+ (let Tag (pop 'Lst)
+ (space (default N 0))
+ (prin "<" Tag)
+ (for X (pop 'Lst)
+ (prin " " (car X) "=\"")
+ (escXml (cdr X))
+ (prin "\"") )
+ (nond
+ (Lst (prinl "/>"))
+ ((or (cdr Lst) (pair (car Lst)))
+ (prin ">")
+ (escXml (car Lst))
+ (prinl "</" Tag ">") )
+ (NIL
+ (prinl ">")
+ (for X Lst
+ (if (pair X)
+ (xml X (+ 3 N))
+ (space (+ 3 N))
+ (escXml X)
+ (prinl) ) )
+ (space N)
+ (prinl "</" Tag ">") ) ) )
+ (skip)
+ (unless (= "<" (char))
+ (quit "Bad XML") )
+ (_xml (till " /<>" T)) ) )
+(de _xml (Tok)
+ (use X
+ (make
+ (link (intern Tok))
+ (let L
+ (make
+ (loop
+ (NIL (skip) (quit "XML parse error"))
+ (T (member @ '`(chop "/>")))
+ (NIL (setq X (intern (till "=" T))))
+ (char)
+ (unless (= "\"" (char))
+ (quit "XML parse error" X) )
+ (link (cons X (pack (xmlEsc (till "\"")))))
+ (char) ) )
+ (if (= "/" (char))
+ (prog (char) (and L (link L)))
+ (link L)
+ (loop
+ (NIL (skip) (quit "XML parse error" Tok))
+ (T (and (= "<" (setq X (char))) (= "/" (peek)))
+ (char)
+ (unless (= Tok (till " /<>" T))
+ (quit "Unbalanced XML" Tok) )
+ (char) )
+ (if (= "<" X)
+ (and (_xml (till " /<>" T)) (link @))
+ (link
+ (pack (xmlEsc (trim (cons X (till "^J<"))))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+(de xmlEsc (L)
+ (use (@X @Z)
+ (make
+ (while L
+ (ifn (match '("&" @X ";" @Z) L)
+ (link (pop 'L))
+ (link
+ (cond
+ ((= @X '`(chop "quot")) "\"")
+ ((= @X '`(chop "amp")) "&")
+ ((= @X '`(chop "lt")) "<")
+ ((= @X '`(chop "gt")) ">")
+ ((= @X '`(chop "apos")) "'")
+ ((= "#" (car @X))
+ (char
+ (if (= "x" (cadr @X))
+ (hex (cddr @X))
+ (format (cdr @X)) ) ) )
+ (T @X) ) )
+ (setq L @Z) ) ) ) ) )
+(de escXml (X)
+ (for C (chop X)
+ (if (member C '`(chop "\"&<"))
+ (prin "&#" (char C) ";")
+ (prin C) ) ) )
+# Access functions
+(de body (Lst . @)
+ (while (and (setq Lst (cddr Lst)) (args))
+ (setq Lst (assoc (next) Lst)) )
+ Lst )
+(de attr (Lst Key . @)
+ (while (args)
+ (setq
+ Lst (assoc Key (cddr Lst))
+ Key (next) ) )
+ (cdr (assoc Key (cadr Lst))) )
+############ lib/xmlrpc.l ############
+# (xmlrpc "localhost" 8080 "" 'int 41 'string "abc" ..)
+(de xmlrpc (Host Port Meth . @)
+ (let? Sock (connect Host Port)
+ (let Xml (tmp 'xmlrpc)
+ (out Xml
+ (xml? T)
+ (xml
+ (list 'methodCall NIL
+ (list 'methodName NIL Meth)
+ (make
+ (link 'params NIL)
+ (while (args)
+ (link
+ (list 'param NIL
+ (list 'value NIL (list (next) NIL (next))) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
+ (prog1
+ (out Sock
+ (prinl "POST /RPC2 HTTP/1.0^M")
+ (prinl "Host: " Host "^M")
+ (prinl "User-Agent: PicoLisp^M")
+ (prinl "Content-Type: text/xml^M")
+ (prinl "Accept-Charset: utf-8^M")
+ (prinl "Content-Length: " (car (info Xml)) "^M")
+ (prinl "^M")
+ (in Xml (echo))
+ (flush)
+ (in Sock
+ (while (line))
+ (let? L (and (xml?) (xml))
+ (when (== 'methodResponse (car L))
+ (xmlrpcValue
+ (car (body L 'params 'param 'value)) ) ) ) ) )
+ (close Sock) ) ) ) )
+(de xmlrpcKey (Str)
+ (or (format Str) (intern Str)) )
+(de xmlrpcValue (Lst)
+ (let X (caddr Lst)
+ (case (car Lst)
+ (string X)
+ ((i4 int) (format X))
+ (boolean (= "1" X))
+ (double (format X *Scl))
+ (array
+ (when (== 'data (car X))
+ (mapcar
+ '((L)
+ (and (== 'value (car L)) (xmlrpcValue (caddr L))) )
+ (cddr X) ) ) )
+ (struct
+ (extract
+ '((L)
+ (when (== 'member (car L))
+ (cons
+ (xmlrpcKey (caddr (assoc 'name L)))
+ (xmlrpcValue (caddr (assoc 'value L))) ) ) )
+ (cddr Lst) ) ) ) ) )
+# vi:et:ts=3:sw=3
diff --git a/ersatz/mkJar b/ersatz/mkJar
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-#!./picolisp ../lib.l
-# 14nov10abu
+# 17nov10abu
# (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
-(load "@ext.l" "@src64/version.l")
+(load "../src64/version.l")
# Build Ersatz PicoLisp
diff --git a/ersatz/picolisp b/ersatz/picolisp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# 12nov10abu
+# 17nov10abu
# Run Ersatz PicoLisp
-exec java -DPID=$$ -jar ${0%/*}/picolisp.jar "$@"
+exec java -DPID=$$ -jar ${0%/*}/picolisp.jar -"on *Dbg" ${0%/*}/lib.l "$@"
diff --git a/ersatz/picolisp.jar b/ersatz/picolisp.jar
Binary files differ.
diff --git a/lib/xm.l b/lib/xm.l
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# 30apr10abu
+# 17nov10abu
# (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
# Check or write header
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
(pack (xmlEsc (trim (cons X (till "^J<"))))) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) )
(de xmlEsc (L)
- (use (@A @X @Z)
+ (use (@X @Z)
(while L
(ifn (match '("&" @X ";" @Z) L)
diff --git a/src64/version.l b/src64/version.l
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# 16nov10abu
+# 17nov10abu
# (c) Software Lab. Alexander Burger
-(de *Version 3 0 4 9)
+(de *Version 3 0 4 10)
# vi:et:ts=3:sw=3